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U Svetim knjigama kazano je da će Krist opet doći i da Njegov dolazak ovisi o ispunjenju određenih znakova: kad On dođe, doći će s tim znakovima. Na primjer, “Sunce će potamnjeti, a mjesec neće davati svjetla i zvijezde će padati s neba… I tad će se ukazati na nebesima znak – Sin Čovječji; tada će proplakati sva plemena na zemlji i vidjet će Sina Čovječjega gdje dolazi na oblacima nebeskim s velikom moći i slavom.”90 Bahá’u’lláh je objasnio ove stihove u Kitáb-i-Íqán91. Nema potrebe za ponavljanjem, pogledajte to objašnjenje i razumjet ćete te izreke. |
It is said in the Holy Books that Christ will come again, and that His coming depends upon the fulfillment of certain signs: when He comes, it will be with these signs. For example, “The sun will be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven…. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”90 Bahá’u’lláh has explained these verses in the Kitáb-i-Íqán.91 There is no need of repetition; refer to it, and you will understand these sayings. |
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No, trebam još nešto reći o toj temi. Pri Svom prvom dolasku Krist je također došao s neba kako je to izričito navedeno u Evanđelju. Sam Krist kaže: “Nitko nije uzišao na nebo, osim Sina Čovječjega koji je sišao s neba.”92 |
But I have something further to say upon this subject. At His first coming Christ also came from heaven, as it is explicitly stated in the Gospel. Christ Himself says: “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”92 |
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Svima je jasno da je Krist došao s neba, premda je naizgled izašao iz Marijine utrobe. Pri prvom je dolasku došao s neba, iako naizgled iz utrobe; tako će isto po Svom drugom dolasku doći s neba, premda će se činiti da je došao iz utrobe. Uvjeti koji su navedeni u Evanđelju za drugi Kristov dolazak, kako smo već rekli, isti su kao oni koji su bili navedeni za prvi dolazak. |
It is clear to all that Christ came from heaven, although apparently He came from the womb of Mary. At the first coming He came from heaven, though apparently from the womb; in the same way, also, at His second coming He will come from heaven, though apparently from the womb. The conditions that are indicated in the Gospel for the second coming of Christ are the same as those that were mentioned for the first coming, as we said before. |
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Knjiga Izaije najavljuje da će Mesija biti osvajač i Istoka i Zapada i da će svi narodi svijeta doći pod Njegovu sjenu, da će se Njegovo Kraljevstvo uspostaviti, da će doći iz nepoznata mjesta, da će grešnici biti prosuđivani i da će pravda nadvladati u tolikoj mjeri da će se vuk i janje, ris i kozlić, dojenče i guja – svi zajedno okupiti pokraj istog vrela i na jednoj livadi i u jednu prebivalištu.93 Prvi je dolazak bio također pod tim uvjetima, premda se – izvana gledajući – ništa od toga nije dogodilo. Zato su Židovi odbacili Krista i – sačuvaj Bože – Mesiju nazvali masíkh94, smatrajući Ga rušiteljem Božjeg zdanja, kršiteljem Sabbatha i Zakona i osudili Ga na smrt. Uprkos tome, svaki od tih uvjeta imao je značenje koje Židovi nisu mogli razumjeti; stoga im je bilo uskraćeno opaziti Kristovu istinu. |
The Book of Isaiah announces that the Messiah will conquer the East and the West, and all nations of the world will come under His shadow, that His Kingdom will be established, that He will come from an unknown place, that the sinners will be judged, and that justice will prevail to such a degree that the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and the kid, the sucking child and the asp, shall all gather at one spring, and in one meadow, and one dwelling.93 The first coming was also under these conditions, though outwardly none of them came to pass. Therefore, the Jews rejected Christ, and, God forbid! called the Messiah masíkh,94 considered Him to be the destroyer of the edifice of God, regarded Him as the breaker of the Sabbath and the Law, and sentenced Him to death. Nevertheless, each one of these conditions had a signification that the Jews did not understand; therefore, they were debarred from perceiving the truth of Christ. |
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Drugi će Kristov dolazak biti sličan: znakovi i uvjeti o kojima svi govore imaju svoje značenje i ne treba ih uzeti doslovno. Između ostalog kaže se da će zvijezde padati na zemlju. Zvijezde su beskrajne i bezbrojne, a suvremeni su matematičari ustanovili i znanstveno dokazali da je sunčeva kugla oko milijun i pol puta veća od zemlje, a svaka od fiksnih zvijezda je tisuću puta veća od sunca. Kad bi te zvijezde pale na površinu zemlje – kako bi tamo našle mjesta? Bilo bi to kao kad bi tisuću milijuna himalajskih planina palo na zrno gorušice. U skladu s razumom i znanošću to je posve nemoguće. A još je čudnije ono što je Krist rekao: “Možda ću doći dok još spavate, jer dolazak Sina Čovječjeg je poput dolaska tâta.”95 Možda će tat biti u kući, a domaćin to neće znati. |
The second coming of Christ also will be in like manner: the signs and conditions which have been spoken of all have meanings, and are not to be taken literally. Among other things it is said that the stars will fall upon the earth. The stars are endless and innumerable, and modern mathematicians have established and proved scientifically that the globe of the sun is estimated to be about one million and a half times greater than the earth, and each of the fixed stars to be a thousand times larger than the sun. If these stars were to fall upon the surface of the earth, how could they find place there? It would be as though a thousand million of Himalaya mountains were to fall upon a grain of mustard seed. According to reason and science this thing is quite impossible. What is even more strange is that Christ said: “Perhaps I shall come when you are yet asleep, for the coming of the Son of man is like the coming of a thief.”95 Perhaps the thief will be in the house, and the owner will not know it. |
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Jasno je i očito da ti znakovi imaju simboličko značenje i da nisu doslovni. Potpuno su protumačeni u Kitáb-i-Íqán. Pročitajte tu knjigu. |
It is clear and evident that these signs have symbolic signification, and that they are not literal. They are fully explained in the Kitáb-i-Íqán. Refer to it. |