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Neki su smatrali zakonitim povrijediti cjelovitost imanja svojega susjeda, i olako su shvatili nalog Božji kako je propisan u Njegovoj Knjizi. Neka ih snađe zlo, a kazna Boga, Svemogućega, Svemoćnoga, neka ih pogodi! Onoga Mi Koji sja nad Osvitom svetosti! Kad bi cijela zemlja bila pretvorena u srebro i zlato, nijedan čovjek za kojega se može reći da je uistinu uzašao na nebo vjere i osvjedočenja ne bi je udostojio ni pogleda, a kamoli da je uzme i zadrži. Prije Smo govorili o ovoj temi u dijelovima objavljenim na arapskom jeziku, jeziku istančane ljepote. Bog Nam je svjedokom! Tko god je kušao slast onih riječi, nikada neće pristati da prekorači granice koje je postavio Bog, niti će prema ikomu uputiti svoj pogled osim prema svojem Najljubljenijemu. Takav će čovjek, svojim unutarnjim okom, spremno uvidjeti kako su potpuno isprazne i prolazne stvari ovoga svijeta, i svoju će naklonost podariti stvarima gore. |
Some have regarded it as lawful to infringe on the integrity of the substance of their neighbor, and have made light of the injunction of God as prescribed in His Book. Evil fall upon them, and the chastisement of God, the All-Powerful, the Almighty, afflict them! By Him Who shineth above the Dayspring of sanctity! If the whole earth were to be converted into silver and gold, no man who can be said to have truly ascended into the heaven of faith and certitude would deign to regard it, much less to seize and keep it. We have formerly referred to this subject in passages revealed in the Arabic tongue, in a language of exquisite beauty. God is Our witness! Whoever hath tasted the sweetness of those words will never consent to transgress the bounds which God hath fixed, neither will he turn his gaze towards anyone except his Well-Beloved. Such a man will, with his inner eye, readily recognize how altogether vain and fleeting are the things of this world, and will set his affections on things above. |
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Reci: Stidite se, o, vi koji se nazivate zaljubljenicima u Drevnu Ljepotu! Neka vas opomene patnja koju je On trpio, breme boli koje je On nosio Boga radi. Neka vam se oči otvore. S kojim Se ciljem On trudio, ako mnogostruke patnje koje je On podnosio, na koncu imaju za ishod takva prezira vrijedna zanimanja, i takvo bijedno ponašanje? Svaki je pljačkaš, svaki počinitelj zla, u danima prije Moje Objave izgovarao iste te riječi, i činio ista ta djela. |
Say: Be ashamed, O ye that call yourselves the lovers of the Ancient Beauty! Be ye admonished by the tribulation He hath suffered, by the burden of anguish He hath carried for the sake of God. Let your eyes be opened. To what purpose hath He labored, if the manifold trials He hath endured are, in the end, to result in such contemptible professions, and such wretched conduct? Every robber, every worker of iniquity, hath, in the days prior to My Revelation, uttered these same words, and performed these same deeds. |
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Istinu kazujem: Priklonite svoje uho Mojem slatkom glasu, i očistite se od kala vaših opakih strasti i pokvarenih želja. Oni koji stanuju u Svetohraništu Božjemu, i ustoličeni su na sjedištima vječne slave, odbit će, pa makar umirali od gladi, pružiti ruku i nezakonito uzeti vlasništvo svojega susjeda, ma koliko ponižen i bezvrijedan on bio. |
Verily I say: Incline your ears to My sweet voice, and sanctify yourselves from the defilement of your evil passions and corrupt desires. They who dwell within the tabernacle of God, and are established upon the seats of everlasting glory, will refuse, though they be dying of hunger, to stretch their hands and seize unlawfully the property of their neighbor, however vile and worthless he may be. |
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Namjera jedinoga pravoga Boga u objavljivanju Sebe jest pozvati svekoliko čovječanstvo k istinoljubivosti i iskrenosti, pobožnosti i vjerodostojnosti, prepuštanju i podvrgavanju Volji Božjoj, blagosti i suosjećanju, čestitosti i mudrosti. Njegov je cilj zaodjenuti svakoga čovjeka ogrtačem svetačkoga značaja, i ukrasiti ga uresom svetih i dobrih djela. |
The purpose of the one true God in manifesting Himself is to summon all mankind to truthfulness and sincerity, to piety and trustworthiness, to resignation and submissiveness to the Will of God, to forbearance and kindliness, to uprightness and wisdom. His object is to array every man with the mantle of a saintly character, and to adorn him with the ornament of holy and goodly deeds. |
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Reci: Imajte samilosti za same sebe i vaše bližnje, i ne dopustite da Stvar Božja – Stvar koja je neizmjerno uzvišena iznad najdublje biti svetosti – bude okaljana mrljom vaših dokonih uobrazilja, vaših nedoličnih i pokvarenih maštarija. |
Say: Have mercy on yourselves and on your fellowmen, and suffer not the Cause of God—a Cause which is immeasurably exalted above the inmost essence of sanctity—to be sullied with the stain of your idle fancies, your unseemly and corrupt imaginations. |