1 |
Bojte se Boga, o, stanovnici Grada (Konstantinopola), i nemojte sijati sjeme razdora među ljude. Ne kročite putovima Opakoga. Kročite, tijekom malobrojnih preostalih dana svojega života, putovima jedinoga pravoga Boga. Vaši će dani proći kao što su prošli dani onih prije vas. U prah ćete se vratiti, kao što su se vratili vaši očevi iz davnine. |
Fear God, ye inhabitants of the City (Constantinople), and sow not the seeds of dissension amongst men. Walk not in the paths of the Evil One. Walk ye, during the few remaining days of your life, in the ways of the one true God. Your days shall pass away as have the days of them who were before you. To dust shall ye return, even as your fathers of old did return. |
2 |
Znajte da se Ja ne bojim nikoga osim Boga. Nikomu osim Njemu nisam podario Svoje povjerenje; nikoga Se neću držati osim Njega, i neću zaželjeti ništa osim onoga što je On poželio za Mene. To je, uistinu, želja srca Moga, kad biste to samo znali. Ponudio Sam Svoju dušu i Svoje tijelo kao žrtvu Bogu, Gospodu svih svjetova. Tko je god upoznao Boga, neće znati ni za koga osim Njega, a onaj koji se Boga boji, neće se bojati nikoga osim Njega, pa makar se sve sile svijeta digle i krenule na njega. Ne govorim ništa osim po Njegovu nalogu, i ne slijedim ništa, zahvaljujući Božjoj moći i snazi, osim Njegove istine. On će, uistinu, nagraditi istinite. |
Know ye that I am afraid of none except God. In none but Him have I placed My trust; to none will I cleave but Him, and wish for naught except the thing He hath wished for Me. This, indeed, is My heart’s desire, did ye but know it. I have offered up My soul and My body as a sacrifice for God, the Lord of all worlds. Whoso hath known God shall know none but Him, and he that feareth God shall be afraid of no one except Him, though the powers of the whole earth rise up and be arrayed against him. I speak naught except at His bidding, and follow naught, through the power of God and His might, except His truth. He, verily, shall recompense the truthful. |
3 |
Pripovijedaj, o, Slugo, ono što Si gledao za vrijeme Tvojega dolaska u Grad, da bi Tvoje svjedočanstvo moglo potrajati među ljudima, i poslužiti kao upozorenje onima koji vjeruju. Mi smo našli, po Našem dolasku u Grad, njegove upravitelje i starije okupljene poput djece kako se igraju blatom. Nismo vidjeli niti jednoga dovoljno zreloga da primi od Nas istine kojima Nas je poučio Bog, niti sazreloga za Naše čudesne riječi mudrosti. Naše je unutarnje oko gorko zaplakalo nad njima, i nad njihovim prekršajima, i njihovim potpunim zanemarivanjem onoga zbog čega su stvoreni. To Smo opazili u Gradu, i što Smo izabrali zabilježiti u Našu Knjigu, da bi moglo poslužiti kao upozorenje njima, i ostatku čovječanstva. |
Narrate, O Servant, the things Thou didst behold at the time of Thine arrival in the City, that Thy testimony may endure amongst men, and serve as a warning unto them that believe. We found, upon Our arrival in the City, its governors and elders as children gathered about and disporting themselves with clay. We perceived no one sufficiently mature to acquire from Us the truths which God hath taught Us, nor ripe for Our wondrous words of wisdom. Our inner eye wept sore over them, and over their transgressions and their total disregard of the thing for which they were created. This is what We observed in that City, and which We have chosen to note down in Our Book, that it may serve as a warning unto them, and unto the rest of mankind. |
4 |
Reci: Ako težite za ovim životom i njegovim ništavnostima, morali ste ih zaiskati dok ste još bili u utrobi majke, jer u tom razdoblju ste im se neprekidno približavali, kad biste to samo mogli uvidjeti. S druge, pak, strane, otkako ste se rodili i dosegli zrelost, neprekidno se povlačite od svijeta i približavate prašini. Zašto, onda, iskazujete toliku pohlepu gomilajući zemaljska blaga, kad su vam dani odbrojani a prilika gotovo propuštena? Zar se nećete, o, nemarni, trgnuti iz drijemeža? |
Say: If ye be seekers after this life and the vanities thereof, ye should have sought them while ye were still enclosed in your mothers’ wombs, for at that time ye were continually approaching them, could ye but perceive it. Ye have, on the other hand, ever since ye were born and attained maturity, been all the while receding from the world and drawing closer to dust. Why, then, exhibit such greed in amassing the treasures of the earth, when your days are numbered and your chance is well-nigh lost? Will ye not, then, O heedless ones, shake off your slumber? |
5 |
Priklonite svoje uho savjetima koje vam daje ovaj Sluga u ime Boga. On, uistinu, od vas ne traži nikakve naknade i prepušta se onom što je Bog za Njega predodredio, i potpuno je podložan Volji Božjoj. |
Incline your ears to the counsels which this Servant giveth you for the sake of God. He, verily, asketh no recompense from you and is resigned to what God hath ordained for Him, and is entirely submissive to God’s Will. |
6 |
Dani vašeg života gotovo su na izmaku, o, ljudi, i kraj vam se brzo približava. Odložite, stoga, stvari koje ste izmislili i kojih se grčevito držite, i čvrsto se prihvatite zapovijedi Božjih, da biste možda postigli ono što je On za vas namijenio, i da biste bili od onih koji slijede pravi put. Ne radujte se stvarima ovoga svijeta i njihovim ispraznim ukrasima, i ne polažite nade u njih. Uzdajte se u spomen na Boga, Najuzvišenijega, Najvećega. On će, vrlo skoro, u prah pretvoriti sve stvari koje posjedujete. Njega se bojte, i ne zaboravite Njegovu pogodbu s vama, i ne budite od onih koji su kao velom odijeljeni od Njega. |
The days of your life are far spent, O people, and your end is fast approaching. Put away, therefore, the things ye have devised and to which ye cleave, and take firm hold on the precepts of God, that haply ye may attain that which He hath purposed for you, and be of them that pursue a right course. Delight not yourselves in the things of the world and its vain ornaments, neither set your hopes on them. Let your reliance be on the remembrance of God, the Most Exalted, the Most Great. He will, erelong, bring to naught all the things ye possess. Let Him be your fear, and forget not His covenant with you, and be not of them that are shut out as by a veil from Him.
7 |
Čuvajte se da ne budete oholi pred Bogom i ne odbacite s prezirom Njegove ljubljene. Ponizno popustite pred vjernima, onima koji su vjerovali u Boga i Njegove znakove, čija srca svjedoče Njegovom jedinstvu, čiji jezici razglašuju Njegovu jednost, i koji ne govore osim ako im On ne dopusti. Tako vas ohrabrujemo pravdom, i opominjemo istinom, da biste se možda probudili. |
Beware that ye swell not with pride before God, and disdainfully reject His loved ones. Defer ye humbly to the faithful, they that have believed in God and in His signs, whose hearts witness to His unity, whose tongues proclaim His oneness, and who speak not except by His leave. Thus do We exhort you with justice, and warn you with truth, that perchance ye may be awakened. |
8 |
Ni na jednu dušu ne navaljujte teret koji ne želite da bude na vas stavljen, i ne poželite ikomu stvari koje ne biste poželjeli za sebe. To je Moj najbolji savjet vama, kad biste ga se samo pridržavali. |
Lay not on any soul a load which ye would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things ye would not desire for yourselves. This is My best counsel unto you, did ye but observe it. |
9 |
Poštujte duhovnike i učene među vama, one čije je ponašanje u skladu s njihovim profesijama, koji ne prekoračuju granica koje je Bog postavio, koji prosuđuju sukladno s Njegovim nalozima kako je otkriveno u Njegovoj Knjizi. Znajte da su oni svjetiljke vodilje onima na nebu i na zemlji. Oni koji zanemare i odbace duhovnike i učene koji žive među njima – ti su doista proigrali milost kojom ih je Bog obasuo. |
Respect ye the divines and learned amongst you, they whose conduct accords with their professions, who transgress not the bounds which God hath fixed, whose judgments are in conformity with His behests as revealed in His Book. Know ye that they are the lamps of guidance unto them that are in the heavens and on the earth. They who disregard and neglect the divines and learned that live amongst them—these have truly changed the favor with which God hath favored them.
10 |
Recite: Čekajte dok Bog ne otkloni Svoju naklonost od vas. Njemu ništa ne promiče. On zna tajne i neba i zemlje. Njegovo znanje obuhvaća sve stvari. Ne radujte se onom što ste učinili, ili ćete u budućnosti učiniti, i ne uživajte u muci koju ste zadali Nama, jer sredstvima kao što su ta ne možete uzvisiti svoj položaj, kad biste pokušali ispitati svoja djela jasnim razborom. Isto tako nećete moći umanjiti uzvišenost Našeg stanja. Nikako, Bog će još dodati naknadi kojom će Nas nagraditi, jer Smo podnosili s ustrajnom strpljivošću mučenje kojem Smo bili podvrgnuti. On će, uistinu, povećati nagradu onih koji strpljivo podnose. |
Say: Await ye till God will have changed His favor unto you. Nothing whatsoever escapeth Him. He knoweth the secrets both of the heavens and of the earth. His knowledge embraceth all things. Rejoice not in what ye have done, or will do in the future, nor delight in the tribulation with which ye have afflicted Us, for ye are unable by such means as these to exalt your stations, were ye to examine your works with acute discernment. Neither will ye be capable of detracting from the loftiness of Our state. Nay, God will add unto the recompense with which He shall reward Us, for having sustained with persevering patience the tribulations We have suffered. He, verily, shall increase the reward of them that endure with patience. |
11 |
Znajte da su patnje i muke od pamtivijeka bile plaća Izabranicima Božjim i Njegovim ljubljenima, te onim Njegovim slugama koji su se odijelili od svega osim Njega, koje ni roba ni promet ne odvode od spomena Svemogućega, koji ne govore dok On nije progovorio, i koji djeluju u skladu s Njegovim zapovijedima. To je Božji način koji djeluje od davnina, i takav će ostati u budućnosti. Blagoslovljeni su oni koji uporno ustraju, koji su strpljivi u zlu i poteškoćama, koji ne jadikuju nad ičim što ih snađe, i koji kroče stazom prihvaćanja usuda… |
Know ye that trials and tribulations have, from time immemorial, been the lot of the chosen Ones of God and His beloved, and such of His servants as are detached from all else but Him, they whom neither merchandise nor traffic beguile from the remembrance of the Almighty, they that speak not till He hath spoken, and act according to His commandment. Such is God’s method carried into effect of old, and such will it remain in the future. Blessed are the steadfastly enduring, they that are patient under ills and hardships, who lament not over anything that befalleth them, and who tread the path of resignation.… |
12 |
Približava se dan kad će Bog podići ljude koji će dozvati u sjećanje Naše dane koji će kazivati priču o Našim patnjama, koji će zahtijevati povrat Naših prava od onih koji su, bez imalo povoda, postupali s Nama krajnje nepravedno. Bog, besprijeporno, vlada životima onih koji su Nam nanijeli zlo, i potpuno je svjestan njihovih djela. On će ih, sasvim sigurno, dohvatiti zbog njihovih grijeha. On je, uistinu, najžešći od osvetnika. |
The day is approaching when God will have raised up a people who will call to remembrance Our days, who will tell the tale of Our trials, who will demand the restitution of Our rights from them that, without a tittle of evidence, have treated Us with manifest injustice. God, assuredly, dominateth the lives of them that wronged Us, and is well aware of their doings. He will, most certainly, lay hold on them for their sins. He, verily, is the fiercest of avengers. |
13 |
Tako Smo vam ispripovijedali priču o jednom pravom Bogu, i poslali dolje k vama stvari koje je On predodredio, da biste mogli zatražiti oprost Njegov, uzmogli se k Njemu vratiti, zaista se pokajati, uvidjeti svoje pogreške, prenuti se iz sna, trgnuti se iz nemara, iskupiti se za stvari koje su vam promakle, i biti od onih koji čine dobro. Neka onaj koji hoće prizna istinu Mojih riječi; a onaj koji to neće, neka se odvrati. Moja je jedina dužnost podsjetiti vas na vaše neispunjenje dužnosti prema Božjoj Stvari, ako ste vi od onih koji možda mare za Moje upozorenje. Počujte, stoga, Moju riječ, i vratite se Bogu i pokajte se, da bi Se On, u Svojoj milosti, na vas smilovao, otpustio vam vaše grijehe i oprostio vaše prijestupe. Samilost je Njegova veća od jarosti Njegova gnjeva, a milost Njegova obgrljuje sve koji su pozvani u postanje i zaodjeveni odorom života, kako u prošlosti tako i u budućnosti. |
Thus have We recounted unto you the tales of the one true God, and sent down unto you the things He had preordained, that haply ye may ask forgiveness of Him, may return unto Him, may truly repent, may realize your misdeeds, may shake off your slumber, may be roused from your heedlessness, may atone for the things that have escaped you, and be of them that do good. Let him who will, acknowledge the truth of My words; and as to him that willeth not, let him turn aside. My sole duty is to remind you of your failure in duty towards the Cause of God, if perchance ye may be of them that heed My warning. Wherefore, hearken ye unto My speech, and return ye to God and repent, that He, through His grace, may have mercy upon you, may wash away your sins, and forgive your trespasses. The greatness of His mercy surpasseth the fury of His wrath, and His grace encompasseth all who have been called into being and been clothed with the robe of life, be they of the past or of the future. |