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Znajte da ništa što postoji ne ostaje u stanju mirovanja – to znači: sve su stvari u pokretu. Sve ili raste ili opada; sve stvari ili nastaju iz nepostojanja ili iz postojanja prelaze u nepostojanje. Tako je ovaj cvijet, zumbul, tijekom nekog vremena prelazio iz svijeta nepostojanja u postojanje, a sada prelazi iz postojanja u nepostojanje. Kaže se da je to stanje kretanja suštinsko – tj. prirodno; ono se ne može odvojiti od bića jer to je njihova suštinska potreba, kao što je suštinska potreba vatre da gori. |
Know that nothing which exists remains in a state of repose—that is to say, all things are in motion. Everything is either growing or declining; all things are either coming from nonexistence into being, or going from existence into nonexistence. So this flower, this hyacinth, during a certain period of time was coming from the world of nonexistence into being, and now it is going from being into nonexistence. This state of motion is said to be essential—that is, natural; it cannot be separated from beings because it is their essential requirement, as it is the essential requirement of fire to burn. |
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Tako je utvrđeno da je to kretanje nužno za postojanje, koje ili raste ili opada. Dakle, kao što duh nastavlja postojati nakon smrti, on nužno napreduje ili opada; a u drugom svijetu prestati napredovati isto je što i opadati; no on nikada ne napušta svoje vlastito stanje u kojem se nastavlja razvijati. Na primjer, stvarnost Petrova duha, ma koliko on napredovao, neće dostići stanje Kristove Stvarnosti; on napreduje samo u svom vlastitom okruženju. |
Thus it is established that this movement is necessary to existence, which is either growing or declining. Now, as the spirit continues to exist after death, it necessarily progresses or declines; and in the other world to cease to progress is the same as to decline; but it never leaves its own condition, in which it continues to develop. For example, the reality of the spirit of Peter, however far it may progress, will not reach to the condition of the Reality of Christ; it progresses only in its own environment. |
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Pogledajte ovaj mineral. Ma koliko daleko evoluirao, on evoluira samo u svom vlastitom stanju; ne možete kristal dovesti u stanje u kojem on može zadobiti vid. To je nemoguće. Tako mjesec koji je na nebu, ma koliko se razvio, nikada neće postati sjajno sunce, ali u svom vlastitom stanju on ima svoj apogej i perigej. Ma kako daleko napredovali učenici, oni nikada ne mogu postati Krist. Istina je da ugalj može postati dijamant, no oba su u stanju minerala i njihovi su sastavni elementi isti. |
Look at this mineral. However far it may evolve, it only evolves in its own condition; you cannot bring the crystal to a state where it can attain to sight. This is impossible. So the moon which is in the heavens, however far it might evolve, could never become a luminous sun, but in its own condition it has apogee and perigee. However far the disciples might progress, they could never become Christ. It is true that coal could become a diamond, but both are in the mineral condition, and their component elements are the same. |