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Znajte da Svete Objave, premda imaju stupnjeve beskrajnih savršenstava, ipak, općenito govoreći, imaju samo tri stanja. Prvo je stanje tjelesno; drugo je ljudsko, a to je ono racionalne duše; a treće je stanje božanske pojave i nebeskoga sjaja. |
Know that the Holy Manifestations, though They have the degrees of endless perfections, yet, speaking generally, have only three stations. The first station is the physical; the second station is the human, which is that of the rational soul; the third is that of the divine appearance and the heavenly splendor. |
2 |
Tjelesno je stanje pojavno; sastoji se od elemenata, te je kao i sve ostalo što je od nečega sastavljeno, podložno rastavljanju. Nije moguće da spoj ne bude razložen. |
The physical station is phenomenal; it is composed of elements, and necessarily everything that is composed is subject to decomposition. It is not possible that a composition should not be disintegrated. |
3 |
Drugo je stanje racionalne duše, koja je ljudska stvarnost. Ono je također pojavno i Svete ga Objave dijele s cijelim čovječanstvom. |
The second is the station of the rational soul, which is the human reality. This also is phenomenal, and the Holy Manifestations share it with all mankind. |
4 |
Znajte da premda ljudska duša na zemlji postoji već vijekovima, ipak je ona pojavna1. Kako je ona božanski znak, jednom kad započne postojati – ona je vječna. Duh čovjekov ima početak, ali nema kraja; on se vječno nastavlja. Također su i vrste koje postoje na zemlji pojavne, jer utvrđeno je da je postojalo vrijeme kad tih vrsta nije bilo na površini zemlje. Štoviše, ni zemlja nije oduvijek postojala, ali je svijet postojanja oduvijek bio, jer univerzum nije ograničen na zemaljsku kuglu. To znači da su ljudske duše, premda pojavne, ipak besmrtne, vječite i neprekidne; jer svijet stvari je svijet nesavršenosti u usporedbi sa svijetom čovjeka, dok je svijet čovjeka svijet savršenosti u usporedbi sa svijetom stvari. Kad nesavršenosti dosegnu stanje savršenstva, one postaju vječne123. To je primjer čije značenje morate shvatiti. |
Know that, although the human soul has existed on the earth for prolonged times and ages, yet it is phenomenal. As it is a divine sign, when once it has come into existence, it is eternal. The spirit of man has a beginning, but it has no end; it continues eternally. In the same way the species existing on this earth are phenomenal, for it is established that there was a time when these species did not exist on the surface of the earth. Moreover, the earth has not always existed, but the world of existence has always been, for the universe is not limited to this terrestrial globe. The meaning of this is that, although human souls are phenomenal, they are nevertheless immortal, everlasting and perpetual; for the world of things is the world of imperfection in comparison with that of man, and the world of man is the world of perfection in comparison with that of things. When imperfections reach the station of perfection, they become eternal.123 This is an example of which you must comprehend the meaning. |
5 |
Treće stanje je stanje božanske pojave i nebeskoga sjaja: to je Riječ Božja, Vječna Milost, Sveti Duh. Ono nema ni početka ni kraja, jer se te stvari odnose na svijet prolaznosti a ne na božanski svijet. Za Boga je svršetak isto što i početak. Tako je računanje dana, tjedana, mjeseci i godina, jučer i danas, povezano sa zemaljskom kuglom; ali na suncu toga nema – ne postoji ni jučer, ni danas, ni sutra, ni mjeseci ni godine: sve je isto. Tako je i Riječ Božja očišćena od svih tih uvjeta i oslobođena svih ograničenja, zakona i međa prolaznoga svijeta. Stoga, stvarnost proroštva, koje je Riječ Božja i savršeno stanje objave, nije imala početka, a neće imati ni svršetka; njezino je uzdizanje drugačije od svih ostalih i nalikuje sunčevu izlasku. Na primjer, njezino svitanje u znaku Krista bilo je u najvišem sjaju i zračenju, što je vječno i trajno. Pogledajte koliko je mnogo bilo kraljeva osvajača, koliko državnika i prinčeva, moćnih organizatora koji su svi iščezli, dok Kristovi lahori još uvijek pušu; Njegovo svjetlo još sja; Njegova pjesma još zvoni; Njegov se barjak još vije; Njegove vojske još se bore; Njegov nebeski glas još je milozvučan; Njegovi oblaci još izlijevaju dragulje; Njegova munja još sijeva; Njegov je odraz još jasan i blistav; Njegov sjaj još zrači i svijetli; a isto je i s onim dušama koje su pod njegovom zaštitom i koje sjaju Njegovim svjetlom. |
The third station is that of the divine appearance and heavenly splendor: it is the Word of God, the Eternal Bounty, the Holy Spirit. It has neither beginning nor end, for these things are related to the world of contingencies and not to the divine world. For God the end is the same thing as the beginning. So the reckoning of days, weeks, months and years, of yesterday and today, is connected with the terrestrial globe; but in the sun there is no such thing—there is neither yesterday, today nor tomorrow, neither months nor years: all are equal. In the same way the Word of God is purified from all these conditions and is exempt from the boundaries, the laws and the limits of the world of contingency. Therefore, the reality of prophethood, which is the Word of God and the perfect state of manifestation, did not have any beginning and will not have any end; its rising is different from all others and is like that of the sun. For example, its dawning in the sign of Christ was with the utmost splendor and radiance, and this is eternal and everlasting. See how many conquering kings there have been, how many statesmen and princes, powerful organizers, all of whom have disappeared, whereas the breezes of Christ are still blowing; His light is still shining; His melody is still resounding; His standard is still waving; His armies are still fighting; His heavenly voice is still sweetly melodious; His clouds are still showering gems; His lightning is still flashing; His reflection is still clear and brilliant; His splendor is still radiating and luminous; and it is the same with those souls who are under His protection and are shining with His light. |
6 |
Očito je, dakle, da Objave imaju tri stanja: tjelesno stanje, stanje racionalne duše i stanje božanske pojave i nebeskoga sjaja. Tjelesno stanje će zasigurno nestati razlaganjem, ali stanje racionalne duše, premda ona ima početak, nema kraja; ne, ona je obdarena vječnim životom. Ali Sveta Stvarnost Kristova kaže: “Otac je u Sinu”124, nema početka ni kraja. Kad se govori o početku, on označava stanje objave; a simbolički se stanje tišine uspoređuje sa stanjem spavanja. Na primjer, čovjek spava, a kad počne govoriti, budan je; međutim, on je uvijek ista osoba, spavao on ili bio budan; nije došlo do nikakve promjene u njegovu stanju, njegovoj uzvišenosti, njegovoj slavi, njegovoj stvarnosti ili njegovoj naravi. Stanje tišine uspoređuje se sa spavanjem, a stanje objave s budnošću. Čovjek, usnuo ili budan, isti je čovjek; spavanje je jedno stanje, a budnost drugo. Vrijeme tišine uspoređuje se sa spavanjem, a objava i vodstvo s budnošću. |
Then it is evident that the Manifestations possess three conditions: the physical condition, the condition of the rational soul, and the condition of the divine appearance and heavenly splendor. The physical condition will certainly become decomposed, but the condition of the rational soul, though it has a beginning, has no end: nay, it is endowed with everlasting life. But the Holy Reality, of which Christ says, “The Father is in the Son,”124 has neither beginning nor end. When beginning is spoken of, it signifies the state of manifesting; and, symbolically, the condition of silence is compared to sleep. For example, a man is sleeping—when he begins to speak, he is awake—but it is always the same individual, whether he be asleep or awake; no difference has occurred in his station, his elevation, his glory, his reality or his nature. The state of silence is compared to sleep, and that of manifestation to wakefulness. A man sleeping or waking is the same man; sleep is one state, and wakefulness is another. The time of silence is compared to sleep, and manifestation and guidance are compared to wakefulness. |
7 |
U Evanđelju se kaže: “U početku bijaše Riječ, a Riječ bijaše Bog.”125 Onda je očito i jasno da Krist nije dosegao stanje Objavljenja i njegove savršenosti u vrijeme krštenja, kad se Sveti Duh spustio na Njega u liku golubice. Ne; Riječ Božja oduvijek je postojala, i postojat će u egzaltaciji posvećenja. |
In the Gospel it is said, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.”125 Then it is evident and clear that Christ did not reach to the station of Messiahship and its perfections at the time of baptism, when the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the likeness of a dove. Nay, the Word of God from all eternity has always been, and will be, in the exaltation of sanctification. |