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Poslije je došao Krist govoreći: “Ja sam rođen od Duha Svetoga”. Premda je danas kršćanima lako vjerovati ovoj tvrdnji, u ono vrijeme bilo je to vrlo teško. Prema tekstu iz Evanđelja Farizeji su rekli: “Zar nije Josipov sin komu poznajemo oca i majku? Kako sad može reći ‘Ja sam sišao s neba’”?6 |
Afterward Christ came, saying, “I am born of the Holy Spirit.” Though it is now easy for the Christians to believe this assertion, at that time it was very difficult. According to the text of the Gospel the Pharisees said, “Is not this the son of Joseph of Nazareth Whom we know? How can He say, therefore, I came down from heaven?”6 |
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Ukratko, ovaj se Čovjek, Koji je, očito i u očima svih, bio priprost, uzdigao s tako golemom moći da je ukinuo religiju koja je trajala 1500 godina i to u vrijeme kad bi i najmanje odstupanje od nje izložilo prijestupnika opasnosti ili smrti. Štoviše, u Kristovo doba moralna načela cijelog svijeta i stanje u kojem su bili Izraelićani bila su potpuno izmiješana i iskrivljena, a Izrael je zapao u stanje krajnje sramote, bijede i ropstva. Jednom su ih porobili Kaldejci i Perzijanci; drugi put su postali robovima Asiraca; potom su postali podanici i vazali Grka; a na kraju su njima zavladali i prezreli ih Rimljani. |
Briefly, this Man, Who, apparently, and in the eyes of all, was lowly, arose with such great power that He abolished a religion that had lasted fifteen hundred years, at a time when the slightest deviation from it exposed the offender to danger or to death. Moreover, in the days of Christ the morals of the whole world and the condition of the Israelites had become completely confused and corrupted, and Israel had fallen into a state of the utmost degradation, misery and bondage. At one time they had been taken captive by the Chaldeans and Persians; at another time they were reduced to slavery to the Assyrians; then they became the subjects and vassals of the Greeks; and finally they were ruled over and despised by the Romans. |
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Taj mladi Čovjek, Krist, uz pomoć nadnaravne moći, opozvao je drevni Mojsijevski Zakon, reformirao opća moralna načela i još jednom položio temelj vječne slave za Izraelićane. Štoviše, ljudima je donio dobre vijesti o sveopćem miru i širio učenja koja nisu bila samo za Izraelićane, već za opću sreću cijelog ljudskog roda. |
This young Man, Christ, by the help of a supernatural power, abrogated the ancient Mosaic Law, reformed the general morals, and once again laid the foundation of eternal glory for the Israelites. Moreover, He brought to humanity the glad tidings of universal peace, and spread abroad teachings which were not for Israel alone but were for the general happiness of the whole human race. |
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Oni koji su Ga prvi željeli smaknuti bili su Izraelićani, Njegov vlastiti rod. Izvana se činilo kao da su Ga pobijedili i izložili najokrutnijem mučenju. Na koncu su Ga okrunili krunom od trnja i raspeli Ga. No Krist je, dok je očevidno bio u najdubljem bolu i jadu, objavio: “Ovo će Sunce sinuti, ovo će Svjetlo sjati, Moja će milost okružiti svijet i svi će Moji neprijatelji biti poniženi”. I kako je On rekao, tako je i bilo; jer svi kraljevi zemlje nisu Mu se mogli oduprijeti. Ne, svi su njihovi barjaci pali, dok se stijeg ovog Potlačenoga uzdigao do zenita. |
Those who first strove to do away with Him were the Israelites, His own kindred. To all outward appearances they overcame Him and brought Him into direst distress. At last they crowned Him with the crown of thorns and crucified Him. But Christ, while apparently in the deepest misery and affliction, proclaimed, “This Sun will be resplendent, this Light will shine, My grace will surround the world, and all My enemies will be brought low.” And as He said, so it was; for all the kings of the earth have not been able to withstand Him. Nay, all their standards have been overthrown, while the banner of that Oppressed One has been raised to the zenith. |
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No, to je oprečno svim pravilima ljudskog razuma. Stoga postaje jasno i očevidno da je to Slavno Biće bilo istinski Odgajatelj svijeta ljudi i da je On bio potpomognut i potvrđen božanskom moći. |
But this is opposed to all the rules of human reason. Then it becomes clear and evident that this Glorious Being was a true Educator of the world of humanity, and that He was helped and confirmed by divine power. |