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1 Jučer smo bili zauzeti raspravom o besmrtnosti duha. Uvjerite se da postoje dvije vrste moći i poimanja ljudskog duha – drugim riječima, oni opažaju i djeluju na dva različita načina. Jedan je način putem instrumenata i organa: tako pomoću ovog oka on vidi; ovim uhom čuje; ovim jezikom govori. Takvo je djelovanje duha, te opažanje stvarnosti čovjeka, pomoću organa – tj., duh je gledatelj, pomoću očiju; duh je slušatelj, uhom; duh je govornik, jezikom. Yesterday we were occupied in discussing the immortality of the spirit. Know that the power and the comprehension of the human spirit are of two kinds—that is to say, they perceive and act in two different modes. One way is through instruments and organs: thus with this eye it sees; with this ear it hears; with this tongue it talks. Such is the action of the spirit, and the perception of the reality of man, by means of organs—that is to say, that the spirit is the seer, through the eyes; the spirit is the hearer, through the ear; the spirit is the speaker, through the tongue.
2 Druga objava moći i djela duha jest ona bez instrumenata i organa. Na primjer, u stanju spavanja duh vidi bez očiju; bez uha čuje; bez jezika govori; bez stopala trči. Ukratko, te su radnje izvan pomoći organa i instrumenata. Koliko se često događa da on (duh) usnuo vidi san, a njegovo mu značenja postane jasno tek nakon dvije godine u odgovarajućim zbivanjima? Jednako tako, koliko se puta dogodilo da je problem koji se ne može riješiti u budnom stanju, riješen u svijetu snova? U budnom stanju oko vidi samo na kratkoj udaljenosti, ali u snovima onaj koji je na Istoku vidi Zapad. Budan on vidi sadašnjost; u snu vidi budućnost. U budnom stanju, pomoću brzih prijevoznih sredstava on može putovati brzinom od najviše dvadeset farsakha156 na sat; u snu, za treptaj oka, on prelazi Istok i Zapad. Jer duh putuje na dva različita načina: bez prijevoznih sredstava, a to je duhovno putovanje; i pomoću prijevoznih sredstava, što je, pak, materijalno putovanje: poput ptica koje lete i onih koje drugi nose. The other manifestation of the powers and actions of the spirit is without instruments and organs. For example, in the state of sleep without eyes it sees; without an ear it hears; without a tongue it speaks; without feet it runs. Briefly, these actions are beyond the means of instruments and organs. How often it happens that it sees a dream in the world of sleep, and its signification becomes apparent two years afterward in corresponding events. In the same way, how many times it happens that a question which one cannot solve in the world of wakefulness is solved in the world of dreams. In wakefulness the eye sees only for a short distance, but in dreams he who is in the East sees the West. Awake he sees the present; in sleep he sees the future. In wakefulness, by means of rapid transit, at the most he can travel only twenty farsakhs156 an hour; in sleep, in the twinkling of an eye, he traverses the East and West. For the spirit travels in two different ways: without means, which is spiritual traveling; and with means, which is material traveling: as birds which fly, and those which are carried.
3 U vrijeme spavanja ovo tijelo je kao mrtvo; ne vidi i ne čuje; ne osjeća; nema svijesti, nema opažanja – drugim riječima, moći čovjeka postale su neaktivne, ali duh živi i postoji. Štoviše, njegova se prodornost pojačava, njegov je let viši, a njegova inteligencija veća. Smatrati da nakon smrti duh nestaje isto je što i zamisliti da će ptica u kavezu biti uništena ako se kavez razbije, premda nema ničega čega bi se ptica trebala bojati u slučaju uništenja kaveza. Naše je tijelo poput kaveza, a duh poput ptice. Vidimo da bez kaveza ova ptica leti u svijetu sna; stoga, ako se kavez razbije, ptica će i dalje postojati. Njezini osjećaji postat će snažniji, njezino opažanje bolje, a njezina će se sreća povećati. Uistinu, iz pakla ona stiže u raj divota jer za zahvalne ptice nema raja većega od oslobođenja iz kaveza. Zato s najvećom radošću i srećom mučenici hitaju na polje žrtve. In the time of sleep this body is as though dead; it does not see nor hear; it does not feel; it has no consciousness, no perception—that is to say, the powers of man have become inactive, but the spirit lives and subsists. Nay, its penetration is increased, its flight is higher, and its intelligence is greater. To consider that after the death of the body the spirit perishes is like imagining that a bird in a cage will be destroyed if the cage is broken, though the bird has nothing to fear from the destruction of the cage. Our body is like the cage, and the spirit is like the bird. We see that without the cage this bird flies in the world of sleep; therefore, if the cage becomes broken, the bird will continue and exist. Its feelings will be even more powerful, its perceptions greater, and its happiness increased. In truth, from hell it reaches a paradise of delights because for the thankful birds there is no paradise greater than freedom from the cage. That is why with utmost joy and happiness the martyrs hasten to the plain of sacrifice.
4 U budnom stanju oko čovjeka vidi najdalje do jednog sata udaljenosti157, jer tjelesnim je instrumentarijem moć duha tako određena; ali unutarnjim vidom i mentalnim okom on vidi Ameriku i može opažati ono što je ondje i otkriti stanje stvari i organizirati poslove. Kad bi, dakle, duh bio isto što i tijelo, nužno bi trebala postojati ista proporcija unutarnjeg vida. Stoga, jasno je da se taj duh razlikuje od tijela i da se ptica razlikuje od kaveza, te da su moć i prodornost duha jači bez posredništva tijela. Dakle, napusti li se instrument, posjednik instrumenta nastavlja djelovati. Na primjer, napusti li se i slomi pero, pisac ostaje živ i prisutan; sruši li se kuća, vlasnik je živ i postoji. To je jedan od logičkih dokaza besmrtnosti duše. In wakefulness the eye of man sees at the utmost as far as one hour of distance157 because through the instrumentality of the body the power of the spirit is thus determined; but with the inner sight and the mental eye it sees America, and it can perceive that which is there, and discover the conditions of things and organize affairs. If, then, the spirit were the same as the body, it would be necessary that the power of the inner sight should also be in the same proportion. Therefore, it is evident that this spirit is different from the body, and that the bird is different from the cage, and that the power and penetration of the spirit is stronger without the intermediary of the body. Now, if the instrument is abandoned, the possessor of the instrument continues to act. For example, if the pen is abandoned or broken, the writer remains living and present; if a house is ruined, the owner is alive and existing. This is one of the logical evidences for the immortality of the soul.
5 Postoji još jedan: ovo tijelo slabi ili oteža ili obolijeva ili ozdravlja; umara se ili odmara; ponekad se odsiječe noga ili ruka ili oslabi fizička moć; postaje slijepo ili gluho ili nijemo; njegovi udovi mogu biti paralizirani; ukratko, tijelo može imati sve nesavršenosti. Unatoč tome, duh će u svom izvornom stanju, u svojoj vlastitoj duhovnoj percepciji, ostati vječan i trajan; niti ima kakvih nesavršenosti, niti će biti osakaćen. No, kad tijelo posve podlegne bolesti i nesreći, postaje lišeno milosti duha, poput zrcala koje, kad se razbije ili zaprlja ili zapraši, ne može odražavati zrake sunca niti dalje prikazivati njegove milosti. There is another: this body becomes weak or heavy or sick, or it finds health; it becomes tired or rested; sometimes the hand or leg is amputated, or its physical power is crippled; it becomes blind or deaf or dumb; its limbs may become paralyzed; briefly, the body may have all the imperfections. Nevertheless, the spirit in its original state, in its own spiritual perception, will be eternal and perpetual; it neither finds any imperfection, nor will it become crippled. But when the body is wholly subjected to disease and misfortune, it is deprived of the bounty of the spirit, like a mirror which, when it becomes broken or dirty or dusty, cannot reflect the rays of the sun nor any longer show its bounties.
6 Već smo objasnili da duh čovjekov nije u tijelu jer je oslobođen i posvećen od ulaska i izlaska, što su tjelesna stanja. Veza duha s tijelom je poput one sunca i zrcala. Ukratko, ljudski je duh u jednom stanju. On se ne razbolijeva od bolesti tijela niti ozdravlja njegovim ozdravljenjem; ne obolijeva, ne slabi, ne postaje bijedan, siromašan, lagan ili malen – tj. neće ga povrijediti boljke tijela niti će imati vidljivih posljedica ako tijelo oslabi ili ako se odsijeku noge, ruke ili jezik, ili ako izgubi moć sluha ili vida. Stoga je očito i sigurno da se duh razlikuje od tijela i da njegovo trajanje ne ovisi o tijelu; naprotiv, duh s najvećom veličanstvenošću vlada u svijetu tijela; i njegovi su moć i utjecaj, poput bogatstva sunca u zrcalu, jasni i vidljivi. No kad se zrcalo zapraši ili se razbije, prestat će odražavati zrake sunca. We have already explained that the spirit of man is not in the body because it is freed and sanctified from entrance and exit, which are bodily conditions. The connection of the spirit with the body is like that of the sun with the mirror. Briefly, the human spirit is in one condition. It neither becomes ill from the diseases of the body nor cured by its health; it does not become sick, nor weak, nor miserable, nor poor, nor light, nor small—that is to say, it will not be injured because of the infirmities of the body, and no effect will be visible even if the body becomes weak, or if the hands and feet and tongue be cut off, or if it loses the power of hearing or sight. Therefore, it is evident and certain that the spirit is different from the body, and that its duration is independent of that of the body; on the contrary, the spirit with the utmost greatness rules in the world of the body; and its power and influence, like the bounty of the sun in the mirror, are apparent and visible. But when the mirror becomes dusty or breaks, it will cease to reflect the rays of the sun.