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1 Pitanje: – Koji je stupanj moći i savršenstava Prijestolja Stvarnosti, Objava Božjih i koja je granica Njihova utjecaja? Question.—What is the degree of the power and the perfections of the Thrones of Reality, the Manifestations of God, and what is the limit of Their influence?
2 Odgovor: – Promislite o svijetu postojanja – tj., o svijetu materijalnih stvari. Sunčev sustav mračan je i taman, a u njemu je sunce središte svjetla i sve se planete sustava okreću oko njegove moći i dionici su njegova obilja. Sunce je uzrok života i prosvjetljenja te sredstvo rasta i razvoja svih bića sunčeva sustava; jer bez obilja sunca ne može postojati nijedno živo biće: sva bi bila tamna i uništena. Stoga, jasno je i očito da je sunce središte svjetla i uzrok života bića sunčeva sustava. Answer.—Consider the world of existence—that is to say, the world of material things. The solar system is dark and obscure, and in it the sun is the center of light, and all the planets of the system revolve around its might and are partakers of its bounty. The sun is the cause of life and illumination, and the means of the growth and development of all the beings of the solar system; for without the bounty of the sun no living being could exist: all would be dark and destroyed. Therefore, it is evident and clear that the sun is the center of light and the cause of the life of the beings of the solar system.
3 Također, Svete Objave Božje središta su svjetla stvarnosti, izvora otajstava i obilja ljubavi. One sjaje u svijetu srca i misli i liju vječne milosti na svijet duhova; One daju duhovni život i blistaju svjetlom stvarnosti i značenja. Prosvjetljenje svijeta misli dolazi od ovih središta svjetla i izvora otajstava. Bez obilja sjaja i uputa ovih Svetih Bića, svijet duša i misli bio bi neprozirna tama. Bez neospornih učenja tih izvora otajstava ljudski svijet postao bi pašnjakom životinjskih apetita i kvaliteta, postojanje svega bilo bi nestvarno i ne bi bilo pravoga života. Zato se u Evanđelju kaže: “Na početku bijaše Riječ”, što znači da je ona postala uzrokom života.131 In like manner, the Holy Manifestations of God are the centers of the light of reality, of the source of mysteries, and of the bounties of love. They are resplendent in the world of hearts and thoughts, and shower eternal graces upon the world of spirits; They give spiritual life and are shining with the light of realities and meanings. The enlightenment of the world of thought comes from these centers of light and sources of mysteries. Without the bounty of the splendor and the instructions of these Holy Beings the world of souls and thoughts would be opaque darkness. Without the irrefutable teachings of those sources of mysteries the human world would become the pasture of animal appetites and qualities, the existence of everything would be unreal, and there would be no true life. That is why it is said in the Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word,” meaning that it became the cause of all life.131
4 Promislite sad o utjecaju sunca na zemaljska bića, o znacima i ishodima koji postaju vidljivi i jasni zbog njegove blizine i udaljenosti, od njegova izlaska do njegova zalaska. U jednom je trenutku jesen, u drugom proljeće; ili je pak ljeto ili zima. Kad sunce prijeđe crtu ekvatora, životvorno proljeće objavit će se u svom sjaju, a kad se nađe u ljetnom solsticiju, plodovi će dostići vrhunac savršenstva, žito i biljke rodit će, a zemaljska bića postići svoj najpotpuniji razvitak i rast. Now consider the influence of the sun upon the earthly beings, what signs and results become evident and clear from its nearness and remoteness, from its rising or its setting. At one time it is autumn, at another time spring; or again it is summer or winter. When the sun passes the line of the equator, the life-giving spring will become manifest in splendor, and when it is in the summer solstice, the fruits will attain to the acme of perfection, grains and plants will yield their produce, and earthly beings will attain their most complete development and growth.
5 Isto se događa kad Sveta Objava Božja, Koja je sunce svijeta Njegova stvaranja, zasja nad svjetovima duhova, misli i srca, te se javljaju duhovno proljeće i novi život, moć čudesnoga proljeća postaje vidljiva, a zadivljujuće dobrobiti očite. Primjećujete da u doba pojave svake Objave Božje u svijetu uma, misli i duha dolazi do izuzetnog napretka. Na primjer, u ovo božansko doba pogledajte kakav je razvoj postigao svijet uma i misli, a to je tek početak njegova osvita. Uskoro ćete vidjeti kako će novi darovi i božanska učenja osvijetliti ovaj mračan svijet i preobraziti njegove tužne regije u raj Edena. In like manner, when the Holy Manifestation of God, Who is the sun of the world of His creation, shines upon the worlds of spirits, of thoughts and of hearts, then the spiritual spring and new life appear, the power of the wonderful springtime becomes visible, and marvelous benefits are apparent. As you have observed, at the time of the appearance of each Manifestation of God extraordinary progress has occurred in the world of minds, thoughts and spirits. For example, in this divine age see what development has been attained in the world of minds and thoughts, and it is now only the beginning of its dawn. Before long you will see that new bounties and divine teachings will illuminate this dark world and will transform these sad regions into the paradise of Eden.
6 Kad bismo trebali objasniti znakove i darove svake Svete Objave, predugo bi trajalo. Razmislite i promišljajte o tome sami za sebe i dosegnut ćete istinu o ovoj stvari. If we were to explain the signs and bounties of each of the Holy Manifestations, it would take too long. Think and reflect upon it yourself, and then you will attain to the truth of this subject.