LXXXVI. A sad što se tiče tvog pitanja jesu li ljudske duše svjesne…

1 A sad što se tiče tvog pitanja jesu li ljudske duše svjesne jedna druge nakon odvajanja od tijela. Znaj da će se duše ljudi Bahá, koje su ušle i smjestile se u Grimiznoj Arki, družiti i prisno saobraćati jedna s drugom, i da će biti tako tijesno združene u svojim životima, svojim nagnućima, svojim ciljevima i nastojanjima da će biti kao jedna duša. Uistinu one su dobro obaviještene, one jasno vide, i obdarene su razumijevanjem. Tako je naložio Onaj Koji je Sveznajući, Premudri. And now concerning thy question whether human souls continue to be conscious one of another after their separation from the body. Know thou that the souls of the people of Bahá, who have entered and been established within the Crimson Ark, shall associate and commune intimately one with another, and shall be so closely associated in their lives, their aspirations, their aims and strivings as to be even as one soul. They are indeed the ones who are well-informed, who are keen-sighted, and who are endued with understanding. Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.
2 Ljudi Bahá, stanovnici Arke Božje, svi su do jednoga uzajamno u potpunosti svjesni svog stanja, i povezani su sponama prisnosti i prijateljstva. No, takvo stanje mora ovisiti o njihovoj vjeri i ponašanju. Oni koji su na istom stupnju i stanju uzajamno su potpuno svjesni sposobnosti, značaja, postignuća i zasluga. Međutim, oni koji su na nižem stupnju, nisu sposobni na odgovarajući način shvatiti stanje, ili procijeniti zasluge onih na višem stupnju. Svatko će svoj udio dobiti od tvoga Gospoda. Blagoslovljen je čovjek koji je okrenuo svoje lice k Bogu, i čvrsto kročio putem Njegove ljubavi, sve dok njegova duša nije poletjela k Bogu, Vrhovnom Gospodu svega, Najmoćnijemu, Oprostitelju, Svemilosrdnomu. The people of Bahá, who are the inmates of the Ark of God, are, one and all, well aware of one another’s state and condition, and are united in the bonds of intimacy and fellowship. Such a state, however, must depend upon their faith and their conduct. They that are of the same grade and station are fully aware of one another’s capacity, character, accomplishments and merits. They that are of a lower grade, however, are incapable of comprehending adequately the station, or of estimating the merits, of those that rank above them. Each shall receive his share from thy Lord. Blessed is the man that hath turned his face towards God, and walked steadfastly in His love, until his soul hath winged its flight unto God, the Sovereign Lord of all, the Most Powerful, the Ever-Forgiving, the All-Merciful.
3 Duše nevjernika će, međutim, – a tomu Ja svjedočim – prilikom posljednjeg izdisaja postati svjesne dobrih stvari koje su im promakle, i oplakivat će svoju nevolju, i ponizit će se pred Bogom. To će nastaviti činiti nakon odvajanja duša od tijela. The souls of the infidels, however, shall—and to this I bear witness—when breathing their last be made aware of the good things that have escaped them, and shall bemoan their plight, and shall humble themselves before God. They shall continue doing so after the separation of their souls from their bodies.
4 Jasno je i očigledno da će svi ljudi, nakon tjelesne smrti, ocijeniti vrijednost svojih djela i uvidjeti sve što su počinile njihove ruke. Prisežem Suncem koje Blista nad obzorjem Božanske moći! Oni koji slijede jedinoga pravoga Boga u trenutku napuštanja ovog života iskusit će takvu radost i veselje kakve bi bilo nemoguće opisati, a one, pak, koji žive u zabludi obuzet će takva strava i užas, i bit će ispunjeni takvim zaprepaštenjem kakvo ništa ne može nadmašiti. Dobro je uz onoga koji je pio birano i nepokvarljivo vino vjere zahvaljujući milosti i mnogostrukim darovima Onoga Koji je Gospod svih Vjera… It is clear and evident that all men shall, after their physical death, estimate the worth of their deeds, and realize all that their hands have wrought. I swear by the Daystar that shineth above the horizon of Divine power! They that are the followers of the one true God shall, the moment they depart out of this life, experience such joy and gladness as would be impossible to describe, while they that live in error shall be seized with such fear and trembling, and shall be filled with such consternation, as nothing can exceed. Well is it with him that hath quaffed the choice and incorruptible wine of faith through the gracious favor and the manifold bounties of Him Who is the Lord of all Faiths.…
5 Ovo je Dan kad bi miljenici Božji morali upravljati svoje oči k Njegovoj Objavi, i držati se čvrsto svega što ta Objava izvoli otkriti. Izvjesne tradicije prošlih razdoblja ne počivaju ni na kakvim temeljima, dok su uvjerenja koja su njegovali i u svojim knjigama zabilježili prošli naraštaji većim dijelom potpala pod utjecaj želja pokvarenih sklonosti. Ti svjedočiš kako je većina objašnjenja i tumačenja riječi Božjih, trenutačno u optjecaju među ljudima, lišena istine. Njihova neistinitost u nekim je slučajevima izbila na vidjelo kad je razderana koprena koja ih je odjeljivala od istine. Oni sami priznali su neuspjeh u razumijevanju bilo koje riječi Božje. This is the Day when the loved ones of God should keep their eyes directed towards His Manifestation, and fasten them upon whatsoever that Manifestation may be pleased to reveal. Certain traditions of bygone ages rest on no foundations whatever, while the notions entertained by past generations, and which they have recorded in their books, have, for the most part, been influenced by the desires of a corrupt inclination. Thou dost witness how most of the commentaries and interpretations of the words of God, now current amongst men, are devoid of truth. Their falsity hath, in some cases, been exposed when the intervening veils were rent asunder. They themselves have acknowledged their failure in apprehending the meaning of any of the words of God.
6 Naša je namjera pokazati da će, očiste li miljenici Božji svoja srca i uši od ispraznih riječi izrečenih prije, te okrenu li unutrašnjost svojih duša Onomu Koji je Vrelo Njegova Otkrivenja, i svemu što je On objavio, takvo ponašanje biti smatrano visoko zaslužnim u očima Božjim… Our purpose is to show that should the loved ones of God sanctify their hearts and their ears from the vain sayings that were uttered aforetime, and turn with their inmost souls to Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation, and to whatsoever things He hath manifested, such behavior would be regarded as highly meritorious in the sight of God.…
7 Veličaj Njegovo Ime, i budi od zahvalnih. Prenesi Moje pozdrave miljenicima Mojim, koje je Bog izabrao zbog ljubavi prema Njemu, i omogućio im da dosegnu svoj cilj. Slavljen bio Bog, Gospod svih svjetova. Magnify His Name, and be thou of the thankful. Convey My greetings to My loved ones, whom God hath singled out for His love, and caused them to achieve their objects. All glory be to God, the Lord of all worlds.