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Pitanje: – “Zato vam Ja kažem: sve vrste grijeha i bogohuljenja bit će oproštene ljudima; ali bogohuljenje protiv Duha Svetoga neće im biti oprošteno. I tko god izgovori riječ protiv Sina Čovječjega, bit će mu oprošteno; ali tko god progovori protiv Svetoga Duha, neće mu biti oprošteno ni u ovom svijetu, ni u svijetu koji će doći”. – (Matej 12:31-32) |
Question.—“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”—(Matt. 12:31–32) |
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Odgovor. – Svete stvarnosti Objava Božjih imaju dva duhovna položaja. Jedan je položaj objave, koji se može usporediti s položajem sunčeve kugle, a drugi je sjaj objave, koji je poput svjetla i zračenja; to su savršene odlike Božje, drugim riječima, Sveti Duh. Jer, Sveti Duh su božanske milosti i Gospodnje savršenosti, a te savršenosti su poput sunčevih zraka i topline. Blistave sunčeve zrake čine njegovo biće i bez njih ono ne bi bilo sunce. Kad objava i odraz božanskih savršenosti ne bi bili u Kristu, Isus ne bi bio Mesija. On je Objava jer u Sebi odražava božanske savršene odlike. Proroci Božji su objave Gospodnjih savršenosti, što znači da je Sveti Duh u Njima bjelodan. |
Answer.—The holy realities of the Manifestations of God have two spiritual positions. One is the place of manifestation, which can be compared to the position of the globe of the sun, and the other is the resplendency of the manifestation, which is like its light and radiance; these are the perfections of God—in other words, the Holy Spirit. For the Holy Spirit is the divine bounties and lordly perfections, and these divine perfections are as the rays and heat of the sun. The brilliant rays of the sun constitute its being, and without them it would not be the sun. If the manifestation and the reflection of the divine perfections were not in Christ, Jesus would not be the Messiah. He is a Manifestation because He reflects in Himself the divine perfections. The Prophets of God are manifestations for the lordly perfections—that is, the Holy Spirit is apparent in Them. |
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Ostane li duša daleko od objave, možda se neće probuditi zato što nije prepoznala objavu božjih savršenosti. Ali mrzi li ona same božanske savršenosti – drugim riječima, Sveti Duh – jasno je da je ona poput šišmiša koji mrzi svjetlo. |
If a soul remains far from the manifestation, he may yet be awakened; for he did not recognize the manifestation of the divine perfections. But if he loathe the divine perfections themselves—in other words, the Holy Spirit—it is evident that he is like a bat which hates the light. |
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Tom gnušanju prema svjetlu nema lijeka i ono ne može biti oprošteno – dakle, toj je duši nemoguće doći blizu Boga. Ova je svjetiljka svjetiljka zbog svoga svjetla; bez svjetla ona ne bi bila svjetiljka. Dakle ako duša osjeća odbojnost prema svjetlu svjetiljke, ona je onda slijepa i ne može pojmiti svjetlo, a sljepoća je uzrok vječnom izgonu od Boga. |
This detestation of the light has no remedy and cannot be forgiven—that is to say, it is impossible for him to come near unto God. This lamp is a lamp because of its light; without the light it would not be a lamp. Now if a soul has an aversion for the light of the lamp, he is, as it were, blind, and cannot comprehend the light; and blindness is the cause of everlasting banishment from God. |
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Jasno je da duše primaju milost iz obilja Svetoga Duha koji se pojavljuje u Objavama Božjim, a ne od ličnosti Objave. Stoga, ako duša ne prima milost iz obilja Svetoga Duha, ona ostaje lišena božanskoga dara, a samo izgnanstvo stavlja dušu izvan dosega oprosta. |
It is evident that the souls receive grace from the bounty of the Holy Spirit which appears in the Manifestations of God, and not from the personality of the Manifestation. Therefore, if a soul does not receive grace from the bounties of the Holy Spirit, he remains deprived of the divine gift, and the banishment itself puts the soul beyond the reach of pardon. |
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Stoga su mnogi ljudi koji su bili neprijatelji Objava i koji Ih nisu prepoznali, jednom kad su Ih spoznali postali Njihovim prijateljima. Neprijateljstvo prema Objavama nije postalo uzrok vječnog izgona, jer su oni koji su mu se odali bili neprijatelji držača svjetla, ne znajući da su Oni (Objave, op. prev.) sjajna svjetla Božja. Oni nisu bili neprijatelji svjetla, a jednom kad su shvatili da je držač svjetla mjesto objave svjetla, postali su mu iskreni prijatelji. |
This is why many people who were the enemies of the Manifestations, and who did not recognize Them, when once they had known Them became Their friends. So enmity toward the Manifestation did not become the cause of perpetual banishment, for they who indulged in it were the enemies of the light-holders, not knowing that They were the shining lights of God. They were not the enemies of the light, and when once they understood that the light-holder was the place of manifestation of the light, they became sincere friends of it. |
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Značenje je sljedeće: ostati daleko od držača svjetla ne povlači za sobom vječito izgnanstvo jer čovjek se može prenuti i probuditi, ali neprijateljstvo prema svjetlu jest uzrok vječnog izgnanstva i tome nema lijeka. |
The meaning is this: to remain far from the light-holder does not entail everlasting banishment, for one may become awakened and vigilant; but enmity toward the light is the cause of everlasting banishment, and for this there is no remedy. |