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1 Upamtite da postoje dvije vrste mučenja: blago i grubo. Na primjer, neznanje samo po sebi jest mučenje, ali to je blago mučenje; ravnodušnost prema Bogu samo je po sebi mučenje; isto je takvo i laganje, okrutnost i prijevara. Sve su nesavršenosti mučenja. Naravno da je za inteligentnog čovjeka smrt bolja od grijeha, a odsječen jezik bolji od laganja ili klevete. Know that there are two kinds of torment: subtile and gross. For example, ignorance itself is a torment, but it is a subtile torment; indifference to God is itself a torment; so also are falsehood, cruelty and treachery. All the imperfections are torments, but they are subtile torments. Certainly for an intelligent man death is better than sin, and a cut tongue is better than lying or calumny.
2 Druga je vrsta mučenja gruba – kao na primjer utamničenje, šibanje, izgon ili progonstvo. No, za Božje je ljude odvojenost od Boga najveće mučenje. The other kind of torment is gross—such as penalties, imprisonment, beating, expulsion and banishment. But for the people of God separation from God is the greatest torment of all.