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Pitanje: – Neki ljudi liječe bolesnika duhovno, tj. bez lijekova. Kako je to moguće? |
Question.—Some people heal the sick by spiritual means—that is to say, without medicine. How is this? |
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Odgovor: – Znajte da postoje četiri vrste liječenja i iscjeljivanja bez lijekova. Dva imaju materijalne, a dva duhovne uzroke. |
Answer.—Know that there are four kinds of curing and healing without medicine. Two are due to material causes, and two to spiritual causes. |
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Jedno od ove dvije vrste materijalnog iscjeljivanja objašnjava činjenica da su u čovjeku i zdravlje i bolest priljepčivi. Priljepčivost bolesti silovita je i brza, dok je ona kod zdravlja izuzetno slaba i polagana. Dođu li dva tijela u dodir jedno s drugim, sigurno je da će čestice mikroba prijeći s jednoga na drugo. Na isti se način bolest prenosi s jednog na drugo tijelo brzom i snažnom priljepčivošću. Također, može se dogoditi da dobro zdravlje zdravog čovjeka ublaži boljku bolesnoga. To znači da je prijelaznost bolesti silovita i da brzo djeluje, dok je ona kod zdravog čovjeka vrlo polagana i ima slab učinak. Velika snaga zdravog tijela može pobijediti malu slabost bolesnoga i dolazi do ozdravljenja. |
Of the two kinds of material healing, one is due to the fact that in man both health and sickness are contagious. The contagion of disease is violent and rapid, while that of health is extremely weak and slow. If two bodies are brought into contact with each other, it is certain that microbic particles will pass from one to the other. In the same way that disease is transferred from one body to another with rapid and strong contagion, it may be that the strong health of a healthy man will alleviate a very slight malady in a sick person. That is to say, the contagion of disease is violent and has a rapid effect, while that of health is very slow and has a small effect, and it is only in very slight diseases that it has even this small effect. The strong power of a healthy body can overcome a slight weakness of a sick body, and health results. This is one kind of healing. |
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Druga vrsta liječenja bez lijekova odvija se uz pomoć magnetske sile koja djeluje s jednoga na drugo tijelo i postaje uzrokom iscjeljenja. Ova sila, također, ima slab učinak. Ponekad netko čini dobro bolesniku kada mu položi ruku na glavu ili na srce. Zašto? Zbog magnetskog utjecaja i mentalnog dojma koji ima bolesnik, a koji uzrokuju nestanak bolesti. No, ovaj je učinak također vrlo slab. |
The other kind of healing without medicine is through the magnetic force which acts from one body on another and becomes the cause of cure. This force also has only a slight effect. Sometimes one can benefit a sick person by placing one’s hand upon his head or upon his heart. Why? Because of the effect of the magnetism, and of the mental impression made upon the sick person, which causes the disease to vanish. But this effect is also very slight and weak. |
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Od druge dvije vrste liječenja koje su duhovne – tj. kod kojih je sredstvo liječenja duhovna moć – jedna je rezultat potpune usredotočenosti svijesti snažne osobe na bolesnu, kada istodobno ova druga očekuje svim svojim pouzdanjem da će izlječenje koje dolazi od duhovne moći snažne osobe biti uspješno. Njihova usredotočenost je toliko jaka da se stvara jedna intenzivna veza između snažne osobe i bolesnika. Snažna osoba čini sve da bi izliječila bolesnu, a bolesna je sigurna da je se liječi. Takvi mentalni dojmovi izazivaju razdraženost živaca koja dovodi do oporavka bolesnika. Kad bolesna osoba ima snažnu želju da ozdravi i kada čuje da je to ozdravljenje moguće, dolazi do takve razdraženosti živaca koja čini da se bolest potpuno povuče. S druge strane, dođe li do snažnog osjećaja straha, javlja se živčana razdraženost koja kod zdrave osobe može trenutno izazvati bolest. Uzrok bolesti tada nije materijalne prirode jer osoba nije ništa pojela, a niti došla u dodir s nečim što bi joj moglo naškoditi. Razdraženost živaca jedini je uzrok bolesti u ovom slučaju. Na isti način, iznenadno ostvarenje najveće želje izazvat će takvu radost pri kojoj će živci uzrokovati ozdravljenje. |
Of the two other kinds of healing which are spiritual—that is to say, where the means of cure is a spiritual power—one results from the entire concentration of the mind of a strong person upon a sick person, when the latter expects with all his concentrated faith that a cure will be effected from the spiritual power of the strong person, to such an extent that there will be a cordial connection between the strong person and the invalid. The strong person makes every effort to cure the sick patient, and the sick patient is then sure of receiving a cure. From the effect of these mental impressions an excitement of the nerves is produced, and this impression and this excitement of the nerves will become the cause of the recovery of the sick person. So when a sick person has a strong desire and intense hope for something and hears suddenly the tidings of its realization, a nervous excitement is produced which will make the malady entirely disappear. In the same way, if a cause of terror suddenly occurs, perhaps an excitement may be produced in the nerves of a strong person which will immediately cause a malady. The cause of the sickness will be no material thing, for that person has not eaten anything, and nothing harmful has touched him; the excitement of the nerves is then the only cause of the illness. In the same way the sudden realization of a chief desire will give such joy that the nerves will be excited by it, and this excitement may produce health. |
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Da zaključimo: potpuna i savršena veza između duhovnog liječnika i bolesnika – veza u kojoj se liječnik potpuno usredotočuje na bolesnika, a pouzdanje i pozornost bolesnika potpuno su upravljeni prema liječniku od kojeg očekuje ozdravljenje – uzrokuje živčanu razdraženost koja dovodi do ozdravljenja. No, sve ovo uspješno je samo do određenog stupnja, i to ne uvijek. Jer ako je netko obolio od teške bolesti ili je ranjen, ova sredstva neće ukloniti bolest niti iscijeliti ranu – što znači da ova sredstva nemaju nikakvu moć kod teških bolesti, osim ako se ne radi o snažnoj konstituciji organizma. Snažna konstitucija uvijek pobjeđuje bolest. To je treća vrsta iscjeljivanja. |
To conclude, the complete and perfect connection between the spiritual doctor and the sick person—that is, a connection of such a kind that the spiritual doctor entirely concentrates himself, and all the attention of the sick person is given to the spiritual doctor from whom he expects to realize health—causes an excitement of the nerves, and health is produced. But all this has effect only to a certain extent, and that not always. For if someone is afflicted with a very violent disease, or is wounded, these means will not remove the disease nor close and heal the wound—that is to say, these means have no power in severe maladies, unless the constitution helps, because a strong constitution often overcomes disease. This is the third kind of healing. |
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Četvrta vrsta duhovnog liječenja potječe od moći Svetoga Duha. Ona ne ovisi o kontaktu, o viđenju, o prisutnosti; ne ovisi ni o kakvom preduvjetu. Bez obzira na to je li bolest teška ili laka, je li došlo do dodira tijela ili ne, je li uspostavljena veza između liječnika i bolesnika, ovdje dolazi do iscjeljenja kroz moć Svetoga Duha. |
But the fourth kind of healing is produced through the power of the Holy Spirit. This does not depend on contact, nor on sight, nor upon presence; it is not dependent upon any condition. Whether the disease be light or severe, whether there be a contact of bodies or not, whether a personal connection be established between the sick person and the healer or not, this healing takes place through the power of the Holy Spirit. |