CXXXI. Pero Drevnoga Kralja nikada nije prestalo sjećati se miljenika…

1 Pero Drevnoga Kralja nikada nije prestalo sjećati se miljenika Božjih. Jednom su rijeke milosrđa potekle iz Njegova Pera, drugi put je, njegovim pokretanjem, bila objavljena jasna Knjiga Božja. On je Onaj s Kojim se nitko ne može usporediti, s izričajem Kojega se smrtni čovjek ne može nikada natjecati. On je Onaj Koji je od vječnosti bio ustoličen na sjedištu vlasti i moći, Onaj s usana Kojega su sišli savjeti koji zadovoljavaju potrebe čitavoga čovječanstva, i opomene koje im mogu koristiti. The Pen of the Ancient King hath never ceased to remember the loved ones of God. At one time, rivers of mercy have streamed from His Pen, at another, through its movement, God’s perspicuous Book hath been revealed. He is the One to Whom none can compare, Whose utterance mortal man can never rival. He it is Who from everlasting hath been established upon the seat of ascendancy and might, He from Whose lips have gone out counsels that can satisfy the needs of the whole of mankind, and admonitions that can profit them.
2 Jedini pravi Bog svjedokom Mi je, a posvjedočit će i Njegova stvorenja da Ja nisam dopustio Sebi niti na trenutak biti skriven od očiju ljudi, niti sam pristao zaštiti Se od njihova nanošenja boli. Pred licem svih ljudi Ja sam ustao, i naložio im da ispune Moje zadovoljstvo. Moj cilj nije ništa drugo nego boljitak svijeta i spokoj njegovih ljudi. Blagostanje čovječanstva, njegov mir i sigurnost nije moguće postići ukoliko i sve dok čvrsto ne bude uspostavljeno jedinstvo. To jedinstvo nikada ne može biti uspostavljeno, sve dok nitko ne mari za savjete koje je objavilo Najviše Pero. The One true God beareth Me witness, and His creatures will testify, that not for a moment did I allow Myself to be hidden from the eyes of men, nor did I consent to shield My person from their injury. Before the face of all men I have arisen, and bidden them fulfill My pleasure. My object is none other than the betterment of the world and the tranquillity of its peoples. The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established. This unity can never be achieved so long as the counsels which the Pen of the Most High hath revealed are suffered to pass unheeded.
3 Snagom riječi koje je On izgovorio čitava ljudska vrsta može biti obasjana svjetlom jedinstva, a spomen Njegova Imena može zapaliti srca ljudi, i spaliti velove koji su se ispriječili između njih i Njegove slave. Jedan čin pravičnosti obdaren je snagom koja može tako uzvitlati prašinu da je uzdigne preko neba nad nebesima. On može svaku sponu raskinuti, i ima moć obnoviti snagu koja se potrošila i nestala… Through the power of the words He hath uttered the whole of the human race can be illumined with the light of unity, and the remembrance of His Name is able to set on fire the hearts of all men, and burn away the veils that intervene between them and His glory. One righteous act is endowed with a potency that can so elevate the dust as to cause it to pass beyond the heaven of heavens. It can tear every bond asunder, and hath the power to restore the force that hath spent itself and vanished.…
4 Budite čisti, o, ljudi Božji, budite čisti; budite pravični, budite pravični… Reci: O, ljudi Božji! Ono što može pribaviti pobjedu Onoga Koji je Vječna Istina, Njegove vojske i pomagača na zemlji, bilo je poslano dolje na zemlju u svetim Knjigama i Spisima, i jasno je i bjelodano poput sunca. Te su vojske ona pravična djela, ono ponašanje i karakter koji su prihvatljivi u Njegovim očima. Tko god ustane, na ovaj Dan, poduprijeti Stvar Našu, i pozove u pomoć vojske hvalevrijedna značaja i ispravna ponašanja, utjecaj koji proizlazi iz takva djelovanja bez sumnje će se razliti po cijelomu svijetu. Be pure, O people of God, be pure; be righteous, be righteous.… Say: O people of God! That which can ensure the victory of Him Who is the Eternal Truth, His hosts and helpers on earth, have been set down in the sacred Books and Scriptures, and are as clear and manifest as the sun. These hosts are such righteous deeds, such conduct and character, as are acceptable in His sight. Whoso ariseth, in this Day, to aid Our Cause, and summoneth to his assistance the hosts of a praiseworthy character and upright conduct, the influence flowing from such an action will, most certainly, be diffused throughout the whole world.