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Pitanje: – Posjeduje li čovjek u početku um i duh ili su oni ishod evolucije? |
Question.—Does man in the beginning possess mind and spirit, or are they an outcome of his evolution? |
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Odgovor: – Početak čovjekova postojanja na zemaljskoj kugli nalikuje njegovu nastajanju u utrobi majke. Embrion u utrobi majke postupno raste i razvija se do rođenja, nakon čega nastavlja rasti i razvijati se dok ne dostigne doba razboritosti i zrelosti. Iako se u djetinjstvu znaci uma i duha pojavljuju kod čovjeka, oni ne dosežu stupanj savršenosti, nesavršeni su. Tek kad čovjek postigne zrelost, um i duh se pojavljuju i očituju u krajnjoj savršenosti. |
Answer.—The beginning of the existence of man on the terrestrial globe resembles his formation in the womb of the mother. The embryo in the womb of the mother gradually grows and develops until birth, after which it continues to grow and develop until it reaches the age of discretion and maturity. Though in infancy the signs of the mind and spirit appear in man, they do not reach the degree of perfection; they are imperfect. Only when man attains maturity do the mind and the spirit appear and become evident in utmost perfection. |
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Isto je tako i formiranje čovjeka u maternici svijeta bilo poput embriona; zatim je postupno napredovao prema savršenstvu – rastao i razvijao se sve dok nije dostigao stupanj zrelosti, kad su um i duh postali vidljivi i postigli najveću moć. U početku njegova formiranja um i duh su također postojali, ali su bili skriveni; kasnije su se očitovali. U utrobi svijeta um i duh su također postojali u embrionu, ali su bili skriveni; kasnije su se pojavili. Isto tako u sjemenu postoji drvo, ali je skriveno; kad se razvije i naraste pojavi se cijelo drvo. Na isti način rast i razvoj svih bića je postupan; to je univerzalna božanska organizacija i prirodni sustav. Sjeme ne postaje drvo odjednom; embrion ne postaje odjednom čovjek; mineral ne postaje iznenada kamen. Ne, oni rastu i razvijaju se postupno te dostižu granicu savršenstva. |
So also the formation of man in the matrix of the world was in the beginning like the embryo; then gradually he made progress in perfectness, and grew and developed until he reached the state of maturity, when the mind and spirit became visible in the greatest power. In the beginning of his formation the mind and spirit also existed, but they were hidden; later they were manifested. In the womb of the world mind and spirit also existed in the embryo, but they were concealed; afterward they appeared. So it is that in the seed the tree exists, but it is hidden and concealed; when it develops and grows, the complete tree appears. In the same way the growth and development of all beings is gradual; this is the universal divine organization and the natural system. The seed does not at once become a tree; the embryo does not at once become a man; the mineral does not suddenly become a stone. No, they grow and develop gradually and attain the limit of perfection. |
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Sva bića, i velika i mala, od početka su bila stvorena savršenima i potpunima, ali njihova se savršenost javljala u stupnjevima. Božja je organizacija jedna; evolucija egzistencije je jedna; božanski sustav je jedan. Bila ona mala ili velika bića, sva su podređena jednom zakonu i sustavu. Svako sjeme od početka u sebi ima sva savršenstva biljke. Na primjer, u sjemenu od početka postoje sva savršenstva biljke, ali ne vidljivo; kasnije malo – pomalo ona se pojavljuju. Tako je tu najprije izdanak koji se javlja iz korijena, zatim slijede grane, listovi, cvjetovi i plodovi; ali od početka njegova postojanja sve te stvari su u sjemenu, potencijalno, premda ne očigledno. |
All beings, whether large or small, were created perfect and complete from the first, but their perfections appear in them by degrees. The organization of God is one; the evolution of existence is one; the divine system is one. Whether they be small or great beings, all are subject to one law and system. Each seed has in it from the first all the vegetable perfections. For example, in the seed all the vegetable perfections exist from the beginning, but not visibly; afterward little by little they appear. So it is first the shoot which appears from the seed, then the branches, leaves, blossoms and fruits; but from the beginning of its existence all these things are in the seed, potentially, though not apparently. |
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Na isti način, embrion od početka posjeduje sva savršenstva, kao što su duh, um, vid, miris, okus – jednom riječju: sve moći – ali one nisu vidljive i takve postaju samo u stupnjevima. |
In the same way, the embryo possesses from the first all perfections, such as the spirit, the mind, the sight, the smell, the taste—in one word, all the powers—but they are not visible and become so only by degrees. |
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Slično tome, zemaljska kugla je od početka stvorena sa svim svojim elementima, tvarima, mineralima, atomima i organizmima; ali oni se pojavljuju samo u stupnjevima: najprije minerali, onda biljke, nakon toga životinje i napokon čovjek. No sve su te vrste postojale od početka, bile su nerazvijene, i postupno su se pojavljivale na zemaljskoj kugli. Jer vrhovna Božja organizacija, univerzalni prirodni sustav okružuje sva bića i svi su podređeni njegovoj vladavini. Kad razmišljate o tom univerzalnom sustavu, vidite da nema nijednog među bićima koje je na samom početku svoga postojanja doseglo granicu svoje savršenosti. Ne, ona polako rastu i razvijaju se i tek onda dostižu stupanj savršenstva. |
Similarly, the terrestrial globe from the beginning was created with all its elements, substances, minerals, atoms and organisms; but these only appeared by degrees: first the mineral, then the plant, afterward the animal, and finally man. But from the first these kinds and species existed, but were undeveloped in the terrestrial globe, and then appeared only gradually. For the supreme organization of God, and the universal natural system, surround all beings, and all are subject to this rule. When you consider this universal system, you see that there is not one of the beings which at its coming into existence has reached the limit of perfection. No, they gradually grow and develop, and then attain the degree of perfection. |