CIII. Bog je, Svojim jezikom koji govori istinu, u svim Svojim Pločama…

1 Bog je, Svojim jezikom koji govori istinu, u svim Svojim Pločama posvjedočio ovomu: “Ja sam Onaj koji živi u Abhá Kraljevstvu Slave.” God hath, through His tongue that uttereth the truth, testified in all His Tablets to these words: “I am He that liveth in the Abhá Realm of Glory.”
2 Pravičnosti Mi Božje! On iz visina ovoga moćnoga, ovoga svetoga i nadspoznajnoga položaja vidi sve stvari, čuje sve stvari, i u ovaj čas proglašava: Blagoslovljen si ti, o Javáde, jer ti si dosegao ono što nijedan čovjek prije tebe nije dosegao. Prisežem Onim Koji je Vječna Istina! Zahvaljujući tebi obradovale su se oči stanovnika Višnjega Raja. Ljudi su, međutim, potpuno nemarni. Kada Bismo otkrili tvoj položaj, srca ljudi silno bi se onespokojila, njihovi bi koraci zapinjali, utjelovljenja prazne hvalisavosti zanijemila bi, srušili bi se na tlo i u svoje uši gurali prst nemara, od straha da ne bi čuli. By the righteousness of God! He, from the heights of this sublime, this holy, this mighty, and transcendent station, seeth all things, heareth all things, and is, at this hour, proclaiming: Blessed art thou, O Javád, inasmuch as thou hast attained unto that which no man before thee hath attained. I swear by Him Who is the Eternal Truth! Through thee the eyes of the inmates of the Exalted Paradise have been gladdened. The people, however, are utterly heedless. Were We to reveal thy station, the hearts of men would be sorely agitated, their footsteps would slip, the embodiments of vainglory would be dumbfounded, would fall down upon the ground, and would thrust the fingers of heedlessness into their ears, for fear of hearing.
3 Ne tuguj nad onima koji su se zanimali stvarima ovoga svijeta, i zaboravili na spomen na Boga, Najvećega. Onoga Mi Koji je Vječna Istina! Bliži se dan kada će ih dohvatiti gnjevna srdžba Svemogućega. On je, uistinu, Svemoćni, Svepodvrgavajući, Najmoćniji. On će očistiti zemlju od kala njihove pokvarenosti, i dati je u nasljedstvo onim slugama Svojim koji su Mu blizu. Grieve thou not over those that have busied themselves with the things of this world, and have forgotten the remembrance of God, the Most Great. By Him Who is the Eternal Truth! The day is approaching when the wrathful anger of the Almighty will have taken hold of them. He, verily, is the Omnipotent, the All-Subduing, the Most Powerful. He shall cleanse the earth from the defilement of their corruption, and shall give it for an heritage unto such of His servants as are nigh unto Him.
4 Reci: O, ljudi! Neka vam prašina ispuni usta, a pepeo zaslijepi oči, jer ste Božanskoga Josipa u bescjenje dali. O, bijede li koja je na vama, vi koji ste duboko u grijehu! Zar ste zamišljali u srcima vašim da imate moć nadvisiti Njega i Stvar Njegovu? Daleko od toga! Tomu svjedoči On Sâm, Svemogući, Najviši, Najveći. Say: O people! Dust fill your mouths, and ashes blind your eyes, for having bartered away the Divine Joseph for the most paltry of prices. Oh, the misery that resteth upon you, ye that are far astray! Have ye imagined in your hearts that ye possess the power to outstrip Him and His Cause? Far from it! To this He, Himself, the All-Powerful, the Most Exalted, the Most Great, doth testify.
5 Uskoro će vihori Njegove kazne udariti na vas, i prah pakleni će vas prekriti. Oni ljudi koji su se, nagomilavši ispraznosti i zemaljske urese, okrenuli od Boga – izgubili su i ovaj svijet i onaj koji će doći. Uskoro će ih Bog, Rukom Moći, lišiti njihove imovine, i svući s njih ruho Njegova obilja. Tomu će oni sami uskoro posvjedočiti. I ti ćeš svjedočiti. Soon shall the blasts of His chastisement beat upon you, and the dust of hell enshroud you. Those men who, having amassed the vanities and ornaments of the earth, have turned away disdainfully from God—these have lost both this world and the world to come. Erelong, will God, with the Hand of Power, strip them of their possessions, and divest them of the robe of His bounty. To this they themselves shall soon witness. Thou, too, shalt testify.
6 Reci: O, ljudi! Neka vas ne zavede život i njegove obmane, jer svijet i sve što je na njemu čvrsto drži ruka Njegove Volje. On Svoju milost dodijeljuje komu On hoće, a uzima od koga On hoće. On čini što god izabere. Kad bi svijet u Njegovim očima išta vrijedio, jamačno nikada ne bi dopustio Svojim neprijateljima da ga posjeduju, čak ni koliko je zrno sjemenke gorušice. Međutim, umiješao vas je u svjetovne stvari, kao uzvrat za ono što su vaše ruke počinile Stvari Njegovoj. To je, uistinu, kazna koju ste sami sebi odredili od vaše vlastite volje, kad biste to samo uvidjeli. Zar se radujete stvarima koje su dostojne prezira i bezvrijedne po procjeni Božjoj, stvari kojima On iskušava srca onih koji sumnjaju? Say: O people! Let not this life and its deceits deceive you, for the world and all that is therein is held firmly in the grasp of His Will. He bestoweth His favor on whom He willeth, and from whom He willeth He taketh it away. He doth whatsoever He chooseth. Had the world been of any worth in His sight, He surely would never have allowed His enemies to possess it, even to the extent of a grain of mustard seed. He hath, however, caused you to be entangled with its affairs, in return for what your hands have wrought in His Cause. This, indeed, is a chastisement which ye, of your own will, have inflicted upon yourselves, could ye but perceive it. Are ye rejoicing in the things which, according to the estimate of God, are contemptible and worthless, things wherewith He proveth the hearts of the doubtful?