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1 Pitanje: – U Bibliji se kaže da je Bog udahnuo duh u tijelo čovjeka. Kakvo je značenje tog stiha? Question.—In the Bible it is said that God breathed the spirit into the body of man. What is the meaning of this verse?
2 Odgovor: – Znajte da postoje dvije vrste nastanka: nastanak i pojava putem emanacije, te nastanak i pojava putem objave. Nastanak putem emanacije je poput nastanka djela od stvaratelja, pisanog djela od pisca. Dakle pisano djelo emanira od pisca, a govor od govornika, a na isti način ljudski duh emanira od Boga. To ne znači da on objavljuje Boga – tj. nijedan njegov dio nije se odvojio od Božanske Stvarnosti da bi ušao u tijelo čovjeka. Ne, kao što govor emanira od govornika, duh se pojavljuje u tijelu čovjeka. Answer.—Know that proceeding is of two kinds: the proceeding and appearance through emanation, and the proceeding and appearance through manifestation. The proceeding through emanation is like the coming forth of the action from the actor, of the writing from the writer. Now the writing emanates from the writer, and the discourse emanates from the speaker, and in the same way the human spirit emanates from God. It is not that it manifests God—that is to say, no part has been detached from the Divine Reality to enter the body of man. No, as the discourse emanates from the speaker, the spirit appears in the body of man.
3 No nastanak putem objave je objava prave prirode neke stvari u drugim oblicima, poput nastanka ovog drveta iz sjemena drveta ili nastanka cvijeta iz sjemena cvijeta, jer samo se sjeme pojavljuje u obliku grana, listova i cvjetova. To se zove nastanak putem objave. Duhovi ljudi, s obzirom na Boga, imaju ovisnost putem emanacije, upravo kao što govor nastaje od govornika, a pisano djelo od pisca – što znači da sâm govornik ne postaje govor, niti sâm pisac postaje pisano djelo; ne, oni nastaju emanacijom. Govornik ima savršenu sposobnost i moć i govor emanira od njega, kao što djelo emanira od stvaratelja. Pravi Govornik, Bit Jedinstva, oduvijek je bio u određenom stanju koje se ne mijenja, nema preobražaja ni nestalnosti. On je Vječan, Besmrtan. Stoga, ljudski duhovi nastaju od Boga emanacijom. Kad se u Bibliji kaže da je Bog udahnuo Svoj duh u čovjeka, duh je ono što, poput govora, emanira od Pravog Govornika, i realizira se u stvarnosti čovjeka. But the proceeding through manifestation is the manifestation of the reality of a thing in other forms, like the coming forth of this tree from the seed of the tree, or the coming forth of the flower from the seed of the flower, for it is the seed itself which appears in the form of the branches, leaves and flowers. This is called the proceeding through manifestation. The spirits of men, with reference to God, have dependence through emanation, just as the discourse proceeds from the speaker and the writing from the writer—that is to say, the speaker himself does not become the discourse, nor does the writer himself become the writing; no, rather they have the proceeding of emanation. The speaker has perfect ability and power, and the discourse emanates from him, as the action does from the actor. The Real Speaker, the Essence of Unity, has always been in one condition, which neither changes nor alters, has neither transformation nor vicissitude. He is the Eternal, the Immortal. Therefore, the proceeding of the human spirits from God is through emanation. When it is said in the Bible that God breathed His spirit into man, this spirit is that which, like the discourse, emanates from the Real Speaker, taking effect in the reality of man.
4 No nastanak putem objave (ako se pod tim podrazumijeva božanska pojava, a ne podjela na dijelove), rekli smo, nastanak je i pojava Svetog Duha i Riječi, koja je od Boga. Kako se kaže u Ivanovu Evanđelju: “U početku bijaše Riječ, a Riječ bijaše kod Boga”145; onda su Sveti Duh i Riječ pojava Boga. Duh i Riječ znače božanske savršenosti koje su se pojavile u stvarnosti Krista, a te su savršenosti bile s Bogom; tako sunce objavljuje svu svoju slavu u zrcalu. Jer Riječ ne označava tijelo Kristovo; ne, nego božanske savršenosti objavljene u Njemu. Jer Krist je bio poput čistog zrcala okrenuta Suncu Stvarnosti, a savršenosti Sunca Stvarnosti – to znači, njegovo svjetlo i toplina – bili su vidljivi i jasni u tom zrcalu. Pogledamo li u zrcalo, vidimo sunce i kažemo: “To je sunce”. Zato su Riječ i Sveti Duh, koji označavaju savršenosti Boga, božanska pojava. To je značenje stiha u Evanđelju koji kaže: “Riječ bijaše kod Boga i Riječ bijaše Bog”146; jer božanske savršenosti se ne razlikuju od Biti Jednosti. Savršenosti Kristove nazivaju se Riječ , jer sva bića su u stanju slova, a jedno slovo nema potpunog značenja, dok savršenosti Kristove imaju moć riječi jer se potpuno značenje može zaključiti iz riječi. Budući da je Stvarnost Kristova bila objava božanskih savršenosti, bila je zato poput riječi. Zašto? On je suma savršenih značenja. Zato se zove Riječ. But the proceeding through manifestation (if by this is meant the divine appearance, and not division into parts), we have said, is the proceeding and the appearance of the Holy Spirit and the Word, which is from God. As it is said in the Gospel of John, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God”;145 then the Holy Spirit and the Word are the appearance of God. The Spirit and the Word mean the divine perfections that appeared in the Reality of Christ, and these perfections were with God; so the sun manifests all its glory in the mirror. For the Word does not signify the body of Christ, no, but the divine perfections manifested in Him. For Christ was like a clear mirror which was facing the Sun of Reality; and the perfections of the Sun of Reality—that is to say, its light and heat—were visible and apparent in this mirror. If we look into the mirror, we see the sun, and we say, “It is the sun.” Therefore, the Word and the Holy Spirit, which signify the perfections of God, are the divine appearance. This is the meaning of the verse in the Gospel which says: “The Word was with God, and the Word was God”;146 for the divine perfections are not different from the Essence of Oneness. The perfections of Christ are called the Word because all the beings are in the condition of letters, and one letter has not a complete meaning, while the perfections of Christ have the power of the word because a complete meaning can be inferred from a word. As the Reality of Christ was the manifestation of the divine perfections, therefore, it was like the word. Why? because He is the sum of perfect meanings. This is why He is called the Word.
5 I znajte da se nastanak Riječi i Svetoga Duha od Boga, koji je nastanak i pojava objave, ne smije shvatiti tako da znači da se Stvarnost Božanstva razdvojila na dijelove ili se umnožila ili da se spustila s visina svetosti i čistoće. Bože sačuvaj! Ako je čisto, fino zrcalo okrenuto suncu, svjetlo i toplina, oblik i slika sunca sjat će u njemu uz takvu objavu da ako gledatelj kaže o suncu koje blista i vidi se u zrcalu: “To je sunce”, to je istina. Ipak, zrcalo je zrcalo, a sunce je sunce. Jedno Sunce, čak i ako se pojavi u brojnim zrcalima, jedno je. To nije stanje u kojem se živi niti u koje se ulazi, dolazi ili spušta; jer ulaženje, prebivanje, spuštanje, izlaženje i dolaženje su obilježja tijela, a ne duhova; koliko onda manje pripadaju posvećenoj i čistoj Stvarnosti Boga. Bog je izuzet od svega što nije u skladu s Njegovom čistotom i Njegovom uzvišenom i vrhovnom svetosti. And know that the proceeding of the Word and the Holy Spirit from God, which is the proceeding and appearance of manifestation, must not be understood to mean that the Reality of Divinity had been divided into parts, or multiplied, or that it had descended from the exaltation of holiness and purity. God forbid! If a pure, fine mirror faces the sun, the light and heat, the form and the image of the sun will be resplendent in it with such manifestation that if a beholder says of the sun, which is brilliant and visible in the mirror, “This is the sun,” it is true. Nevertheless, the mirror is the mirror, and the sun is the sun. The One Sun, even if it appears in numerous mirrors, is one. This state is neither abiding nor entering, neither commingling nor descending; for entering, abiding, descending, issuing forth and commingling are the necessities and characteristics of bodies, not of spirits; then how much less do they belong to the sanctified and pure Reality of God. God is exempt from all that is not in accordance with His purity and His exalted and sublime sanctity.
6 Sunce Stvarnosti, kako smo rekli, oduvijek je bilo u jednom stanju; ne mijenja se, ne preobražava i nije nestalno. Ono je trajno i vječno. No, Sveta Stvarnost Riječi Božje je u stanju čistog, finog i sjajnog zrcala; toplina, svjetlo, slika i lik – to znači, savršenosti Sunca Stvarnosti – pojavljuju se u njemu. Zato Krist u Evanđelju kaže: “Otac je u Sinu” – što znači – Sunce Stvarnosti pojavljuje se u zrcalu147. Slava Jednome Koji je zasjao na ovu Svetu Stvarnost, Koji je posvećen među bićima! The Sun of Reality, as we have said, has always been in one condition; it has no change, no alteration, no transformation and no vicissitude. It is eternal and everlasting. But the Holy Reality of the Word of God is in the condition of the pure, fine and shining mirror; the heat, the light, the image and likeness—that is to say, the perfections of the Sun of Reality—appear in it. That is why Christ says in the Gospel, “The Father is in the Son”—that is to say, the Sun of Reality appears in the mirror.147 Praise be to the One Who shone upon this Holy Reality, Who is sanctified among the beings!