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1 Pet vanjskih moći postoji u čovjeka, a koje su posrednici opažanja – što znači da putem tih pet moći čovjek opaža materijalne stvari. To su vid, koji opaža vidljive oblike; sluh, koji opaža zvukove; njuh, koji opaža mirise; okus, koji opaža hranu; i osjećaj dodira, koji je u svim dijelovima tijela i opaža dodirljive stvari. Tih pet moći opažaju vanjske egzistencije. In man five outer powers exist, which are the agents of perception—that is to say, through these five powers man perceives material beings. These are sight, which perceives visible forms; hearing, which perceives audible sounds; smell, which perceives odors; taste, which perceives foods; and feeling, which is in all parts of the body and perceives tangible things. These five powers perceive outward existences.
2 Čovjek također ima i duhovne moći: maštu, koja izmišlja stvari; misao, koja promišlja o stvarnostima; poimanje, koje poima stvarnosti; pamćenje, koje zadržava što god čovjek zamisli, misli ili pojmi. Posrednik između pet vanjskih moći i unutarnjih moći je zajednički osjet – tj. osjet koji djeluje između vanjskih i unutarnjih moći, prenosi do unutarnjih moći sve što razaberu vanjske moći. Naziva se zajedničkim svojstvom jer komunicira između izvanjskih i unutarnjih moći i tako je zajednički izvanjskim i unutarnjim moćima. Man has also spiritual powers: imagination, which conceives things; thought, which reflects upon realities; comprehension, which comprehends realities; memory, which retains whatever man imagines, thinks and comprehends. The intermediary between the five outward powers and the inward powers is the sense which they possess in common—that is to say, the sense which acts between the outer and inner powers, conveys to the inward powers whatever the outer powers discern. It is termed the common faculty, because it communicates between the outward and inward powers and thus is common to the outward and inward powers.
3 Na primjer, vid je jedna od vanjskih moći; on vidi i opaža ovaj cvijet i prenosi taj opažaj do unutarnje moći – zajedničkog svojstva – koje taj opažaj prenosi do moći zamišljanja (mašte), koja opet zamišlja i oblikuje tu sliku i prenosi je do moći misli; moć misli razmišlja i – nakon što dokuči njezinu pravu prirodu – prenosi je do moći poimanja; poimanje, kad je pojmi, predaje sliku opaženog predmeta pamćenju, a pamćenje ga čuva u svom spremištu. For instance, sight is one of the outer powers; it sees and perceives this flower, and conveys this perception to the inner power—the common faculty—which transmits this perception to the power of imagination, which in its turn conceives and forms this image and transmits it to the power of thought; the power of thought reflects and, having grasped the reality, conveys it to the power of comprehension; the comprehension, when it has comprehended it, delivers the image of the object perceived to the memory, and the memory keeps it in its repository.
4 Postoji pet izvanjskih moći: moć vida, sluha, okusa, mirisa i dodira. The outward powers are five: the power of sight, of hearing, of taste, of smell and of feeling.
5 Unutarnjih moći je također pet: inteligencija, te moći zamišljanja, misli, poimanja i pamćenja. The inner powers are also five: the common faculty, and the powers of imagination, thought, comprehension and memory.