LXVII. U ovoj se Objavi pojavilo ono što se nikada prije nije…

1 U ovoj se Objavi pojavilo ono što se nikada prije nije pojavilo. Što se tiče nevjernika koji su bili svjedocima onomu što je bilo iskazano, oni mrmljaju i kažu: “Zaista ovo je čarobnjak koji je proizveo laž protiv Boga.” Oni su uistinu odbačeni ljudi. There hath appeared in this Revelation what hath never appeared before. As to the infidels that have witnessed what hath been manifested, they murmur and say: “Verily, this is a sorcerer who hath devised a lie against God.” They are indeed an outcast people.
2 Ispripovjedi narodima, o, Pero Drevnoga, stvari koje su se dogodile u Iraku. Reci im o glasniku kojega je skup duhovnika te zemlje izabrao da se susretne s Nama, koji Nas je, dosegavši Našu nazočnost, ispitivao o izvjesnim znanostima, i kojemu Smo odgovorili zahvaljujući znanju koje posjedujemo od rođenja. Tvoj je Gospod, uistinu, Znalac stvari neviđenih. “Svjedočimo,” rekao je, “da je znanje koje Ti posjeduješ takvo da ga nitko ne može nadmašiti. Međutim, takvo znanje nije dovoljno da opravda uzvišen položaj koji Ti ljudi pripisuju. Proizvedi, ako govoriš istinu, ono što udružene snage naroda na zemlji ne mogu proizvesti.” Tako je bilo neopozivo naloženo na dvoru nazočnosti tvojega Gospoda, Sveslavljenoga, Koji ljubi. Tell out to the nations, O Pen of the Ancient of Days, the things that have happened in ‘Iráq. Tell them of the messenger whom the congregation of the divines of that land had delegated to meet Us, who, when attaining Our presence, questioned Us concerning certain sciences, and whom We answered by virtue of the knowledge We inherently possess. Thy Lord is, verily, the Knower of things unseen. “We testify,” said he, “that the knowledge Thou dost possess is such as none can rival. Such a knowledge, however, is insufficient to vindicate the exalted station which the people ascribe to Thee. Produce, if Thou speakest the truth, what the combined forces of the peoples of the earth are powerless to produce.” Thus was it irrevocably decreed in the court of the presence of thy Lord, the All-Glorious, the Loving.
3 “Pogledaj! Što je ono što vidiš?” On je zanijemio. A kad je došao k sebi, rekao je: “Uistinu vjerujem u Boga, Sveslavljenoga, Hvaljenoga.” “Pođi k ljudima, i reci im: đUpitajte što god vam drago. Moćan je On činiti što god hoće. Baš ništa, bilo iz prošlosti ili budućnosti, ne može onemogućiti Njegovu Volju.’ Reci: đO, vi, družbo duhovnika! Izaberite bilo koju stvar koju želite, i zatražite Gospoda vašega, Boga Milostivoga da vam je objavi. Ispuni li On vašu želju zahvaljujući Svojoj vrhovnosti, tada povjerujte u Njega, i ne budite od onih koji odbacuju Njegovu istinu.'” “Zora razumijevanja sada je sinula,” rekao je, “i svjedočanstvo Svemilosrdnoga ispunjeno je.” Ustao je i vratio se onima koji su ga poslali, po nalogu Boga, Sveslavljenoga, Ljubljenoga. “Witness! What is it thou seest?” He was dumbfounded. And when he came to himself, he said: “I truly believe in God, the All-Glorious, the All-Praised.” “Go thou to the people, and tell them: ‘Ask whatsoever ye please. Powerful is He to do what He willeth. Nothing whatsoever, be it of the past or of the future, can frustrate His Will.’ Say: ‘O ye congregation of the divines! Choose any matter ye desire, and ask your Lord, the God of Mercy, to reveal it unto you. If He fulfill your wish, by virtue of His sovereignty, believe ye then in Him, and be not of those that reject His truth.’” “The dawn of understanding hath now broken,” said he, “and the testimony of the All-Merciful is fulfilled.” He arose and returned unto them that sent him, at the bidding of God, the All-Glorious, the Well-Beloved.
4 Dani su prolazili a on se nije vraćao k Nama. Na koncu je došao drugi glasnik koji Nas je obavijestio da su ljudi odustali od onoga što su u početku namjeravali. Oni su uistinu ljudi prezira vrijedni. To se dogodilo u Iraku, a ovomu što Ja objavljujem Sâm sam svjedokom. Taj se događaj razglasio naokolo, pa ipak nije se našao nitko tko bi shvatio njegovo značenje. Tako Smo to Mi naložili. O, kad biste vi to znali! Days passed and he failed to come back to Us. Eventually, there came another messenger who informed Us that the people had given up what they originally had purposed. They are indeed a contemptible people. This is what happened in ‘Iráq, and to what I reveal I Myself am witness. This happening was noised abroad, yet none was found to comprehend its meaning. Thus did We ordain it. Would that ye knew this!
5 Moje Mi Biti! Tko god je u prošlim vremenima od Nas zaiskao da proizvedemo znakove Božje, čim Smo mu ih objavili, odbacio je Božju istinu. Ljudi su, međutim, većinom ostali nemarni. Oni kojih su oči prosvijetljene svjetlom razumijevanja opazit će slatke mirise Svemilosrdnoga, i prigrliti Njegovu istinu. To su oni koji su zaista iskreni. By My Self! Whoso hath in bygone ages asked Us to produce the signs of God, hath, no sooner had We revealed them to him, repudiated God’s truth. The people, however, have, for the most part, remained heedless. They whose eyes are illumined with the light of understanding will perceive the sweet savors of the All-Merciful, and will embrace His truth. These are they who are truly sincere.