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Jučer smo za stolom govorili o liječničkom tretmanu i duhovnom iscjeljivanju, koje se sastoji od tretiranja bolesti duhovnim silama. |
Yesterday at table we spoke of curative treatment and spiritual healing, which consists in treating maladies through the spiritual powers. |
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Recimo sada nešto i o materijalnom liječenju. Medicinska znanost još uvijek je u povojima, još nije dosegla svoju zrelost. No, kada se to dogodi, liječenje se neće vršiti stvarima koje su odbojne čovjekovu osjetilu mirisa i okusa, već namirnicama, voćem i povrćem ugodna mirisa i okusa. Jer ono što uzrokuje bolest jest ili tjelesne prirode ili je rezultat razdraženosti živaca. |
Now let us speak of material healing. The science of medicine is still in a condition of infancy; it has not reached maturity. But when it has reached this point, cures will be performed by things which are not repulsive to the smell and taste of man—that is to say, by aliments, fruits and vegetables which are agreeable to the taste and have an agreeable smell. For the provoking cause of disease—that is to say, the cause of the entrance of disease into the human body—is either a physical one or is the effect of excitement of the nerves. |
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No, glavni uzroci bolesti su tjelesne prirode, jer ljudsko je tijelo sastavljeno od brojnih elemenata koji su u stanju posebne ravnoteže. Dok se održava ova ravnoteža, čovjek je zaštićen od bolesti, ali poremeti li se ova suštinska ravnoteža, dolazi do nereda u konstituciji i prevlada bolest. |
But the principal causes of disease are physical, for the human body is composed of numerous elements, but in the measure of an especial equilibrium. As long as this equilibrium is maintained, man is preserved from disease; but if this essential balance, which is the pivot of the constitution, is disturbed, the constitution is disordered, and disease will supervene. |
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Na primjer, kod smanjenja određenog sastojka u čovjekovu tijelu, a povećanja količine drugoga, ravnoteža je poremećena i javlja se bolest. Primjerice, jednog sastojka treba biti tisuću grama, a drugog pet grama, kako bi se održala ravnoteža. Ako količina jednog sastojka treba biti 1000 grama, a drugoga 5 grama i ta se količina kod prvoga smanji na 700 grama, a kod drugoga se poveća, dolazi do poremećaja ravnoteže i bolesti. Kada se uz pomoć lijekova i liječenja povrati ravnoteža, bolest nestaje. Kod povećanja količine šećera, nakon liječnikove zabrane uzimanja slatke i škrobne hrane, šećer se vraća na normalnu mjeru i bolest se povlači. Ponovno uspostavljanje ravnoteže sastojaka ljudskog tijela postiže se ili lijekovima ili hranom; a kad sustav uspostavi ravnotežu, bolest izlazi. Svi sastojci ljudskog tijela mogu se također naći u povrću, pa dođe li do smanjenja količine nekog sastojka, čovjek mora početi uzimati hranu koja sadrži taj sastojak sve dok se ne povrati ravnoteža i bolest se ne povuče. Dok je god cilj povrat ravnoteže sastojaka u tijelu, on se postiže lijekovima ili prehranom. |
For instance, there is a decrease in one of the constituent ingredients of the body of man, and in another there is an increase; so the proportion of the equilibrium is disturbed, and disease occurs. For example, one ingredient must be one thousand grams in weight, and another five grams, in order that the equilibrium be maintained. The part which is one thousand grams diminishes to seven hundred grams, and that which is five grams augments until the measure of the equilibrium is disturbed; then disease occurs. When by remedies and treatments the equilibrium is reestablished, the disease is banished. So if the sugar constituent increases, the health is impaired; and when the doctor forbids sweet and starchy foods, the sugar constituent diminishes, the equilibrium is reestablished, and the disease is driven off. Now the readjustment of these constituents of the human body is obtained by two means—either by medicines or by aliments; and when the constitution has recovered its equilibrium, disease is banished. All the elements that are combined in man exist also in vegetables; therefore, if one of the constituents which compose the body of man diminishes, and he partakes of foods in which there is much of that diminished constituent, then the equilibrium will be established, and a cure will be obtained. So long as the aim is the readjustment of the constituents of the body, it can be effected either by medicine or by food. |
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Većina bolesti koje napadaju čovjeka – napadaju i životinje, ali njih ne liječimo lijekovima. U planini, u divljini, životinjama je liječnik njihovo osjetilo okusa i mirisa. Bolesna životinja njuši biljke koje rastu u divljini; jede one slatke i mirisne i liječi se. Tu je do iscjeljenja došlo na sljedeći način: kada se u organizmu smanjila količina šećera, životinja je potražila slatke stvari, jela je biljku slatka okusa jer je priroda potiče i vodi; okus i miris biljke ugodni su i ona je jede. Šećer se u njezinom organizmu povećava i vraća joj se zdravlje. |
The majority of the diseases which overtake man also overtake the animal, but the animal is not cured by drugs. In the mountains, as in the wilderness, the animal’s physician is the power of taste and smell. The sick animal smells the plants that grow in the wilderness; he eats those that are sweet and fragrant to his smell and taste, and is cured. The cause of his healing is this. When the sugar ingredient has become diminished in his constitution, he begins to long for sweet things; therefore, he eats an herb with a sweet taste, for nature urges and guides him; its smell and taste please him, and he eats it. The sugar ingredient in his nature will be increased, and health will be restored. |
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Očito je, dakle, da se može liječiti hranom, voćem, povrćem, i sl.; no s obzirom da je danas medicinska znanost još neusavršena, ovoj se činjenici ne poklanja dovoljno pozornosti. Kada medicinska znanost dosegne savršenstvo, liječit će se prirodnom prehranom, mirisnim voćem i povrćem i vodom različite topline. |
It is, therefore, evident that it is possible to cure by foods, aliments and fruits; but as today the science of medicine is imperfect, this fact is not yet fully grasped. When the science of medicine reaches perfection, treatment will be given by foods, aliments, fragrant fruits and vegetables, and by various waters, hot and cold in temperature. |
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Ovaj je razgovor bio kratak; no, bude li volja Božja, nekom drugom povoljnijom prigodom ovo će pitanje biti potpunije objašnjeno. |
This discourse is brief; but, if God wills, at another time, when the occasion is suitable, this question will be more fully explained. |
Peti dio RAZNE TEME |