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Pitanje: – U Kitáb-i-Aqdas kaže se: “… onaj koji je toga lišen, skrenuo je s puta, premda je počinitelj svakog pravičnog djela”. Što znači ovaj stih? |
Question.—It is said in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas “…whoso is deprived thereof, hath gone astray, though he be the author of every righteous deed.” What is the meaning of this verse? |
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Odgovor: – Taj blagoslovljeni stih znači da je temelj uspjeha i spasenja spoznaja Boga, a da su rezultati spoznaje Boga dobra djela koja su plodovi vjere. |
Answer.—This blessed verse means that the foundation of success and salvation is the knowledge of God, and that the results of the knowledge of God are the good actions which are the fruits of faith. |
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Ako čovjek nema te spoznaje, bit će odvojen od Boga, a kad ta odvojenost postoji, dobra djela nemaju potpun učinak. Ovaj stih ne znači da su duše odvojene od Boga jednake, bilo da vrše dobra ili loša djela. On samo naznačuje da je temelj spoznati Boga, a dobra su djela rezultat te spoznaje. Ipak, sigurno je da među dobrima, grešnicima i zlima koji su velom zakriveni od Boga, postoji razlika. Jer zakriveni koji posjeduje dobra načela i karakter zaslužuje oproštaj Božji, dok je onaj koji je grešnik i ima loša svojstva i karakter, lišen milosti i blagoslova Božjih. U tome je razlika. |
If man has not this knowledge, he will be separated from God, and when this separation exists, good actions have not complete effect. This verse does not mean that the souls separated from God are equal, whether they perform good or bad actions. It signifies only that the foundation is to know God, and the good actions result from this knowledge. Nevertheless, it is certain that between the good, the sinners and the wicked who are veiled from God there is a difference. For the veiled one who has good principles and character deserves the pardon of God, while he who is a sinner, and has bad qualities and character, is deprived of the bounties and blessings of God. Herein lies the difference. |
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Stoga, blagoslovljeni stih znači da sama dobra djela, bez spoznaje Boga, ne mogu biti uzrokom vječnog spasenja, trajnog uspjeha i blagostanja, te ulaska u Kraljevstvo Božje. |
Therefore, the blessed verse means that good actions alone, without the knowledge of God, cannot be the cause of eternal salvation, everlasting success, and prosperity, and entrance into the Kingdom of God. |