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1 Na početku jedanaestog poglavlja Otkrivenja svetog Ivana kaže se: In the beginning of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation of St. John it is said:
2 “Potom mi je dana trska slična štapu, a anđeo je stajao zboreći: “Ustani i izmjeri hram Božji, žrtvenik i klanjaoce u njemu.” “And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
3 “A vanjsko dvorište hrama izostavi i ne mjeri ga, jer je predano ‘poganima’, koji će četrdeset i dva mjeseca ‘gaziti’ Sveti grad”! “But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.”
4 Ta je trska Savršeni Čovjek koji je sličan trsci, i ta se sličnost očituje u ovome: kad je unutrašnjost trske prazna i oslobođena svake tvari, proizvest će prekrasne melodije; a jednako kao što zvuk i melodije ne dolaze iz trske već od svirača frule koji u nju puše, isto je tako posvećeno srce blaženoga Bića oslobođeno i ispražnjeno od svega osim od Boga, čisto i bez ikakve vezanosti za sva ljudska stanja i pratilac je Božanskog duha. Štogod On kaže nije od Njega samoga već od stvarnog svirača frule, a to je božansko nadahnuće. Zato On nalikuje trsci; a ta je trska štap – tj. ona je pomoć svim bespomoćnima i potpora ljudskim bićima. To je štap Božanskoga Pastira kojim On čuva svoje stado i vodi ga po pašnjacima Kraljevstva. This reed is a Perfect Man Who is likened to a reed, and the manner of its likeness is this: when the interior of a reed is empty and free from all matter, it will produce beautiful melodies; and as the sound and melodies do not come from the reed, but from the flute player who blows upon it, so the sanctified heart of that blessed Being is free and emptied from all save God, pure and exempt from the attachments of all human conditions, and is the companion of the Divine Spirit. Whatever He utters is not from Himself, but from the real flute player, and it is a divine inspiration. That is why He is likened to a reed; and that reed is like a rod—that is to say, it is the helper of every impotent one, and the support of human beings. It is the rod of the Divine Shepherd by which He guards His flock and leads them about the pastures of the Kingdom.
5 Potom se kaže: “Anđeo je stajao zboreći:”Ustani i izmjeri hram Božji, žrtvenik i klanjaoce u njemu” – tj. usporedi i izmjeri: mjerenje je otkrivanje proporcija. Tako je anđeo rekao: usporedi hram Gospodnji i žrtvenik i one koji se u njemu mole – tj. ispitaj koje je njihovo pravo stanje i otkrij na kojem su stupnju i u kakvu stanju, kakvi su uvjeti, savršenstva, ponašanje i odlike koje posjeduju; upoznaj i tajne oni svetih duša koje žive u Svetom nad Svetima  u čistoći i posvećenosti. Then it is said: “The angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein”—that is to say, compare and measure: measuring is the discovery of proportion. Thus the angel said: compare the temple of God and the altar and them that are praying therein—that is to say, investigate what is their true condition and discover in what degree and state they are, and what conditions, perfections, behavior and attributes they possess; and make yourself cognizant of the mysteries of those holy souls who dwell in the Holy of Holies in purity and sanctity.
6 “No, dvorište izvan hrama izostavi i ne mjeri ga, jer ono je predano poganima”. “But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles.”
7 Na početku sedmog stoljeća poslije Krista, kad je Jeruzalem bio osvojen, Sveti nad Svetima bio je pošteđen izvana – tj. zdanje koje je izgradio Salomon; no, izvan Svetog nad Svetima vanjsko je dvorište bilo oduzeto i dano poganima. “I Sveti će grad oni gaziti četrdeset i dva mjeseca” – tj. pogani će vladati i nadzirati Jeruzalem četrdeset i dva mjeseca, što znači tisuću dvjesto i šezdeset dana; a kako svaki dan označava jednu godinu, ovim računanjem to postaje tisuću dvjesto i šezdeset godina, što je trajanje ciklusa Kurana. Jer, u tekstovima Svete knjige svaki je dan jedna godina; kako je rečeno u četvrtom poglavlju Ezekiela, stih 6: “četrdeset ćeš dana ležati na desnoj strani da nosiš grijeh doma Judina; dajem ti po dan za svaku godinu”. In the beginning of the seventh century after Christ, when Jerusalem was conquered, the Holy of Holies was outwardly preserved—that is to say, the house which Solomon built; but outside the Holy of Holies the outer court was taken and given to the Gentiles. “And the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months”—that is to say, the Gentiles shall govern and control Jerusalem forty and two months, signifying twelve hundred and sixty days; and as each day signifies a year, by this reckoning it becomes twelve hundred and sixty years, which is the duration of the cycle of the Qur’án. For in the texts of the Holy Book, each day is a year; as it is said in the fourth chapter of Ezekiel, verse 6: “Thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.”
8 To predskazuje trajanje Dispenzacije islama kada je Jeruzalem bio pregažen, što znači da je izgubio svoju slavu – ali Sveti nad Svetima je pošteđen, sačuvan i poštovan – sve do 1260. Tih tisuću i dvjesto šezdeset godina predstavlja proročanstvo objave Bába, “Vrata” Bahá’u’lláhovih, koja se dogodila u 1260-toj godini Hidžre Muhameda, a kad je razdoblje od tisuću i dvjesto šezdeset godina proteklo, Jeruzalem, Sveti Grad, počinje se bogatiti, postaje napučen i cvjeta. Svatko tko je vidio Jeruzalem prije šezdeset godina i tko ga vidi sada, uočit će kako je napučen i kako je procvjetao i kako ga ponovno cijene. This prophesies the duration of the Dispensation of Islám when Jerusalem was trodden under foot, which means that it lost its glory—but the Holy of Holies was preserved, guarded and respected—until the year 1260. This twelve hundred and sixty years is a prophecy of the manifestation of the Báb, the “Gate” of Bahá’u’lláh, which took place in the year 1260 of the Hejira of Muḥammad, and as the period of twelve hundred and sixty years has expired, Jerusalem, the Holy City, is now beginning to become prosperous, populous and flourishing. Anyone who saw Jerusalem sixty years ago, and who sees it now, will recognize how populous and flourishing it has become, and how it is again honored.
9 To je vanjsko značenje ovih stihova iz Otkrivenja svetog Ivana; no oni imaju još jedno objašnjenje i simboličko značenje, koje kaže da je Božji zakon podijeljen na dva dijela. Jedan je temeljna osnova koja obuhvaća sve duhovne stvari – tj. odnosi se na duhovne vrline i božanske kvalitete; ne mijenja se: predstavlja Svetog nad Svetima, koji je bit Zakona Adama, Noe, Abrahama, Mojsija, Krista, Muhameda, Bába i Bahá’u’lláha, i koji traje i uspostavljen je u svim proročkim ciklusima. Nikada neće biti opozvan jer je duhovna, a ne materijalna istina; to je vjera, spoznaja, osvjedočenje, pravda, pobožnost, pravičnost, vjerodostojnost, ljubav Božja, dobrohotnost, čistoća, nevezanost, poniznost, blagost, strpljivost i nepokolebljivost. On pokazuje milost prema siromašnima, brani potlačene, daje nesretnicima i podiže posrnule. This is the outward meaning of these verses of the Revelation of St. John; but they have another explanation and a symbolic sense, which is as follows: the Law of God is divided into two parts. One is the fundamental basis which comprises all spiritual things—that is to say, it refers to the spiritual virtues and divine qualities; this does not change nor alter: it is the Holy of Holies, which is the essence of the Law of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Christ, Muḥammad, the Báb, and Bahá’u’lláh, and which lasts and is established in all the prophetic cycles. It will never be abrogated, for it is spiritual and not material truth; it is faith, knowledge, certitude, justice, piety, righteousness, trustworthiness, love of God, benevolence, purity, detachment, humility, meekness, patience and constancy. It shows mercy to the poor, defends the oppressed, gives to the wretched and uplifts the fallen.
10 Te božanske kvalitete, te vječne zapovijedi nikada neće biti ukinute; one će trajati i ostati uspostavljene vječno. Te vrline čovječanstva obnavljat će se u svakom od različitih ciklusa; jer, na kraju svakog ciklusa duhovni Zakon Božji – tj. ljudske vrline – nestaje, a održava se samo oblik. These divine qualities, these eternal commandments, will never be abolished; nay, they will last and remain established for ever and ever. These virtues of humanity will be renewed in each of the different cycles; for at the end of every cycle the spiritual Law of God—that is to say, the human virtues—disappears, and only the form subsists.
11 Tako je među Židovima, na kraju Mojsijeva ciklusa koji se poklapa s kršćanskom objavom, Zakon Božji nestao, a ostala je samo forma bez duha. Sveti nad Svetima izdvojio se među njima, no vanjsko je dvorište Jeruzalema – što je izraz koji se koristio za oblik religije – pao u ruke poganima. Na isti način, temeljna načela Kristove religije, koja su najveće vrline čovječanstva, nestala su, a njezina je forma ostala u rukama svećenstva i svećenika. Također je i temelj Muhamedove religije nestao, no njezina forma ostaje u rukama službene uleme. Thus among the Jews, at the end of the cycle of Moses, which coincides with the Christian manifestation, the Law of God disappeared, only a form without spirit remaining. The Holy of Holies departed from among them, but the outer court of Jerusalem—which is the expression used for the form of the religion—fell into the hands of the Gentiles. In the same way, the fundamental principles of the religion of Christ, which are the greatest virtues of humanity, have disappeared; and its form has remained in the hands of the clergy and the priests. Likewise, the foundation of the religion of Muḥammad has disappeared, but its form remains in the hands of the official ‘ulamá.
12 Ti temelji Religije Božje, koji su duhovni i koji su vrline čovječanstva, ne mogu se ukinuti; oni su neuklonjivi i vječni i obnavljaju se u ciklusu svakog Proroka. These foundations of the Religion of God, which are spiritual and which are the virtues of humanity, cannot be abrogated; they are irremovable and eternal, and are renewed in the cycle of every Prophet.
13 Drugi dio Religije Božje, koji se odnosi na materijalni svijet i koji obuhvaća post, molitvu, oblike bogoštovlja, brak i rastavu, ukidanje ropstva, zakonske procese, transakcije, kazne za ubojstvo, nasilje, krađu i ozljede – taj dio Zakona Božjeg, koji se odnosi na materijalne stvari, oblikuje se i mijenja u svakom proročkom cikusu u skladu s nužnostima vremena. The second part of the Religion of God, which refers to the material world, and which comprises fasting, prayer, forms of worship, marriage and divorce, the abolition of slavery, legal processes, transactions, indemnities for murder, violence, theft and injuries—this part of the Law of God, which refers to material things, is modified and altered in each prophetic cycle in accordance with the necessities of the times.
14 Ukratko, ono što se misli pod terminom Sveti nad Svetima jest duhovni Zakon koji se nikada neće preoblikovati, izmijeniti ili ukinuti. Sveti Grad označava materijalni zakon koji se može ukinuti, a taj materijalni Zakon, koji je opisan kao Sveti Grad trebao je biti gažen tisuću dvjesto i šezdeset godina. Briefly, what is meant by the term Holy of Holies is that spiritual Law which will never be modified, altered or abrogated; and the Holy City means the material Law which may be abrogated; and this material Law, which is described as the Holy City, was to be trodden under foot for twelve hundred and sixty years.
15 “Tada ću ja poslati svoja dva svjedoka da odjeveni u kostrijet proriču tisuću dvjesto i šezdeset godina.”38 Ta dva svjedoka su Muhamed, Glasnik Božji i Alí, sin Abú Táliba. “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three-score days, clothed in sackcloth.”38 These two witnesses are Muḥammad the Messenger of God, and ‘Alí, son of Abú Tálib.
16 U Kuranu je kazano da je Bog oslovio Muhameda, Glasnika Božjeg, govoreći: “Učinili Smo Te Svjedokom, Glasnikom dobrih vijesti, i Upozoriteljem” – tj. Odredili Smo Te svjedokom, donositeljem sretnih vijesti, i Onim koji nosi gnjev Božji.39 “Svjedok” označava onog    prema čijem se svjedočenju stvari mogu verificirati. Zapovijedi ova dva svjedoka trebalo je izvršavati tisuću dvjesto i šezdeset dana, pri čemu svaki dan označava godinu. Dakle Muhamed je bio stablo, a Alí grana poput Mojsija i Jošue. Rečeno je da su oni “odjeveni u kostrijet”, što znači da su oni očito bili odjeveni u staro ruho; drugim riječima – u početku neće imati sjaja u očima ljudi, niti će se njihova Stvar činiti novom; naime, Muhamedov duhovni Zakon odgovara Kristovome u Evanđelju kao što i većina Njegovih zakona koji se odnose na materijalne stvari odgovara onima iz Petoknjižja. To je značenje starog ruha. In the Qur’án it is said that God addressed Muḥammad, the Messenger of God, saying: “We made You a Witness, a Herald of good news, and a Warner”—that is to say, We have established Thee as the witness, the giver of good tidings, and as One bringing the wrath of God.39 The meaning of “a witness” is one by whose testimony things may be verified. The commands of these two witnesses were to be performed for twelve hundred and sixty days, each day signifying a year. Now, Muḥammad was the root, and ‘Alí the branch, like Moses and Joshua. It is said they “are clothed in sackcloth,” meaning that they, apparently, were to be clothed in old raiment, not in new raiment; in other words, in the beginning they would possess no splendor in the eyes of the people, nor would their Cause appear new; for Muḥammad’s spiritual Law corresponds to that of Christ in the Gospel, and most of His laws relating to material things correspond to those of the Pentateuch. This is the meaning of the old raiment.
17 Potom je rečeno: “To su ‘dvije masline’ i dva ‘svijećnjaka’ što ‘stoje pred Gospodarom zemlje’.”40 Te dvije duše uspoređuju se sa stablom masline jer su se u to doba sve svjetiljke punile maslinovim uljim. To označava dvije osobe u kojima se javlja duh mudrosti Božje, koja je uzrok prosvjetljenja svijeta. Ta svjetla Božja imala su zračiti i sjati; zato se uspoređuju sa svijećnjacima: svijećnjak je prebivalište svjetla i iz njega se to svjetlo širi. Na isti će način svjetlo vodstva sjati i zračiti iz tih prosvijetljenih duša. Then it is said: “These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.”40 These two souls are likened to olive trees because at that time all lamps were lighted by olive oil. The meaning is two persons from whom that spirit of the wisdom of God, which is the cause of the illumination of the world, appears. These lights of God were to radiate and shine; therefore, they are likened to two candlesticks: the candlestick is the abode of the light, and from it the light shines forth. In the same way the light of guidance would shine and radiate from these illumined souls.
18 Potom se kaže: “Oni stoje pred Bogom”, što znači da služe Bogu i odgajaju Božja stvorenja poput barbarskih arapskih plemena Arapskog poluotoka, koje su obrazovali tako da su u ono doba dostigli najviši stupanj civilizacije, a njihova slava i ugled proširili se svijetom. Then it is said: “They are standing before God,” meaning that they are standing in the service of God, and educating the creatures of God, such as the barbarous nomad Arab tribes of the Arabian peninsula, whom they educated in such a way that in those days they reached the highest degree of civilization, and their fame and renown became worldwide.
19 “Ako tko hoće da im naudi, ‘iz usta im sukne oganj’ i ‘proždere njihove neprijatelje’.”41 To znači da im se nitko nije mogao oduprijeti, da kad bi neka osoba poželjela poniziti njihova učenja i njihov zakon, bila bi opkoljena   i uništena tim istim zakonom koji je izašao iz njihovih usta; i svakoga tko ih je pokušao ozlijediti, progoniti ili mrziti uništila bi zapovijed koja bi izašla iz njihovih usta. I tako se zbilo: svi njihovi neprijatelji bili su poraženi, naišli su na otpor i bili uništeni. Na taj naočevidniji način Bog im je pomogao. “And if any man would hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies.”41 That is to say, that no one would be able to withstand them, that if a person wished to belittle their teachings and their law, he would be surrounded and exterminated by this same law which proceedeth out of their mouth; and everyone who attempted to injure, to antagonize and to hate them would be destroyed by a command which would come out of their mouth. And thus it happened: all their enemies were vanquished, put to flight and annihilated. In this most evident way God assisted them.
20 Kasnije se kaže: “Oni imaju vlast zatvoriti nebo ‘da ne pada kiša’ za vrijeme njihova proricanja”42, što znači da će oni u tom ciklusu biti poput kraljeva. Zakon i učenja Muhamedova i Alieva tumačenja i komentari, nebeska su milost; žele li oni dati tu milost, imaju moć to učiniti. Ne žele li to, kiša neće pasti: ovdje kiša označava milost. Afterward it is said: “These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy,”42 meaning that in that cycle they would be like kings. The law and teachings of Muḥammad, and the explanations and commentaries of ‘Alí, are a heavenly bounty; if they wish to give this bounty, they have power to do so. If they do not wish it, the rain will not fall: in this connection rain stands for bounty.
21 Potom je kazano: “Oni imaju moć vodu pretvoriti u krv”43, što znači da je proroštvo Muhamedovo jednako Mojsijevom i da je moć Alia jednaka Jošuinoj: kad bi to zaželjeli mogli bi vodu Nila pretvoriti u krv, onoliko koliko se to odnosi na Egipćane i one koji ih poriču – što će reći da je ono što je uzrok njihova života, njihovim neznanjem i ohološću postalo uzrokom njihove smrti. Tako su kraljevstvo, bogatstvo i moć Faraona i njegovog naroda, koji su uzroci života nacije, postali, njihovim otporom, poricanjem i ohološću uzrok smrti, pustošenja, rasula, poniženja i bijede. Odatle ta dva svjedoka imaju moć uništiti narode. Then it is said: “They have power over water to turn it to blood,”43 meaning that the prophethood of Muḥammad was the same as that of Moses, and that the power of ‘Alí was the same as that of Joshua: if they wished, they could turn the water of the Nile into blood, so far as the Egyptians and those who denied them were concerned—that is to say, that that which was the cause of their life, through their ignorance and pride, became the cause of their death. So the kingdom, wealth and power of Pharaoh and his people, which were the causes of the life of the nation, became, through their opposition, denial and pride, the cause of death, destruction, dispersion, degradation and poverty. Hence these two witnesses have power to destroy the nations.
22 I dalje se kaže: “I udariti zemlju svim pošastima koliko god puta htjednu”44, što znači da će oni također imati moć i materijalnu silu potrebnu za obrazovanje zlih i onih koji su tlačitelji i tirani, jer tim dvama svjedocima Bog je dao i vanjsku i unutarnju moć da bi mogli odgajati i ispravljati divlje krvožedne, tiranske nomadske Arape nalik divljim zvijerima. Then it is said: “And smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will,”44 meaning that they also would have the power and the material force necessary to educate the wicked and those who are oppressors and tyrants, for to these two witnesses God granted both outward and inward power, that they might educate and correct the ferocious, bloodthirsty, tyrannical nomad Arabs, who were like beasts of prey.
23 “I kad završe svoje svjedočenje”45, dakle kad izvrše sve što im je naloženo i predaju božansku poruku promičući Zakon Božji i šireći nebeska učenja, s namjerom da se znaci duhovnog života mogu očitovati u dušama i da može zasjati svjetlo vrlina svijeta sve dok ne dođe do posvemašnjeg razvoja među nomadskim plemenima. “And when they shall have finished their testimony”45 means when they should have performed that which they are commanded, and should have delivered the divine message, promoting the Law of God and propagating the heavenly teachings, to the intent that the signs of spiritual life might be manifest in souls, and the light of the virtues of the world of humanity might shine forth, until complete development should be brought about among the nomad tribes.
24 “Zvijer će koja izlazi iz Bezdana ratovati protiv njih, pobijediti ih i ubiti”46: zvijer označava Umayyade koji su ih napali iz bezdana zablude i koji su ustali protiv Muha medove religije i protiv istine Alia – drugim riječima, ljubavi Božje. “The beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them”:46 this beast means the Umayyads who attacked them from the pit of error, and who rose against the religion of Muḥammad and against the reality of ‘Alí—in other words, the love of God.
25 Rečeno je: “Zvijer će voditi rat protiv ta dva svjedoka”47 – misli se na duhovni rat, što znači da će se zvijer ponašati potpuno suprotno učenjima, običajima i institucijama tih dvaju svjedoka u tolikoj mjeri da će se vrline i savršenstva koja je širila moć tih svjedoka među narodima i plemenima posve raspršiti i pobijedit će životinjska narav i  tjelesne želje. Zato će zvijer odnijeti pobjedu – što znači da će se mrak zablude koji dolazi od ove zvijeri spustiti na obzorju svijeta i ubiti ta dva svjedoka; drugim riječima, uništit će duhovni život koji su oni proširili među ljudima i potpuno ukloniti božanske zakone i učenja, gazeći Religiju Božju. Poslije toga neće ostati ništa doli beživotnog tijela bez duha. It is said, “The beast made war against these two witnesses”47—that is to say, a spiritual war, meaning that the beast would act in entire opposition to the teachings, customs and institutions of these two witnesses, to such an extent that the virtues and perfections which were diffused by the power of those two witnesses among the peoples and tribes would be entirely dispelled, and the animal nature and carnal desires would conquer. Therefore, this beast making war against them would gain the victory—meaning that the darkness of error coming from this beast was to have ascendency over the horizons of the world, and kill those two witnesses—in other words, that it would destroy the spiritual life which they spread abroad in the midst of the nation, and entirely remove the divine laws and teachings, treading under foot the Religion of God. Nothing would thereafter remain but a lifeless body without spirit.
26 “I njihova će mrtva tjelesa ležati na trgu velikoga grada, koji se u prenesenom smislu zove “Sodoma” i Egipat – gdje je njihov Gospodin razapet.”48 “Njihova tjelesa” označavaju Religiju Božju, a “trg” znači pogled javnosti. Značenje riječi “Sodoma i Egipat”, mjesto “gdje je njihov Gospodin razapet”, jest područje Sirije i posebno Jeruzalem, gdje su Umayyade imali svoja kraljevstva; i tu su Religija Božja i božanska učenja najprije iščezli, a tijelo ostalo bez duha. “Njihova tjelesa” predstavljaju Religiju Božju koja je ostala kao mrtvo tijelo bez duha. “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.”48 “Their bodies” means the Religion of God, and “the street” means in public view. The meaning of “Sodom and Egypt,” the place “where also our Lord was crucified,” is this region of Syria, and especially Jerusalem, where the Umayyads then had their dominions; and it was here that the Religion of God and the divine teachings first disappeared, and a body without spirit remained. “Their bodies” represents the Religion of God, which remained like a dead body without spirit.
27 “Ljudi će iz svih pukova i plemena, jezika i naroda gledati njihova tjelesa tri i pol dana i neće dopustiti da se njihova tjelesa polože u grob.”49 “And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.”49
28 Kako je ranije objašnjeno u terminologiji Svetih knjiga tri i pol dana označavaju tri i pol godine, a tri i pol godine su četrdeset i dva mjeseca, četrdeset i dva mjeseca su tisuću dvjesto i šezdeset dana; a kako svaki dan prema tekstu Svetih knjiga označava jednu godinu, to znači da će tisuću dvjesto šezdeset godina, koliko traje ciklus Kurana, narodi, plemena i ljudi gledati njihova mrtva tijela – tj. oni će od Religije Božje napraviti predstavu: premda se neće ponašati u skladu s njom, oni ipak neće njihova tijela – znači Religiju Božju – položiti u grob. To  znači da će   se činiti da se drže Religije Božje i neće dopustiti da ona potpuno nestane među njima, niti da se njezino tijelo posve uništi i ukine. Ne, u stvarnosti oni će ga napustiti, a izvana će sačuvati ime i sjećanje. As it was before explained, in the terminology of the Holy Books three days and a half signify three years and a half, and three years and a half are forty and two months, and forty and two months twelve hundred and sixty days; and as each day by the text of the Holy Book signifies one year, the meaning is that for twelve hundred and sixty years, which is the cycle of the Qur’án, the nations, tribes and peoples would look at their bodies—that is to say, that they would make a spectacle of the Religion of God: though they would not act in accordance with it, still, they would not suffer their bodies—meaning the Religion of God—to be put in the grave. That is to say, that in appearance they would cling to the Religion of God and not allow it to completely disappear from their midst, nor the body of it to be entirely destroyed and annihilated. Nay, in reality they would leave it, while outwardly preserving its name and remembrance.
29 Ti “ljudi i narodi” označavaju one koji su okupljeni pod sjenom Kurana, ne dopuštajući Stvari i Zakonu Božjem da naizgled bude potpuno uništen i ukinut – jer među njima postoje post i molitva – no, temeljna načela Religije Božje, koja se odnose na moral i ponašanje, nestala su zajedno sa spoznajom božanskih otajstava; svjetlo vrlina   svijeta čovječanstva – koje je rezultat ljubavi prema Bogu i spoznaje Boga – ugašeno je, a pobijedila je tmina tiranije, ugnjetavanja, sotonskih strasti i želja. Tijelo zakona Božjeg, poput leša, izloženo je pogledu javnosti tisuću dvjesto šezdeset dana, gdje se svaki dan računa kao godina – razdoblje koje označava ciklus Muhamedov. Those “kindreds, people and nations” signify those who are gathered under the shadow of the Qur’án, not permitting the Cause and Law of God to be, in outward appearance, entirely destroyed and annihilated—for there are prayer and fasting among them—but the fundamental principles of the Religion of God, which are morals and conduct, with the knowledge of divine mysteries, have disappeared; the light of the virtues of the world of humanity, which is the result of the love and knowledge of God, is extinguished; and the darkness of tyranny, oppression, satanic passions and desires has become victorious. The body of the Law of God, like a corpse, has been exposed to public view for twelve hundred and sixty days, each day being counted as a year, and this period is the cycle of Muḥammad.
30 Ljudi su proigrali sve što su te dvije osobe uspostavile, a što je temelj zakona Božjeg, i uništili vrline svijeta čovječanstva, koje predstavljaju božanske darove i duh ove religije, u tolikoj mjeri da su istinitost, pravda, ljubav, zajedništvo, čistoća, posvećenost, nevezanost i sve božanske kvalitete nestale među njima. U religiji su se održali samo post i molitva; takvo je stanje potrajalo tisuću dvjesto šezdeset godina, što je trajanje ciklusa Furqana50. Bilo je to kao da su te dvije osobe umrle, a njihova tijela ostala bez duha. The people forfeited all that these two persons had established, which was the foundation of the Law of God, and destroyed the virtues of the world of humanity, which are the divine gifts and the spirit of this religion, to such a degree that truthfulness, justice, love, union, purity, sanctity, detachment and all the divine qualities departed from among them. In the religion only prayers and fasting persisted; this condition lasted for twelve hundred and sixty years, which is the duration of the cycle of the Furqán.50 It was as if these two persons were dead, and their bodies were remaining without spirit.
31 “I oni što nastavaju zemlju obradovat će im se i veseliti, i slat će poklone jedni drugima, jer su ta dva proroka mučila one koji su živjeli na zemlji.”51 “Oni koji nastavahu zemlju” označavaju ostale narode i rase, poput naroda Europe i daleke Azije koji su, vidjevši karakter Islama koji se potpuno izmijenio, te da je zakon Božji posve napušten – da su vrline, zanos i čast među njima nestali i da su se njihove kvalitete promijenile – bili sretni i veseli što je izopačenost morala zarazila ljude Islama te da će ih kao posljedica toga pobijediti drugi narodi. Tako se to zbilo. Posvjedočite kako je taj narod koji je dosegao vrhunac moći sada ponižen i pregažen. “And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.”51 “Those who dwelt upon the earth” means the other nations and races, such as the peoples of Europe and distant Asia, who, when they saw that the character of Islám was entirely changed, the Law of God forsaken—that virtues, zeal and honor had departed from among them, and that their qualities were changed—became happy, and rejoiced that corruption of morals had infected the people of Islám, and that they would in consequence be overcome by other nations. So this thing has come to pass. Witness this people which had attained the summit of power, how degraded and downtrodden it is now.
32 Ostali narodi “slat će poklone jedni drugima”, što znači da će pomagati jedni drugima, jer su ta “dva proroka mučila one koji su živjeli na zemlji” – tj. oni su pobijedili ostale nacije i narode svijeta i osvojili ih. The other nations “shall send gifts to one another,” meaning that they should help each other, for “these two prophets tormented them that dwelt upon the earth”—that is, they overcame the other nations and peoples of the world and conquered them.
33 “Ali nakon tri i pol dana životni dah koji dolazi od Boga uđe u njih te stadoše na svoje noge; i velik strah obuze one koji su ih promatrali.”52 Tri i pol dana, kako smo prije objasnili, jest tisuću dvjesto šezdeset godina. Te dvije osobe čija su tjelesa ležala bez duha predstavljaju učenja i zakon koje je Muhamed uspostavio, a Alí promicao, koji su se,  međutim, udaljili od stvarnosti, a samo je forma ostala. Da je u njih ponovno ušao duh znači da su ti temelji i učenja ponovno uspostavljeni. Drugim riječima, duhovnost Religije Božje pretvorila se u materijalnost, a vrline u poroke; ljubav Božja preobrazila se u mržnju, prosvjetljenje u mrak, božanske kvalitete u sotonske, pravda u tiraniju, milost u mržnju, iskrenost u licemjerje, vodstvo u zabludu, a čistoća u putenost. Onda su nakon tri i pol dana, koja prema terminologiji u Svetim knjigama iznose tisuću dvjesto  i šezdeset godina, ta božanska učenja, nebeske vrline, savršenstva i duhovna bogatstva ponovno obnovljena pojavom Bába i predanošću Jináb-i-Quddúsa53. “And after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them that saw them.”52 Three days and a half, as we before explained, is twelve hundred and sixty years. Those two persons whose bodies were lying spiritless are the teachings and the law that Muḥammad established and ‘Alí promoted, from which, however, the reality had departed and only the form remained. The spirit came again into them means that those foundations and teachings were again established. In other words, the spirituality of the Religion of God had been changed into materiality, and virtues into vices; the love of God had been changed into hatred, enlightenment into darkness, divine qualities into satanic ones, justice into tyranny, mercy into enmity, sincerity into hypocrisy, guidance into error, and purity into sensuality. Then after three days and a half, which by the terminology of the Holy Books is twelve hundred and sixty years, these divine teachings, heavenly virtues, perfections and spiritual bounties were again renewed by the appearance of the Báb and the devotion of Jináb-i-Quddús.53
34 Sveti su lahori zapuhali, svjetlo istine zasjalo je, došlo je doba životvornog proljeća i svanulo jutro vodstva. Ta dva mrtva tijela ponovno su oživjela, a ta dva velikana – jedan Utemeljitelj, a drugi promicatelj – ustala su i bila su poput dva svijećnjaka jer su obasjali svijet svjetlom istine. The holy breezes were diffused, the light of truth shone forth, the season of the life-giving spring came, and the morn of guidance dawned. These two lifeless bodies again became living, and these two great ones—one the Founder and the other the promoter—arose and were like two candlesticks, for they illumined the world with the light of truth.
35 “I začuše jak glas s neba gdje im veli: “Uziđite ovamo! I uziđoše na nebo”54, što znači da su iz nevidljivog neba začuli glas Božji koji im reče: “Izvršili ste sve što je dolikovalo i trebalo pri predaji mojih učenja i sretnih vijesti; prenijeli ste Moju poruku ljudima i pronijeli poziv Božji te ispunili svoju dužnost. Sada, poput Krista, morate žrtvovati svoj život za Ljubljenoga i biti mučenicima. I Sunce Stvarnosti i Mjesec vodstva55, poput Krista, zađoše na obzorju najvećeg mučeništva i uziđoše u Kraljevstvo Božje. “And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven,”54 meaning that from the invisible heaven they heard the voice of God, saying: You have performed all that was proper and fitting in delivering the teachings and glad tidings; you have given My message to the people and raised the call of God, and have accomplished your duty. Now, like Christ, you must sacrifice your life for the Well-Beloved, and be martyrs. And that Sun of Reality, and that Moon of Guidance,55 both, like Christ, set on the horizon of the greatest martyrdom and ascended to the Kingdom of God.
36 “Naočigled svojih neprijatelja”56, znači da su mnogi njihovi neprijatelji, nakon što su bili svjedocima njihova mučeništva, shvatili uzvišenost njihova položaja i veličajnost njihove vrline, te posvjedočili o njihovoj veličini i savršenosti. “And their enemies beheld them,”56 meaning that many of their enemies, after witnessing their martyrdom, realized the sublimity of their station and the exaltation of their virtue, and testified to their greatness and perfection.
37 “U taj čas nastade velik potres zemlje: sruši se desetina grada i u potresu poginu sedam tisuća osoba.”57 “And the same hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand.”57
38 Taj se potres dogodio u Širazu nakon Bábova mučeništva. U gradu je vladao metež i mnogo je ljudi   izginulo. Došlo je do velikog nemira izazvanog boleštinama, kolerom, bijedom, oskudicom, glađu i nedaćama kakve ranije nisu bile poznate. This earthquake occurred in Shíráz after the martyrdom of the Báb. The city was in a turmoil, and many people were destroyed. Great agitation also took place through diseases, cholera, dearth, scarcity, famine and afflictions, the like of which had never been known.
39 “Preživjele spopade strah i zahvališe Bogu na nebesima.”58 “And the remnant was affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven.”58
40 Kad je došlo do zemljotresa u Fársu svi preživjeli su jadikovali i plakali dan i noć i bili zaokupljeni molitvom i slavljenjem Boga. Bili su toliko zabrinuti i preplašeni da noću nisu imali sna ni počinka. When the earthquake took place in Fárs, all the remnant lamented and cried day and night, and were occupied in glorifying and praying to God. They were so troubled and affrighted that they had no sleep nor rest at night.
41 “Drugi “jao” prođe. Evo treći “jao” dolazi brzo.”59 Prvi “jao” je pojava Proroka, Muhameda, sina Abdulahovog – pokoj bio s Njim! Drugi “jao” je Báb – slava Mu i hvala! Treći “jao” je veliki dan objave Gospoda nad vojskama i sjaj Ljepote Obećanoga. Objašnjenje ovoga “jao” spominje se u tridesetom poglavlju Ezekiela, gdje se kaže: “I doći će mi riječ Gospodnja, ‘Sine čovječji, prorokuj i reci: Ovako govori Gospodin Bog; Jaučite! Jao dana! Jer se bliži dan, bliži se dan Gospodnji.’”60 “The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.”59 The first woe is the appearance of the Prophet, Muḥammad, the son of ‘Abdu’lláh—peace be upon Him! The second woe is that of the Báb—to Him be glory and praise! The third woe is the great day of the manifestation of the Lord of Hosts and the radiance of the Beauty of the Promised One. The explanation of this subject, woe, is mentioned in the thirtieth chapter of Ezekiel, where it is said: “The word of the Lord came again unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord God; Howl ye, Woe worth the day! For the day is near, even the day of the Lord is near.”60
42 Zato je sigurno da je dan “jao” dan Gospodnji; jer toga dana “jao” nemarnima, “jao” grešnicima, “jao” onima koji ne znaju. Zato je rečeno: “Drugi “jao” prođe. Evo treći “jao” dolazi brzo”. Taj treći “jao” je dan objave Bahá’u’lláha, dan Božji; i blizu je dana Bábove pojave. Therefore, it is certain that the day of woe is the day of the Lord; for in that day woe is for the neglectful, woe is for the sinners, woe is for the ignorant. That is why it is said, “The second woe is past; behold the third woe cometh quickly!” This third woe is the day of the manifestation of Bahá’u’lláh, the day of God; and it is near to the day of the appearance of the Báb.
43 “I sedmi anđeo zatrubi… Tada u nebu odjeknuše jaki glasovi, kazujući: ‘Kraljevstva ovoga svijeta postadoše kraljevstva našega Gospodina i Njegova Krista; i On će vladati u vijeke vjekova.’”61 “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.”61
44 Sedmi je anđeo čovjek obdaren nebeskim odlikama koji će ustati s nebeskim svojstvima i karakterom. Zaorit će se glasovi kako bi se pojava Božanske Objave proglasila i širila. U doba objave Gospoda nad vojskama i u epohi božanskoga ciklusa Svemogućega koja je obećana u svim knjigama i spisima Proroka – u to doba Gospoda uspostavit će se Duhovno i Božansko kraljevstvo a svijet će biti obnovljen; novi će dah biti udahnut u tijelo stvaranja; nastupit će doba božanskog proljeća; oblaci milosti izlit će svoju kišu; zasjat će Sunce Stvarnosti; životvorni lahori zapuhat će; svijet ljudi odjenut će novo ruho; površina zemlje bit će uzvišeni raj; čovječanstvo će biti odgojeno; ratovi, razmirice, svađe i zloba nestat će, a pojavit će se istinitost, pravičnost, mir i bogoštovlje; zajedništvo, ljubav i bratstvo okružit će svijet, a Bog će vladati u vijeke vjekova – što znači da će se uspostaviti Vječno Kraljevstvo. Takav je dan Gospodnji, jer svi dani koji su došli i prošli bili su dani Abrahama, Mojsija, Krista ili drugih Proroka; no, ovaj dan je dan Božji jer Sunce će Stvarnosti toplo i sjajno izaći na taj dan. The seventh angel is a man qualified with heavenly attributes, who will arise with heavenly qualities and character. Voices will be raised, so that the appearance of the Divine Manifestation will be proclaimed and diffused. In the day of the manifestation of the Lord of Hosts, and at the epoch of the divine cycle of the Omnipotent which is promised and mentioned in all the books and writings of the Prophets—in that day of God, the Spiritual and Divine Kingdom will be established, and the world will be renewed; a new spirit will be breathed into the body of creation; the season of the divine spring will come; the clouds of mercy will rain; the sun of reality will shine; the life-giving breeze will blow; the world of humanity will wear a new garment; the surface of the earth will be a sublime paradise; mankind will be educated; wars, disputes, quarrels and malignity will disappear; and truthfulness, righteousness, peace and the worship of God will appear; union, love and brotherhood will surround the world; and God will rule for evermore—meaning that the Spiritual and Everlasting Kingdom will be established. Such is the day of God. For all the days which have come and gone were the days of Abraham, Moses and Christ, or of the other Prophets; but this day is the day of God, for the Sun of Reality will arise in it with the utmost warmth and splendor.
45 “Tada dvadeset i četiri Starca, koji pred Bogom sjede na svojim prijestoljima, padoše ničice i pokloniše se Bogu, veleći: “And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God.
46 “Zahvaljujemo Ti, Gospodine Bože, Svemogući, koji jesi, koji bijaše i koji dolaziš, što si uzeo u ruke Svoju veliku vlast i počeo kraljevati.”62 U svakom je ciklusu čuvara i svetih duša bilo dvanaest. Tako je Jakob imao dvanaest sinova; u Mojsijevo doba bilo je dvanaest poglavica na čelu plemena; u Kristovo doba bilo je dvanaest Apostola; a u Muhamedovo doba bilo je dvanaest Imama. Ali u ovoj slavnoj objavi bilo ih je dvadeset i četiri, dvostruko više nego svih do tada, jer to traži veličina ove objave. Te svete duše u Božjoj nazočnosti sjede na svojim vlastitim prijestoljima, što znači da vladaju vječno. “Saying, We give Thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, Which art, and wast, and art to come; because Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power, and hast reigned.”62 In each cycle the guardians and holy souls have been twelve. So Jacob had twelve sons; in the time of Moses there were twelve heads or chiefs of the tribes; in the time of Christ there were twelve Apostles; and in the time of Muḥammad there were twelve Imáms. But in this glorious manifestation there are twenty-four, double the number of all the others, for the greatness of this manifestation requires it. These holy souls are in the presence of God seated on their own thrones, meaning that they reign eternally.
47 Te dvadeset i četiri velike osobe, premda sjede na prijestoljima vječne vladavine, ipak su štovatelji pojave univerzalne Objave, ponizne su i poslušne i govore: “Zahvaljujemo Ti, o, Gospodine Bože Svemogući, Koji jesi, Koji bijaše i Koji trebaš doći, što si uzeo u ruke svoju veliku vlast i počeo kraljevati” – tj. Ti ćeš dati sva Svoja učenja, Ti ćeš okupiti sve ljude na zemlji u Svoju sjenu i sve ćeš ljude dovesti u zaklon Svoga šatora. Premda je to Vječno Kraljevstvo Božje i koje je On oduvijek imao i ima, Kraljevstvo ovdje označava objavu Njega Samoga;63 On će dati sve zakone i učenja koji su duh svijeta čovječanstva i vječnoga života. I ta će univerzalna Objava potčiniti svijet duhovnom moći, a ne borbom i ratom; On će to učiniti mirno i spokojno, a ne mačem i oružjem; On će uspostaviti Kraljevstvo nebesko istinskom ljubavlju, a ne silom rata. On će promicati ta božanska učenja ljubaznošću i pravič- nošću, a ne oružjem i grubošću. On će odgojiti ljude i narode tako da će, bez obzira na njihove različite životne uvjete, njihove različite običaje i karakter, te njihove različite religije i rase, oni, kako je rečeno u Bibliji, poput vuka i janjeta, risa i kozlića, dojenčeta i zmije, postati drugovi, prijatelji i suradnici. Svađe među rasama, razmirice među religijama i prepreke među nacijama bit će potpuno uklonjene i svi će dosegnuti savršeno jedinstvo i izmirenje u sjeni Blagoslovljena Drveta. These twenty-four great persons, though they are seated on the thrones of everlasting rule, yet are worshipers of the appearance of the universal Manifestation, and they are humble and submissive, saying, “We give thanks to Thee, O Lord God Almighty, Which art, and wast, and art to come, because Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power and hast reigned”—that is to say, Thou wilt issue all Thy teachings, Thou wilt gather all the people of the earth under Thy shadow, and Thou wilt bring all men under the shadow of one tent. Although it is the Eternal Kingdom of God, and He always had, and has, a Kingdom, the Kingdom here means the manifestation of Himself;63 and He will issue all the laws and teachings which are the spirit of the world of humanity and everlasting life. And that universal Manifestation will subdue the world by spiritual power, not by war and combat; He will do it with peace and tranquillity, not by the sword and arms; He will establish this Heavenly Kingdom by true love, and not by the power of war. He will promote these divine teachings by kindness and righteousness, and not by weapons and harshness. He will so educate the nations and people that, notwithstanding their various conditions, their different customs and characters, and their diverse religions and races, they will, as it is said in the Bible, like the wolf and the lamb, the leopard, the kid, the sucking child and the serpent, become comrades, friends and companions. The contentions of races, the differences of religions, and the barriers between nations will be completely removed, and all will attain perfect union and reconciliation under the shadow of the Blessed Tree.
48 “I narodi bijahu srditi”, jer su se Tvoja učenja kosila sa strastima drugih naroda; “ali dođe Tvoja srdžba”64 – tj. svi će biti pogođeni očevidnim gubitkom; budući da ne slijede preporuke, savjete i učenja, bit će lišeni Tvoje vječne dobrote i zakriveni od svjetla Sunca Stvarnosti. “And the nations were angry,” for Thy teachings opposed the passions of the other peoples; “and Thy wrath is come”64—that is to say, all will be afflicted by evident loss; because they do not follow Thy precepts, counsels and teachings, they will be deprived of Thy everlasting bounty, and veiled from the light of the Sun of Reality.
49 “I vrijeme kad treba suditi mrtve”, znači da je došlo vrijeme da se mrtvima65 – dakle onima koji su lišeni duha ljubavi Božje i nemaju udjela u posvećenom vječnom životu – sudi pravedno, što znači da će oni ustati da prime ono što zaslužuju. On će razotkriti njihove tajne, pokazujući na koliko su niskom stupnju svijeta postojanja i da su u stvarnosti pod vlašću smrti. “And the time of the dead, that they should be judged” means that the time has come that the dead65—that is to say, those who are deprived of the spirit of the love of God and have not a share of the sanctified eternal life—will be judged with justice, meaning they will arise to receive that which they deserve. He will make the reality of their secrets evident, showing what a low degree they occupy in the world of existence, and that in reality they are under the rule of death.
50 “Dati nagrade Tvojim slugama, prorocima i svetima i onima koji se boje Tvoga imena, malima i velikima”66 – tj. On će istaknuti pravične beskrajnom milošću, učinivši da poput zvijezda nebeskih blistaju na obzorju vječne časti. On će im pomoći obdarujući ih ponašanjem i djelima koji su svjetlo svijeta ljudi, uzrok vodstva i sredstvo vječnoga života u Božanskom kraljevstvu. “That Thou shouldst give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great”66—that is to say, He will distinguish the righteous by endless bounty, making them shine on the horizon of eternal honor, like the stars of heaven. He will assist them by endowing them with behavior and actions which are the light of the world of humanity, the cause of guidance, and the means of everlasting life in the Divine Kingdom.
51 “I uništiti one koji uništavaju zemlju”67, što znači da će On potpuno lišiti nemarne; jer obznanit će se sljepoća slijepih, a vizija vidjelaca bit će jasna; prepoznat će se neznanje i potreba za znanjem onih koji su u zabludi, a jasno će se pokazati znanje i mudrost vođenih ljudi; rezultat toga bit će uništenje uništavatelja. “And shouldst destroy them which destroy the earth”67 means that He will entirely deprive the neglectful; for the blindness of the blind will be manifest, and the vision of the seers will be evident; the ignorance and want of knowledge of the people of error will be recognized, and the knowledge and wisdom of the people under guidance will be apparent; consequently, the destroyers will be destroyed.
52 “I otvori se hram Božji na nebesima”68 znači da je pronađen božanski Jeruzalem i da se pokazao Sveti nad Svetima. Sveti nad Svetima, prema terminologiji mudrih ljudi jest bit Božanskog zakona i nebeskih i istinskih učenja Gospodinovih, koja se, kako je već ranije objašnjeno, ne mijenja u ciklusu nijednog Proroka. Svetište Jeruzalema uspoređuje se sa stvarnošću Zakona Božjeg, koji je Sveti nad Svetima; i svi zakoni, konvencije, obredi i materijalni propisi jesu grad Jeruzalem – zato se naziva Nebeskim Jeruzalemom. Ukratko, budući da će Sunce Stvarnosti u ovom ciklusu učiniti da svjetlo Božje zasja s najvećim sjajem, ostvarit će se bit učenja Božjih u svijetu postojanja i tama neznanja i potreba za znanjem nestat će. Svijet će postati novi svijet i prosvjetljenje će prevladati. Tako će se pojaviti Sveti nad Svetima. “And the temple of God was opened in heaven”68 means that the divine Jerusalem is found, and the Holy of Holies has become visible. The Holy of Holies, according to the terminology of the people of wisdom, is the essence of the Divine Law, and the heavenly and true teachings of the Lord, which have not been changed in the cycle of any Prophet, as it was before explained. The sanctuary of Jerusalem is likened to the reality of the Law of God, which is the Holy of Holies; and all the laws, conventions, rites and material regulations are the city of Jerusalem—this is why it is called the heavenly Jerusalem. Briefly, as in this cycle the Sun of Reality will make the light of God shine with the utmost splendor, therefore, the essence of the teachings of God will be realized in the world of existence, and the darkness of ignorance and want of knowledge will be dispelled. The world will become a new world, and enlightenment will prevail. So the Holy of Holies will appear.
53 “I otvori se hram Božji na nebesima”69 također znači širenje božanskih učenja, pojavu tih nebeskih otajstava i izlazak Sunca Stvarnosti, otvorit će se vrata uspjeha i blagostanja na sve strane i jasno će se ukazati znaci dobrote i nebeskih blagoslova. “And the temple of God was opened in heaven”69 means also that by the diffusion of the divine teachings, the appearance of these heavenly mysteries, and the rising of the Sun of Reality, the doors of success and prosperity will be opened in all directions, and the signs of goodness and heavenly benedictions will be made plain.
54 “I u Njegovu se hramu ukaza kovčeg Njegova Saveza”70 – tj. Knjiga Njegova Saveza pojavit će se u Njegovu Jeruzalemu, nastat će Poslanica Pogodbe71 i značenje Saveza i Pogodbe razjasnit će se. Slava Božja proširit će se na Istok i Zapad i proglašenje Stvari Božje ispunit će svijet. Prekršitelji Pogodbe bit će poniženi i rastjerani, a odani će biti slavljeni i cijenjeni jer oni se drže Knjige Saveza i čvrsti su i postojani u Pogodbi. “And there was seen in His temple the ark of His Testament”70—that is to say, the Book of His Testament will appear in His Jerusalem, the Epistle of the Covenant71 will be established, and the meaning of the Testament and of the Covenant will become evident. The renown of God will overspread the East and West, and the proclamation of the Cause of God will fill the world. The violators of the Covenant will be degraded and dispersed, and the faithful cherished and glorified, for they cling to the Book of the Testament and are firm and steadfast in the Covenant.
55 “Te udare munje, grmljavine i gromovi, potres zemlje i velika tuča”72, što znači da će nakon pojave Knjige Saveza doći do velikog nevremena i da će sijevati munje srdžbe i gnjeva Božjeg, odjeknut će buka grmljavine kršenja Pogodbe, dogodit će se potres sumnji, olujna tuča potući će prekršitelje Pogodbe, pa će čak i oni koji propovijedaju vjerovanje pasti u kušnju i iskušenja. “And there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail,”72 meaning that after the appearance of the Book of the Testament there will be a great storm, and the lightnings of the anger and the wrath of God will flash, the noise of the thunder of the violation of the Covenant will resound, the earthquake of doubts will take place, the hail of torments will beat upon the violators of the Covenant, and even those who profess belief will fall into trials and temptations.