– 18 –

1 Velik čovjek je velik čovjek, bilo da je rođen od ljudskoga oca ili ne. Ako je biti bez oca vrlina, Adam je veći i izvrsniji od svih proroka i Glasnika, jer On nije imao ni oca ni majke. Ono što izaziva čast jesu sjaj i obilje božanskih savršenstava. Sunce se rađa iz tvari i oblika koji se mogu usporediti s ocem i majkom i ono je apsolutno savršenstvo; ali tama nema ni tvari ni oblika, ni oca ni majke, i apsolutno je nesavršenstvo. Tvar Adamova tjelesnog života bila je zemlja, ali tvar Abrahama bila je čista sperma; sigurno je da je čista i čedna sperma viša od zemlje. A great man is a great man, whether born of a human father or not. If being without a father is a virtue, Adam is greater and more excellent than all the Prophets and Messengers, for He had neither father nor mother. That which causes honor and greatness is the splendor and bounty of the divine perfections. The sun is born from substance and form, which can be compared to father and mother, and it is absolute perfection; but the darkness has neither substance nor form, neither father nor mother, and it is absolute imperfection. The substance of Adam’s physical life was earth, but the substance of Abraham was pure sperm; it is certain that the pure and chaste sperm is superior to earth.
2 Nadalje, u prvom poglavlju Ivanova Evanđelja, stihovi 12 i 13, kaže se: “A svima koji Ga primiše, dade vlast da postanu djeca Božja: onima koji vjeruju u Njegovo ime: Furthermore, in the first chapter of the Gospel of John, verses 12 and 13, it is said: “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believed on His name:
3 “koji nisu rođeni ni od krvi, ni od volje tjelesne, ni od volje muževlje, nego – od Boga.”82 “Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”82
4 Iz tih je stihova jasno da učenikovo biće također nije stvoreno tjelesnom moći, već duhovnom stvarnošću. Čast i veličina Kristova nije u činjenici da On nije imao ljudskoga oca, već u Njegovim savršenostima, milosti i božanskoj slavi. Kad bi veličina Kristova bila u tome što nema oca, onda bi Adam bio veći od Krista jer nije imao ni oca ni majke. U Starom zavjetu kaže se: “I Gospodin Bog napravi čovjeka od praha zemaljskoga i u nosnice mu udahne dah života. Tako postane čovjek živa duša.”83 Sjetite se da je rečeno da je Adam postao od Duha života. Štoviše, izraz koji Ivan koristi glede učenika dokazuje da su i oni od Nebeskoga oca. Otuda je jasno da sveta stvarnost, što znači stvarno postojanje svakog velikog čovjeka, dolazi od Boga i svoje postojanje duguje dahu Svetoga Duha. From these verses it is obvious that the being of a disciple also is not created by physical power, but by the spiritual reality. The honor and greatness of Christ is not due to the fact that He did not have a human father, but to His perfections, bounties and divine glory. If the greatness of Christ is His being fatherless, then Adam is greater than Christ, for He had neither father nor mother. It is said in the Old Testament, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”83 Observe that it is said that Adam came into existence from the Spirit of life. Moreover, the expression which John uses in regard to the disciples proves that they also are from the Heavenly Father. Hence it is evident that the holy reality, meaning the real existence of every great man, comes from God and owes its being to the breath of the Holy Spirit.
5 Značenje je u sljedećem: ako je biti bez oca najveća ljudska slava, onda je Adam veći od svih, jer nije imao ni oca ni majke. Je li za čovjeka bolje da bude stvoren iz žive tvari ili iz zemlje? Zasigurno je bolje ako je stvoren iz žive tvari. No, Krist se rodio i došao na svijet od Svetoga Duha. The purport is that, if to be without a father is the greatest human glory, then Adam is greater than all, for He had neither father nor mother. Is it better for a man to be created from a living substance or from earth? Certainly it is better if he be created from a living substance. But Christ was born and came into existence from the Holy Spirit.
6 Da zaključimo: sjaj i čast svetih duša i Božanskih Objava dolaze od Njihovih nebeskih savršenstava, milosti i slave – ni od čega drugog. To conclude: the splendor and honor of the holy souls and the Divine Manifestations come from Their heavenly perfections, bounties and glory, and from nothing else.