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Recite: O, ljudi! Ne uskraćujte sebi milost Božju i Njegovo milosrđe. Tko se suzdrži od njih, uistinu je na velikom gubitku. Što je, o, ljudi! Zar se klanjate prahu, a odvraćate od vašega Gospoda, Milostivoga, Darežljivoga? Bojte se Boga, i ne budite od onih koji propadaju. Recite: Knjiga Božja bila je poslana dolje u obličju ovoga mladića. Slavljen, stoga, bio Bog, najizvrsniji od stvoritelja! Pazite dobro, o, narodi svijeta, da ne pobjegnete ispred Njegova lica. Nikako, požurite doseći Njegovu nazočnost, i budite od onih koji su se okrenuli k Njemu. Molite za oprost, o, ljudi, zato što niste izvršili vašu dužnost spram Boga, i zato što ste se ogriješili o Učenje Njegovo, i ne budite od budalastih. On je Onaj Koji vas je stvorio; On je Onaj Koji je njegovao vaše duše Svojim Učenjem, i omogućio vam da prepoznate Njega Koji je Svemogući, Najuzvišeniji, Sveznajući. On je Onaj Koji je pred vašim očima otkrio blaga Svojega znanja, i naveo vas da se uspnete u raj osvjedočenja – osvjedočenja o Njegovoj neodoljivoj, Njegovoj neoporecivoj, i najuzvišenijoj Vjeri. Pazite da se ne lišite milosti Božje, da ne pretvorite u ništavilo svoja djela, i ne odbacite istinu ove najjasnije, ove uzvišene ove blistave i slavne Objave. Sudite pravo o Učenju Boga, vašega Stvoritelja, i gledajte ono što je bilo poslano dolje sa Prijestolja u visini, i razmišljajte o tome nevinim i očišćenim srcima. Tada će vam se istina ove Stvari javiti jasna kao sunce u svom podnevnom sjaju. Tada ćete biti od onih koji su povjerovali u Njega. |
Say: O people! Withhold not from yourselves the grace of God and His mercy. Whoso withholdeth himself therefrom is indeed in grievous loss. What, O people! Do ye worship the dust, and turn away from your Lord, the Gracious, the All-Bountiful? Fear ye God, and be not of those who perish. Say: The Book of God hath been sent down in the form of this Youth. Hallowed, therefore, be God, the most excellent of makers! Take ye good heed, O peoples of the world, lest ye flee from His face. Nay, make haste to attain His presence, and be of them that have returned unto Him. Pray to be forgiven, O people, for having failed in your duty towards God, and for having trespassed against His Cause, and be not of the foolish. He it is Who hath created you; He it is Who hath nourished your souls through His Cause, and enabled you to recognize Him Who is the Almighty, the Most Exalted, the All-Knowing. He it is Who hath unveiled to your eyes the treasures of His knowledge, and caused you to ascend unto the heaven of certitude—the certitude of His resistless, His irrefutable, and most exalted Faith. Beware that ye do not deprive yourselves of the grace of God, that ye do not bring to naught your works, and do not repudiate the truth of this most manifest, this lofty, this shining, and glorious Revelation. Judge ye fairly the Cause of God, your Creator, and behold that which hath been sent down from the Throne on high, and meditate thereon with innocent and sanctified hearts. Then will the truth of this Cause appear unto you as manifest as the sun in its noontide glory. Then will ye be of them that have believed in Him. |
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Recite: Prvo i glavno svjedočanstvo koje uspostavlja Njegovu istinu jest On Sâm. Odmah do tog svjedočanstva nalazi se Njegova Objava. Za onoga koji ne uspije prepoznati niti jedno niti drugo, On je uspostavio riječi koje je Sâm objavio kao dokaz Svoje stvarnosti i istine. Ovo je, uistinu, dokaz Njegove nježne milosti prema ljudima. On je obdario svaku dušu sposobnošću prepoznavanja znakova Božjih. Kako bi On, inače, mogao ispuniti Svoje svjedočanstvo ljudima, ako ste vi od onih koji razmišljaju o Stvari Njegovoj u svojim srcima. On nikada neće postupiti nepravedno ni prema kome, niti će opteretiti dušu preko njezinih moći. On je, uistinu, Milosrdni, Svemilostivi. |
Say: The first and foremost testimony establishing His truth is His own Self. Next to this testimony is His Revelation. For whoso faileth to recognize either the one or the other He hath established the words He hath revealed as proof of His reality and truth. This is, verily, an evidence of His tender mercy unto men. He hath endowed every soul with the capacity to recognize the signs of God. How could He, otherwise, have fulfilled His testimony unto men, if ye be of them that ponder His Cause in their hearts. He will never deal unjustly with anyone, neither will He task a soul beyond its power. He, verily, is the Compassionate, the All-Merciful. |
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Recite: toliko je velik sjaj Stvari Božje da je čak i slijepi primjećuju, a koliko je jače moraju vidjeti oni čiji vid je oštar, a vizija čista. Slijepi, premda ne mogu vidjeti svjetlo sunca, ipak mogu osjetiti njegovu trajnu toplinu. Slijepi u srcu, međutim, među ljudima Bayána – a o tome Bog Mi je svjedok – nisu u mogućnosti, ma koliko dugo sunce na njih sjalo, bilo opaziti njegov sjaj na njih, bilo cijeniti toplinu njegovih zraka. |
Say: So great is the glory of the Cause of God that even the blind can perceive it, how much more they whose sight is sharp, whose vision is pure. The blind, though unable to perceive the light of the sun, are, nevertheless, capable of experiencing its continual heat. The blind in heart, however, among the people of the Bayán—and to this God is My witness—are impotent, no matter how long the Sun may shine upon them, either to perceive the radiance of its glory, or to appreciate the warmth of its rays. |
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Recite: O, ljudi Bayána! Izabrali Smo vas iz svijeta da biste spoznali i prepoznali Nas. Naveli Smo vas da se približite desnoj strani Raja – Mjestu iz kojega vječna Vatra izvikuje mnogostrukim izričajima: “Nema drugog Boga osim Mene, Svemogućega, Najvišega!” Pazite da ne dopustite odvojiti se kao velom od ove Danice koja sja iznad osvita Volje vašega Gospoda, Svemilostivoga, i čija je svjetlost obuhvatila i male i velike. Očistite svoj vid, da biste mogli vidjeti njezin sjaj vašim vlastitim očima, i ne oslanjati se ni na čiji vid osim na vlastiti, jer Bog nikada nije opteretio niti jednu dušu preko njezinih mogućnosti. Tako je bilo poslano Prorocima i Glasnicima iz davnine, i bilo je zabilježeno u svim Spisima. |
Say: O people of the Bayán! We have chosen you out of the world to know and recognize Our Self. We have caused you to draw nigh unto the right side of Paradise—the Spot out of which the undying Fire crieth in manifold accents: “There is none other God besides Me, the All-Powerful, the Most High!” Take heed lest ye allow yourselves to be shut out as by a veil from this Daystar that shineth above the dayspring of the Will of your Lord, the All-Merciful, and whose light hath encompassed both the small and the great. Purge your sight, that ye may perceive its glory with your own eyes, and depend not on the sight of anyone except yourself, for God hath never burdened any soul beyond its power. Thus hath it been sent down unto the Prophets and Messengers of old, and been recorded in all the Scriptures. |
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Nastojte, o, ljudi, steći pristupa u ovaj široki Beskraj za koji Bog nije naložio ni početak ni kraj, u kojemu se podigao Njegov glas, i preko kojega su dahnuli slatki mirisi svetosti i slave. Ne oblačite Ruhom veličine, niti dopustite svojim srcima da budu lišena spominjanja vašega Gospoda, niti vašim ušima da slušaju slatke pjesme Njegovoga čudesnog, Njegovoga vrhovnog, Njegovoga sveobvezujućeg, Njegovoga jasnog i najrječitijega glasa. |
Strive, O people, to gain admittance into this vast Immensity for which God ordained neither beginning nor end, in which His voice hath been raised, and over which have been wafted the sweet savors of holiness and glory. Divest not yourselves of the Robe of grandeur, neither suffer your hearts to be deprived of remembering your Lord, nor your ears of hearkening unto the sweet melodies of His wondrous, His sublime, His all-compelling, His clear, and most eloquent voice. |