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Pitanje: – Kako je Krist rođen od Duha Svetoga? |
Question.—How was Christ born of the Holy Spirit? |
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Odgovor: – Teolozi i materijalisti ne slažu se glede tog pitanja. Teolozi vjeruju da je Krist rođen od Duha Svetoga, ali materijalisti misle da je to nemoguće i nedopustivo, budući da je On nedvojbeno imao oca koji je bio čovjek. |
Answer.—In regard to this question, theologians and materialists disagree. The theologians believe that Christ was born of the Holy Spirit, but the materialists think this is impossible and inadmissible, and that without doubt He had a human father. |
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U Kuranu se kaže: “I poslasmo joj Naš Duh i on joj se prikaza u obliku savršena čovjeka”79, što znači da je Sveti Duh uzeo ljudsko obličje, poput slike u zrcalu, i oslovio Mariju. |
In the Qur’án it is said: “And We sent Our Spirit unto her, and He appeared unto her in the shape of a perfect man,”79 meaning that the Holy Spirit took the likeness of the human form, as an image is produced in a mirror, and he addressed Mary. |
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Materijalisti vjeruju da mora doći do braka i da živo tijelo ne može biti stvoreno iz neživoga, te da bez muškog i ženskog ne može biti oplodnje. Također smatraju da to nije moguće ne samo kod čovjeka, već i kod životinja i biljaka. Stoga kod svih živih bića postoji sjedinjenje muškog i ženskog. To sparivanje stvari prikazano je čak i u Kuranu: “Slava Njemu Koji je stvorio parove: stvari koje zemlja proizvodi i od njih samih; i od stvari koje ne poznaješ”80 – tj. ljude, životinje i biljke, sve u parovima – “i od svega Smo stvorili dvije vrste” – tj. stvorili Smo sva bića sparivanjem. |
The materialists believe that there must be marriage, and say that a living body cannot be created from a lifeless body, and without male and female there cannot be fecundation. And they think that not only with man, but also with animals and plants, it is impossible. For this union of the male and female exists in all living beings and plants. This pairing of things is even shown forth in the Qur’án: “Glory be to Him Who has created all the pairs: of such things as the earth produceth, and of themselves; and of things which they know not”80—that is to say, men, animals and plants are all in pairs—“and of everything have We created two kinds”—that is to say, We have created all the beings through pairing. |
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Ukratko, oni kažu da se ne može zamisliti čovjek bez ljudskoga oca. Teolozi na to odgovaraju: “Ta stvar nije nemoguća ni nedostižna, ali nije viđena; i postoji golema razlika između stvari koja je nemoguća i one koja je nepoznata. Na primjer, u ranijim vremenima telegraf, koji omogućava komunikaciju između Istoka i Zapada, bio je nepoznat, ali ne i nemoguć; fotografija i fonografija bile su nepoznate, ali ne i nemoguće”. |
Briefly, they say a man without a human father cannot be imagined. In answer, the theologians say: “This thing is not impossible and unachievable, but it has not been seen; and there is a great difference between a thing which is impossible and one which is unknown. For example, in former times the telegraph, which causes the East and the West to communicate, was unknown but not impossible; photography and phonography were unknown but not impossible.” |
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Materijalisti inzistiraju na tom vjerovanju, a teolozi odgovaraju: “Je li ova zemaljska kugla vječna ili pojavna”? Materijalisti odgovaraju da je u skladu sa znanošću i važnim otkrićima utvrđeno da je pojavna; u početku ona je bila plamena kugla i njezina je toplina postupno postajala umjerenija; stvorena je kora oko nje na kojoj su se pojavile biljke, potom životinje i napokon čovjek. |
The materialists insist upon this belief, and the theologians reply: “Is this globe eternal or phenomenal?” The materialists answer that, according to science and important discoveries, it is established that it is phenomenal; in the beginning it was a flaming globe, and gradually it became temperate; a crust was formed around it, and upon this crust plants came into existence, then animals, and finally man. |
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Teolozi kažu: “Iz vaše je tvrdnje jasno da je čovječanstvo pojavno, a ne vječno. Zasigurno prvi čovjek nije imao ni oca ni majku, jer je čovjekovo postojanje pojavno. Nije li stvaranje čovjeka bez oca i majke, premda postupno, teže od onog prema kojem je jednostavno došao na svijet bez oca? Budući da priznajete da je prvi čovjek došao na svijet bez oca ili majke – bilo da se to dogodilo postupno ili trenutačno – ne ostaje nikakve sumnje da je čovjek bez ljudskoga oca također moguć i dopustiv; ne možete to smatrati nemogućim; u protivnom – vi ste nelogični. Na primjer, ako kažete da je ova svjetiljka jednom bila upaljena bez fitilja i ulja, a potom kažete da je nemoguće upaliti svjetiljku bez fitilja, to je nelogično”. Krist je imao majku; prvi čovjek prema vjerovanju materijalista, nije imao ni oca ni majke.81 |
The theologians say: “Then from your statement it has become evident and clear that mankind is phenomenal upon the globe, and not eternal. Then surely the first man had neither father nor mother, for the existence of man is phenomenal. Is not the creation of man without father and mother, even though gradually, more difficult than if he had simply come into existence without a father? As you admit that the first man came into existence without father or mother—whether it be gradually or at once—there can remain no doubt that a man without a human father is also possible and admissible; you cannot consider this impossible; otherwise, you are illogical. For example, if you say that this lamp has once been lighted without wick and oil, and then say that it is impossible to light it without the wick, this is illogical.” Christ had a mother; the first man, as the materialists believe, had neither father nor mother.81 |