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Pitanje: – Koliko vrsta karaktera ima čovjek i što je uzrok razlikama i različitostima karaktera ljudi? |
Question.—How many kinds of character has man, and what is the cause of the differences and varieties in men? |
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Odgovor: – Čovjek ima urođeni karakter, naslijeđeni karakter i stečeni karakter koji se dobiva odgojem. |
Answer.—He has the innate character, the inherited character, and the acquired character which is gained by education. |
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Glede urođenog karaktera, premda je božanska kreacija čista dobrota, ipak raznolikost prirodnih kvaliteta čovjeka potječe od razlike njihova stupnja; sve su odlične, ali su to više ili manje, prema stupnju. Tako svekoliko čovječanstvo posjeduje inteligenciju i potencijale, ali inteligencija, potencijal i vrijednost ljudi razlikuju se. To je očito. |
With regard to the innate character, although the divine creation is purely good, yet the varieties of natural qualities in man come from the difference of degree; all are excellent, but they are more or less so, according to the degree. So all mankind possess intelligence and capacities, but the intelligence, the capacity and the worthiness of men differ. This is evident. |
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Na primjer, uzmite određeni broj djece iz jedne obitelji, iz jednog mjesta, jedne škole, koju poučava jedan učitelj, podizane na istoj hrani, u istom podneblju, odijevane istom odjećom i koja uče iste lekcije – sigurno je da će među njima neka biti bolja u prirodnim znanostima, neka će biti prosječnih sposobnosti, a neka će biti tupa. Odatle je jasno da u izvornoj prirodi postoji razlika u stupnju i raznolikosti vrijednosti i potencijala. Ta razlika ne podrazumijeva dobro ili zlo, već samo razliku u stupnju. Netko je na najvišem stupnju, netko na srednjem, a netko na najnižem. Tako čovjek postoji; životinja, biljka i mineral također postoje – no, stupnjevi te četiri egzistencije razlikuju se. Kolika li je razlika između egzistencije čovjeka i egzistencije životinje! Pa ipak, oboje su egzistencije. Očito je da u egzistenciji postoje razlike u stupnjevima. |
For example, take a number of children of one family, of one place, of one school, instructed by one teacher, reared on the same food, in the same climate, with the same clothing, and studying the same lessons—it is certain that among these children some will be clever in the sciences, some will be of average ability, and some dull. Hence it is clear that in the original nature there exists a difference of degree and varieties of worthiness and capacity. This difference does not imply good or evil but is simply a difference of degree. One has the highest degree, another the medium degree, and another the lowest degree. So man exists; the animal, the plant and the mineral exist also—but the degrees of these four existences vary. What a difference between the existence of man and of the animal! Yet both are existences. It is evident that in existence there are differences of degrees. |
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Raznolikost urođenih kvaliteta dolazi od snage i slabosti konstitucije – što znači da kad su dva roditelja slaba i djeca će biti slaba, a ako su jaki, djeca će biti robusna. Na isti način, čistoća krvi ima velik učinak; jer čista klica je poput višeg roda kod životinja i biljaka. Na primjer, uočavate da će djeca rođena od krhkog oca i majke prirodno biti krhka i slabih živaca; pogađat će ih nezgode i neće imati ni strpljenja, ni izdržljivosti, ni ustrajnosti i bit će nagla; jer djeca nasljeđuju slabost i nesposobnost svojih roditelja. |
The variety of inherited qualities comes from strength and weakness of constitution—that is to say, when the two parents are weak, the children will be weak; if they are strong, the children will be robust. In the same way, purity of blood has a great effect; for the pure germ is like the superior stock which exists in plants and animals. For example, you see that children born from a weak and feeble father and mother will naturally have a feeble constitution and weak nerves; they will be afflicted and will have neither patience, nor endurance, nor resolution, nor perseverance, and will be hasty; for the children inherit the weakness and debility of their parents. |
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Osim toga, poseban je blagoslov prenesen na neke obitelji i neke naraštaje. Tako je poseban blagoslov činjenica da će od potomaka Abrahamovih doći svi Proroci djece Izraela. To je blagoslov koji je Bog dao njegovom potomstvu: Mojsiju od Njegova oca i majke, Kristu od loze Njegove majke; također Muhamedu i Bábu i svim Prorocima i Svetim Objavama Izraela. Blažena Ljepota148 također je potomak Abrahama, jer Abraham je imao još sinova osim Izmaela i Išaka koji su u to doba iselili u zemlje Perzije i Afganistana, a Blažena je Ljepota jedan od njihovih potomaka. |
Besides this, an especial blessing is conferred on some families and some generations. Thus it is an especial blessing that from among the descendants of Abraham should have come all the Prophets of the children of Israel. This is a blessing that God has granted to this descent: to Moses from His father and mother, to Christ from His mother’s line; also to Muḥammad and the Báb, and to all the Prophets and the Holy Manifestations of Israel. The Blessed Beauty148 is also a lineal descendant of Abraham, for Abraham had other sons besides Ishmael and Isaac who in those days migrated to the lands of Persia and Afghanistan, and the Blessed Beauty is one of their descendants. |
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Otuda je očito da naslijeđeni karakter također postoji i to u tolikoj mjeri da ne slažu li se karakteri sa svojim izvorom, premda fizički pripadaju istoj lozi, duhovno se oni ne smatraju članovima obitelji, poput Kanaanca149, koji se ne priznaje pripadnikom roda Noina. |
Hence it is evident that inherited character also exists, and to such a degree that if the characters are not in conformity with their origin, although they belong physically to that lineage, spiritually they are not considered members of the family, like Canaan,149 who is not reckoned as being of the race of Noah. |
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No razlika u kvaliteti s obzirom na kulturu vrlo je velika jer obrazovanje ima jak utjecaj. Putem obrazovanja, neznalica postaje učen; kukavica postaje hrabar. Uzgojem iskrivljena se grana ispravlja; kiselo, gorko voće planina i šuma postaje slatko i ukusno; a cvijet s pet latica postaje cvijet sa sto latica. Putem obrazovanja divlji narodi postaju civilizirani, a čak se i životinje pripitome. Obrazovanje se mora smatrati najvažnijim, jer kao što su bolesti u svijetu tijela izuzetno zarazne, isto su tako izuzetno zarazne i kvalitete duha i srca. Obrazovanje ima univerzalan utjecaj, a razlike koje ono izaziva vrlo su velike. |
But the difference of the qualities with regard to culture is very great, for education has great influence. Through education the ignorant become learned; the cowardly become valiant. Through cultivation the crooked branch becomes straight; the acid, bitter fruit of the mountains and woods becomes sweet and delicious; and the five-petaled flower becomes hundred petaled. Through education savage nations become civilized, and even the animals become domesticated. Education must be considered as most important, for as diseases in the world of bodies are extremely contagious, so, in the same way, qualities of spirit and heart are extremely contagious. Education has a universal influence, and the differences caused by it are very great. |
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Možda će netko reći da – budući da su potencijal i vrijednost ljudi različiti – razlika u potencijalu zasigurno izaziva razliku karaktera150. |
Perhaps someone will say that, since the capacity and worthiness of men differ, therefore, the difference of capacity certainly causes the difference of characters.150 |
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No, nije tako, jer postoje dvije vrste potencijala: prirodni potencijal i stečeni potencijal. Prvi, koji je Božja kreacija, čista je dobrota – u Božjoj kreaciji nema zla; ali stečeni potencijal postao je uzrokom pojave zla. Na primjer, Bog je stvorio sve ljude na takav način i dao im takvu konstituciju i takve potencijale da su im korisni šećer i med, a škodi im i uništava ih otrov. Ta priroda i konstitucija urođene su i Bog ih je udijelio jednakopravno svim ljudima. Ali, čovjek se malo–pomalo počinje navikavati na otrov uzimajući ga u malim količinama svakog dana i postupno ih povećavajući, sve dok ne dostigne stupanj na kojem ne može živjeti bez grama opijuma na dan. Tako su prirodni potencijali potpuno izopačeni. Uvjerite se kako se prirodni potencijal i konstitucija mogu mijenjati, sve dok se posve ne izopače raznim navikama i obukom. Naopake ljude se ne kritizira zbog njihovih urođenih potencijala i naravi, nego prije zbog stečenih. |
But this is not so, for capacity is of two kinds: natural capacity and acquired capacity. The first, which is the creation of God, is purely good—in the creation of God there is no evil; but the acquired capacity has become the cause of the appearance of evil. For example, God has created all men in such a manner and has given them such a constitution and such capacities that they are benefited by sugar and honey and harmed and destroyed by poison. This nature and constitution is innate, and God has given it equally to all mankind. But man begins little by little to accustom himself to poison by taking a small quantity each day, and gradually increasing it, until he reaches such a point that he cannot live without a gram of opium every day. The natural capacities are thus completely perverted. Observe how much the natural capacity and constitution can be changed, until by different habits and training they become entirely perverted. One does not criticize vicious people because of their innate capacities and nature, but rather for their acquired capacities and nature. |
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U kreaciji nema zla; sve je dobro. Određene kvalitete i naravi urođene nekim ljudima koje su naizgled vrijedne prijekora – u stvarnosti to nisu. Na primjer, od početka djetetova života možete vidjeti znakove pohlepe, bijesa i temperamenta. Dakle, moglo bi se reći da su dobro i zlo urođeni suštini čovjeka, a to je suprotno čistoj dobroti i prirodi kreacije. Odgovor na to jest da je pohlepa, što znači tražiti nešto više, hvalevrijedna kvaliteta ako se koristi na odgovarajući način. Tako, ako je čovjek pohlepan za stjecanjem znanja i poznavanjem znanosti ili da bi postao suosjećajan, velikodušan i pravedan, to je doista hvalevrijedno. Ako iskaljuje bijes i gnjev protiv krvožednih tirana koji su poput divljih zvijeri, to je hvalevrijedno; ali ako ne koristi te kvalitete na pravi način, one zavređuju prijekor. |
In creation there is no evil; all is good. Certain qualities and natures innate in some men and apparently blameworthy are not so in reality. For example, from the beginning of his life you can see in a nursing child the signs of greed, of anger and of temper. Then, it may be said, good and evil are innate in the reality of man, and this is contrary to the pure goodness of nature and creation. The answer to this is that greed, which is to ask for something more, is a praiseworthy quality provided that it is used suitably. So if a man is greedy to acquire science and knowledge, or to become compassionate, generous and just, it is most praiseworthy. If he exercises his anger and wrath against the bloodthirsty tyrants who are like ferocious beasts, it is very praiseworthy; but if he does not use these qualities in a right way, they are blameworthy. |
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Dakle jasno je da u kreaciji i prirodi zlo uopće ne postoji; ali kad se prirodne kvalitete čovjeka koriste na nezakonit način, vrijedne su prijekora. Tako, ako bogata i velikodušna osoba pokloni neku sumu novca siromahu za njegove osnovne potrebe i ako siromah potroši tu sumu novca na nezakonite stvari, bit će to vrijedno prijekora. Isto je i sa svim prirodnim kvalitetama čovjeka koje tvore kapital života; ako se koriste i izlažu na nezakonit način – postaju vrijedni prijekora. Stoga je jasno da je kreacija čisto dobro. Shvatite da je najgora kvaliteta i najodvratniji pridjevak od svih, koji je temelj svega zla, laganje. Gora ili kvaliteta više vrijedna prijekora ne može se zamisliti; ona uništava sva ljudska savršenstva i uzrok je bezbrojnih poroka. Nema gore karakteristike od te; to je temelj svih zala. Bez obzira na to, ako liječnik savjetuje bolesnika govoreći: “Hvala Bogu, bolje vam je i ima nade za vaš oporavak”, premda su te riječi suprotne istini, one ipak mogu postati utjehom pacijentu i prekretnicom bolesti. To nije vrijedno prijekora. |
Then it is evident that in creation and nature evil does not exist at all; but when the natural qualities of man are used in an unlawful way, they are blameworthy. So if a rich and generous person gives a sum of money to a poor man for his own necessities, and if the poor man spends that sum of money on unlawful things, that will be blameworthy. It is the same with all the natural qualities of man, which constitute the capital of life; if they be used and displayed in an unlawful way, they become blameworthy. Therefore, it is clear that creation is purely good. Consider that the worst of qualities and most odious of attributes, which is the foundation of all evil, is lying. No worse or more blameworthy quality than this can be imagined to exist; it is the destroyer of all human perfections and the cause of innumerable vices. There is no worse characteristic than this; it is the foundation of all evils. Notwithstanding all this, if a doctor consoles a sick man by saying, “Thank God you are better, and there is hope of your recovery,” though these words are contrary to the truth, yet they may become the consolation of the patient and the turning point of the illness. This is not blameworthy. |
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To je pitanje sada jasno protumačeno. Pozdravljam vas! |
This question is now clearly elucidated. Salutations! |