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1 Pitanje: – Kakva je mudrost pojave duha u tijelu? Question.—What is the wisdom of the spirit’s appearing in the body?
2 Odgovor: – Mudrost pojave duha u tijelu je sljedeća: ljudski je duh Božanski Zalog i on mora nadići sva stanja, jer njegov prijelaz i kretanje kroz stanja postojanja bit će način njegova usvajanja savršenstava. Tako kad čovjek putuje i prolazi različitim regijama i bezbrojnim zemljama sustavno i metodično, to je sigurno način njegova usvajanja savršenstva, jer vidjet će mjesta, prizore i zemlje iz kojih će otkriti životne uvjete i stanja drugih naroda. Tako će se upoznati sa zemljopisom zemalja i njihovim čudima i umjetnostima; upoznat će navike i običaje naroda; vidjet će civilizaciju i napredak epohe; postat će svjestan politike vlada, te moći i potencijala svake zemlje. Isto je i kada ljudski duh prolazi kroz stanja postojanja: postat će posjednikom svakog stupnja i položaja. Čak i u tjelesnom stanju zasigurno će usvojiti savršenstva. Answer.—The wisdom of the appearance of the spirit in the body is this: the human spirit is a Divine Trust, and it must traverse all conditions, for its passage and movement through the conditions of existence will be the means of its acquiring perfections. So when a man travels and passes through different regions and numerous countries with system and method, it is certainly a means of his acquiring perfection, for he will see places, scenes and countries, from which he will discover the conditions and states of other nations. He will thus become acquainted with the geography of countries and their wonders and arts; he will familiarize himself with the habits, customs and usages of peoples; he will see the civilization and progress of the epoch; he will become aware of the policy of governments and the power and capacity of each country. It is the same when the human spirit passes through the conditions of existence: it will become the possessor of each degree and station. Even in the condition of the body it will surely acquire perfections.
3 Osim toga, nužno je da znaci savršenosti duha budu očiti u ovome svijetu da bi svijet stvaranja mogao donijeti beskrajne rezultate, a ovo tijelo moglo primiti život i očitovati božanske milosti. Tako, na primjer, zrake sunca moraju sjati na zemlju, a sunčeva toplina razvijati zemaljska bića; kad sunčeve zrake ne bi obasjavale zemlju, zemlja bi bila nenastanjena, bez smisla; i njezin bi razvoj zaostao. Isto tako, kad se savršenosti duha ne bi pojavile na ovom svijetu, taj bi svijet bio neprosvijetljen i posve okrutan. Pojavom duha u tjelesnom obliku, ovaj je svijet prosvijetljen. Kao što je duh čovjeka uzrok života u tijelu, tako je svijet u stanju tijela, a čovjek u stanju duha. Kad ne bi bilo čovjeka, ne bi se pojavila savršenstva duha, a svjetlo uma ne bi sjalo na ovome svijetu. Svijet bi bio kao tijelo bez duše. Besides this, it is necessary that the signs of the perfection of the spirit should be apparent in this world, so that the world of creation may bring forth endless results, and this body may receive life and manifest the divine bounties. So, for example, the rays of the sun must shine upon the earth, and the solar heat develop the earthly beings; if the rays and heat of the sun did not shine upon the earth, the earth would be uninhabited, without meaning; and its development would be retarded. In the same way, if the perfections of the spirit did not appear in this world, this world would be unenlightened and absolutely brutal. By the appearance of the spirit in the physical form, this world is enlightened. As the spirit of man is the cause of the life of the body, so the world is in the condition of the body, and man is in the condition of the spirit. If there were no man, the perfections of the spirit would not appear, and the light of the mind would not be resplendent in this world. This world would be like a body without a soul.
4 Ovaj svijet je također u stanju drveta s plodovima, a čovjek je kao plod; bez ploda drvo bi bilo beskorisno. This world is also in the condition of a fruit tree, and man is like the fruit; without fruit the tree would be useless.
5 Štoviše, ti dijelovi, ti elementi, ta kompozicija – koji se nalaze u organizmu čovjeka – prijemčivi su i magnet su za duh; sigurno je da će se duh u njemu pojaviti. Tako će zrcalo koje je čisto zasigurno privući zrake sunca. Zasvijetlit će i u njemu će se pojaviti čudesne slike – drugim riječima, kad se ti postojeći elementi spoje u skladu s prirodnim redom i sa savršenom snagom, oni postaju magnet za duh te će se duh očitovati u njima sa svim savršenostima. Moreover, these members, these elements, this composition, which are found in the organism of man, are an attraction and magnet for the spirit; it is certain that the spirit will appear in it. So a mirror which is clear will certainly attract the rays of the sun. It will become luminous, and wonderful images will appear in it—that is to say, when these existing elements are gathered together according to the natural order, and with perfect strength, they become a magnet for the spirit, and the spirit will become manifest in them with all its perfections.
6 Pod ovim se uvjetima ne može reći: “Kakva je nužnost u tome da se zrake sunca spuste na zrcalo?” – jer veza koja postoji između realnosti stvari, bile one materijalne ili duhovne, zahtijeva – kad je zrcalo čisto i okrenuto suncu – da se u njemu mora pojaviti svjetlo sunca. Na isti način, kad se elementi poredaju i kombiniraju prema najveličajnijem sustavu, organizaciji i načinu, ljudski duh će se pojaviti i očitovati u njima. To je nalog Moćnoga, Mudroga. Under these conditions it cannot be said, “What is the necessity for the rays of the sun to descend upon the mirror?”—for the connection which exists between the reality of things, whether they be spiritual or material, requires that when the mirror is clear and faces the sun, the light of the sun must become apparent in it. In the same way, when the elements are arranged and combined in the most glorious system, organization and manner, the human spirit will appear and be manifest in them. This is the decree of the Powerful, the Wise.