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1 Pitanje: – U stihu 22 poglavlja 15 Korinćana 1, piše: “Jer kako u Adamu svi umiru, tako će u Kristu svi oživjeti”. Koje je značenje ovih riječi? Question.—In verse 22 of chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians it is written: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” What is the meaning of these words?
2 Odgovor: – Znaj da su dvije prirode u čovjeka: fizička priroda i duhovna priroda. Fizička je priroda naslijeđena od Adama, a duhovna od Stvarnosti Riječi Božje, koja je duhovnost Kristova. Fizička je priroda rođena od Adama, a duhovna iz milosti Svetoga Duha. Prva je izvor nesavršenosti, a druga je izvor svekolike savršenosti. Answer.—Know that there are two natures in man: the physical nature and the spiritual nature. The physical nature is inherited from Adam, and the spiritual nature is inherited from the Reality of the Word of God, which is the spirituality of Christ. The physical nature is born of Adam, but the spiritual nature is born from the bounty of the Holy Spirit. The first is the source of all imperfection; the second is the source of all perfection.
3 Krist je Sebe žrtvovao da bi se ljudi mogli osloboditi nesavršenosti fizičke prirode i zadobiti vrline duhovne prirode. Ova duhovna priroda, koja je postala milošću Božanske Stvarnosti predstavlja spoj svih savršenih odlika i pojavljuje se kroz dah Svetoga Duha. Ona je božansko savršenstvo, ona je svjetlo, ljubav, milost, blagost prema svima, čovjekoljublje, bit života. Ona je odraz sjaja Sunca Stvarnosti. The Christ sacrificed Himself so that men might be freed from the imperfections of the physical nature and might become possessed of the virtues of the spiritual nature. This spiritual nature, which came into existence through the bounty of the Divine Reality, is the union of all perfections and appears through the breath of the Holy Spirit. It is the divine perfections; it is light, spirituality, guidance, exaltation, high aspiration, justice, love, grace, kindness to all, philanthropy, the essence of life. It is the reflection of the splendor of the Sun of Reality.
4 Krist je središnja točka Svetoga Duha: On je rođen od Svetoga Duha, On se uzdigao uz pomoć Svetoga Duha, On je potomak Svetoga Duha – to znači da Stvarnost Kristova nije potekla od Adama; ne, rođena je od Duha Svetoga. Stoga ovaj stih u Korinćanima: “Kako u Adamu svi umiru, tako će u Kristu svi oživjeti”, prema ovoj terminologiji znači da je Adam100 otac čovjekov, to jest, On je uzrok fizičkog života čovječanstva, Njegovo je bilo fizičko očinstvo. On je živuća duša, ali on nije darovatelj duhovnog života, dok je Krist uzrok duhovnog života čovjekova, a s obzirom na duh, njegovo je duhovno očinstvo. Adam je živuća duša, Krist je životvorni duh. The Christ is the central point of the Holy Spirit: He is born of the Holy Spirit; He is raised up by the Holy Spirit; He is the descendant of the Holy Spirit—that is to say, that the Reality of Christ does not descend from Adam; no, it is born of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, this verse in Corinthians, “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive,” means, according to this terminology, that Adam100 is the father of man—that is to say, He is the cause of the physical life of mankind; His was the physical fatherhood. He is a living soul, but He is not the giver of spiritual life, whereas Christ is the cause of the spiritual life of man, and with regard to the spirit, His was the spiritual fatherhood. Adam is a living soul; Christ is a quickening spirit.
5 Ovaj fizički svijet čovjeka potčinjen je moći strasti, a grijeh je posljedica te moći strasti, jer ona ne podliježe zakonima pravde i svetosti. Tijelo čovjeka zatočenik je prirode; ono će djelovati u skladu sa svime što priroda zapovijedi. Stoga je sigurno da grijesi poput ljutnje, ljubomore, svađe, lakomosti, škrtosti, neznanja, predrasuda, mržnje, oholosti i tiranije postoje u fizičkom svijetu. Sva ta brutalna svojstva postoje u naravi čovjeka. Čovjek koji nije imao duhovnog odgoja – nečovjek je. Poput divljaka u Africi, čija su djela, navike i moral posve čulni, oni djeluju prema zahtjevima prirode do te mjere da trgaju i jedu jedan drugoga. Time je očito da je fizički svijet čovjeka svijet grijeha. U tom fizičkom svijetu čovjek se ne razlikuje od životinje. This physical world of man is subject to the power of the lusts, and sin is the consequence of this power of the lusts, for it is not subject to the laws of justice and holiness. The body of man is a captive of nature; it will act in accordance with whatever nature orders. It is, therefore, certain that sins such as anger, jealousy, dispute, covetousness, avarice, ignorance, prejudice, hatred, pride and tyranny exist in the physical world. All these brutal qualities exist in the nature of man. A man who has not had a spiritual education is a brute. Like the savages of Africa, whose actions, habits and morals are purely sensual, they act according to the demands of nature to such a degree that they rend and eat one another. Thus it is evident that the physical world of man is a world of sin. In this physical world man is not distinguished from the animal.
6 Sav grijeh potječe od potreba prirode, a te potrebe, koje proizlaze iz fizičkih svojstava – kod životinja nisu grijesi, ali kod čovjeka jesu. Životinja je vrelo nesavršenih svojstava, poput ljutnje, putenosti, ljubomore, škrtosti, okrutnosti, oholosti; sve te mane nalazimo kod životinja, ali one nisu grijeh. Kod čovjeka to jesu grijesi. All sin comes from the demands of nature, and these demands, which arise from the physical qualities, are not sins with respect to the animals, while for man they are sin. The animal is the source of imperfections, such as anger, sensuality, jealousy, avarice, cruelty, pride: all these defects are found in animals but do not constitute sins. But in man they are sins.
7 Adam je uzrok čovjekova fizičkog života, a Kristova Stvarnost – Riječ Božja – uzrok je duhovnog života. Ona je “životvorni duh”, a to znači da se sva nesavršena svojstva koja proizlaze iz potreba čovjekova fizičkog života, prebražuju u ljudske savršenosti kroz učenja i odgoj toga duha. Stoga je Krist bio životvorni duh i uzrok života svekolikog čovječanstva. Adam is the cause of man’s physical life; but the Reality of Christ—that is to say, the Word of God—is the cause of spiritual life. It is “a quickening spirit,” meaning that all the imperfections which come from the requirements of the physical life of man are transformed into human perfections by the teachings and education of that spirit. Therefore, Christ was a quickening spirit, and the cause of life in all mankind.
8 Adam je bio uzrok fizičkog života, a kako je fizički svijet čovjeka svijet nesavršenosti, a nesavršenosti su ravne smrti, Pavao je usporedio fizičke nesavršenosti sa smrću. Adam was the cause of physical life, and as the physical world of man is the world of imperfections, and imperfections are the equivalent of death, Paul compared the physical imperfections to death.
9 No, mnoštvo kršćana vjeruje da je Adam jeo sa zabranjena stabla, da je On zgriješio jer nije bio poslušan, te da su užasne posljedice neposluha prenesene kao naslijeđe i ostale među Njegovim potomcima. Odatle je Adam i postao uzrok smrti ljudskoga roda. To je tumačenje nerazumno i očito pogrešno jer znači da su svi ljudi, pa čak i Proroci i Glasnici Božji, ne počinivši nikakav grijeh ili pogrešku, već samo zato što su potomci Adamovi, bez razloga postali grešnici te da su do dana Kristove žrtve bili zatočenici u paklu i trpjeli bolno mučenje. To je daleko od Božje pravde. Ako je Adam bio grešnik, koji je grijeh Abrahamov? Što su zgriješili Isak ili Josip? Za što je Mojsije bio kriv? But the mass of the Christians believe that, as Adam ate of the forbidden tree, He sinned in that He disobeyed, and that the disastrous consequences of this disobedience have been transmitted as a heritage and have remained among His descendants. Hence Adam became the cause of the death of humanity. This explanation is unreasonable and evidently wrong, for it means that all men, even the Prophets and the Messengers of God, without committing any sin or fault, but simply because they are the posterity of Adam, have become without reason guilty sinners, and until the day of the sacrifice of Christ were held captive in hell in painful torment. This is far from the justice of God. If Adam was a sinner, what is the sin of Abraham? What is the fault of Isaac, or of Joseph? Of what is Moses guilty?
10 No, Krist, Koji je Riječ Božja, žrtvovao je Sebe. U tome su dva značenja, jedno očigledno i jedno ezoterijsko. Vanjsko je značenje ovo: Kristova je namjera bila predstavljati i promicati Stvar da bi odgojio ljude, obodrio djecu Adamovu i prosvijetlio cijelo čovječanstvo, a predstavljati tako veliku Stvar – Stvar koja je bila antagonistička prema svim ljudima svijeta i svim narodima i kraljevima – značilo je da će On biti ubijen i raspet, tako da je Krist objavljujući Svoje poslanje žrtvovao svoj život. On je križ smatrao prijestoljem, ranu melemom, a na otrov je gledao kao na šećer i med. Ustao je da pouči i odgoji ljude žrtvujući sebe kako bi dao duh života. Nestao je u tijelu da bi druge oživio u duhu. But Christ, Who is the Word of God, sacrificed Himself. This has two meanings, an apparent and an esoteric meaning. The outward meaning is this: Christ’s intention was to represent and promote a Cause which was to educate the human world, to quicken the children of Adam, and to enlighten all mankind; and since to represent such a great Cause—a Cause which was antagonistic to all the people of the world and all the nations and kingdoms—meant that He would be killed and crucified, so Christ in proclaiming His mission sacrificed His life. He regarded the cross as a throne, the wound as a balm, the poison as honey and sugar. He arose to teach and educate men, and so He sacrificed Himself to give the spirit of life. He perished in body so as to quicken others by the spirit.
11 Drugo značenje žrtve je ovo: Krist je bio poput sjemena, a to je sjeme žrtvovalo svoj vlastiti oblik da bi stablo moglo rasti i razvijati se. Premda je oblik sjemena bio uništen, njegova je stvarnost postala očevidna u savršenoj veličanstvenosti i ljepoti u obliku drveta. The second meaning of sacrifice is this: Christ was like a seed, and this seed sacrificed its own form so that the tree might grow and develop. Although the form of the seed was destroyed, its reality became apparent in perfect majesty and beauty in the form of a tree.
12 Položaj Kristov bio je položaj krajnjeg savršenstva; On je učinio da Njegove božanske savršene odlike zasjaju poput sunca na sve duše koje vjeruju i da obilje svjetla zasja i zrači u stvarnosti ljudi. Zato On kaže: “Ja sam kruh koji je sišao s neba; tko god bude jeo od ovoga kruha, neće umrijeti”101 – što znači da će – tko god bude kušao tu božansku hranu – dosegnuti život vječni: svatko tko bude imao udjela u toj milosti i primi te savršene odlike naći će život vječni, dobit će drevne poklone, oslobodit će se mraka zabluda i bit će prosvijetljen svjetlom njegova vodstva. The position of Christ was that of absolute perfection; He made His divine perfections shine like the sun upon all believing souls, and the bounties of the light shone and radiated in the reality of men. This is why He says: “I am the bread which descended from heaven; whosoever shall eat of this bread will not die”101—that is to say, that whosoever shall partake of this divine food will attain unto eternal life: that is, every one who partakes of this bounty and receives these perfections will find eternal life, will obtain preexistent favors, will be freed from the darkness of error, and will be illuminated by the light of His guidance.
13 Oblik sjemena žrtvovan je za stablo, ali njegove savršene odlike zbog ove su žrtve postale jasne i bjelodane – jer stablo, grane i lišće skrivaju se u sjemenu. Kad je oblik sjemena bio žrtvovan, njegove su se savršenosti pojavile u savršenom obliku listova, cvjetova i plodova. The form of the seed was sacrificed for the tree, but its perfections, because of this sacrifice, became evident and apparent—the tree, the branches, the leaves and the blossoms being concealed in the seed. When the form of the seed was sacrificed, its perfections appeared in the perfect form of leaves, blossoms and fruits.