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Pitanje: – Jedna od moći koje Božanske Objave posjeduju jest znanje. U kojoj je mjeri ono ograničeno? |
Question.—One of the powers possessed by the Divine Manifestations is knowledge. To what extent is it limited? |
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Odgovor: – Postoje dvije vrste znanja. Jedno je subjektivno, a drugo objektivno znanje – što znači, intuitivno znanje i znanje stečeno opažanjem. |
Answer.—Knowledge is of two kinds. One is subjective and the other objective knowledge—that is to say, an intuitive knowledge and a knowledge derived from perception. |
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Znanje o stvarima koje ljudi općenito imaju stečeno je promišljanjem ili na temelju dokaza – tj., koncepcija nekog objekta oblikuje se snagom uma, ili se promatranjem nekog objekta stvara oblik u zrcalu srca. Krug ovog znanja vrlo je ograničen jer ono ovisi o trudu i postignuću. |
The knowledge of things which men universally have is gained by reflection or by evidence—that is to say, either by the power of the mind the conception of an object is formed, or from beholding an object the form is produced in the mirror of the heart. The circle of this knowledge is very limited because it depends upon effort and attainment. |
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No, druga vrsta znanja, koje je znanje o postojanju, intuitivna je; ono je poput spoznaje i svijesti koje čovjek ima o samome sebi. |
But the second sort of knowledge, which is the knowledge of being, is intuitive; it is like the cognizance and consciousness that man has of himself. |
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Na primjer, svijest i duh čovjeka poznaju stanja i položaj sastavnih dijelova tijela i svjesni su svih fizičkih osjeta; također, oni su svjesni svoje snage, svojih osjećaja i svojih duhovnih stanja. To je znanje o postojanju koje čovjek razumije i opaža, jer duh obavija tijelo i svjestan je njegovih osjeta i sposobnosti. To znanje nije rezultat truda i učenja. To je nešto što postoji; to je apsolutni dar. |
For example, the mind and the spirit of man are cognizant of the conditions and states of the members and component parts of the body, and are aware of all the physical sensations; in the same way, they are aware of their power, of their feelings, and of their spiritual conditions. This is the knowledge of being which man realizes and perceives, for the spirit surrounds the body and is aware of its sensations and powers. This knowledge is not the outcome of effort and study. It is an existing thing; it is an absolute gift. |
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Budući da Posvećene Stvarnosti, najviše Objave Božje, okružuju bit i kvalitete stvorenja, nadilaze i sadrže postojeće realnosti i razumiju sve stvari – Njihovo je znanje, stoga, božansko znanje i nije stečeno, već predstavlja sveti dar; to je božansko otkrivenje. |
Since the Sanctified Realities, the supreme Manifestations of God, surround the essence and qualities of the creatures, transcend and contain existing realities and understand all things, therefore, Their knowledge is divine knowledge, and not acquired—that is to say, it is a holy bounty; it is a divine revelation. |
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Spomenut ćemo jedan primjer da bismo ovo objasnili. Najplemenitije biće na zemlji je čovjek. On obuhvaća životinjsko, biljno i kraljevstvo minerala – tj., sva ta stanja sadržana su u njemu u tolikoj mjeri da je on posjednik svih tih stanja i položaja; on je svjestan njihovih otajstava i tajni njihova postojanja. To je samo jedan primjer, a ne analogija. Ukratko, najviše Objave Božje svjesne su stvarnosti otajstava bića. Stoga, Oni uspostavljaju zakone podobne i prilagođene stanju čovjekova svijeta, jer religija je bitna veza koja proizlazi iz realnosti stvari. Objava – tj., Sveti Zakonodavac – sve dok nije svjestan realnosti bića, neće razumjeti bitnu vezu koja proizlazi iz realnosti stvari, i zasigurno neće biti sposoban uspostaviti religiju koja je u skladu sa činjenicama i koja odgovara stanjima. Proroci su Božji, najviše Objave, poput vještih liječnika, a prolazni je svijet poput čovjekova tijela: božanski su zakoni lijek i ukazuju na potreban oblik liječenja. Shodno tome, liječnik mora biti svjestan i poznavati sve dijelove, kao i konstituciju i stanje pacijenta, da bi mogao propisati lijek koji će biti koristan u borbi protiv ljutog otrova bolesti. Zapravo, liječnik iz same bolesti izvodi liječenje koje odgovara pacijentu, jer on utvrđuje dijagnozu bolesti i potom propisuje lijek protiv bolesti. Sve dok se ne otkrije bolest, može li se propisati lijek i liječenje? Liječnik zatim mora potpuno poznavati konstituciju, dijelove tijela, organe i stanje pacijenta i biti upoznat sa svim bolestima i svim lijekovima da bi mogao propisati odgovarajući lijek. |
We will mention an example expressly for the purpose of comprehending this subject. The most noble being on the earth is man. He embraces the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms—that is to say, these conditions are contained in him to such an extent that he is the possessor of these conditions and states; he is aware of their mysteries and of the secrets of their existence. This is simply an example and not an analogy. Briefly, the supreme Manifestations of God are aware of the reality of the mysteries of beings. Therefore, They establish laws which are suitable and adapted to the state of the world of man, for religion is the essential connection which proceeds from the realities of things. The Manifestation—that is, the Holy Lawgiver—unless He is aware of the realities of beings, will not comprehend the essential connection which proceeds from the realities of things, and He will certainly not be able to establish a religion conformable to the facts and suited to the conditions. The Prophets of God, the supreme Manifestations, are like skilled physicians, and the contingent world is like the body of man: the divine laws are the remedy and treatment. Consequently, the doctor must be aware of, and know, all the members and parts, as well as the constitution and state of the patient, so that he can prescribe a medicine which will be beneficial against the violent poison of the disease. In reality the doctor deduces from the disease itself the treatment which is suited to the patient, for he diagnoses the malady, and afterward prescribes the remedy for the illness. Until the malady be discovered, how can the remedy and treatment be prescribed? The doctor then must have a thorough knowledge of the constitution, members, organs and state of the patient, and be acquainted with all diseases and all remedies, in order to prescribe a fitting medicine. |
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Religija je, dakle, nužna veza koja emanira iz realnosti stvari; a budući da su najviše Objave Božje svjesne otajstava bića, One shvaćaju tu suštinsku vezu i tim znanjem uspostavljaju Zakon Božji. |
Religion, then, is the necessary connection which emanates from the reality of things; and as the supreme Manifestations of God are aware of the mysteries of beings, therefore, They understand this essential connection, and by this knowledge establish the Law of God. |