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U ovom materijalnom svijetu vrijeme ima cikluse; mjesta se mijenjaju izmjenom godišnjih doba, a za duše tu su napredovanje, nazadovanje i odgoj. |
In this material world time has cycles; places change through alternating seasons, and for souls there are progress, retrogression and education. |
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U jednom je trenutku proljeće, u drugom jesensko doba, te opet ljetno doba ili pak doba zime. |
At one time it is the season of spring; at another it is the season of autumn; and again it is the season of summer or the season of winter. |
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U proljeće tu su oblaci što šalju dragocjenu kišu, lahor što miriše po mošusu i životvorni zefiri; zrak je savršeno ugođen, pada kiša, sja sunce, moćni vjetrovi rastjeruju oblake, svijet je obnovljen, a dah života javlja se u biljkama, životinjama i ljudima. Zemaljska bića prelaze iz jednog stanja u drugo. Sve su stvari zaodjenute novim ruhom, a crna je zemlja prekrivena raslinjem; planine i ravnice urešene su zelenilom; drveće lista i cvjeta; vrtovi su puni cvijeća i mirisnih trava. Svijet postaje drugi svijet i uzdiže se do životvornog duha. Zemlja je bila beživotno tijelo; sada otkriva nov duh i stvara beskrajnu ljepotu, dražest i svježinu. Tako proljeće nosi novi život i udahnjuje nov duh. |
In the spring there are the clouds which send down the precious rain, the musk-scented breezes and life-giving zephyrs; the air is perfectly temperate, the rain falls, the sun shines, the fecundating wind wafts the clouds, the world is renewed, and the breath of life appears in plants, in animals and in men. Earthly beings pass from one condition to another. All things are clothed in new garments, and the black earth is covered with herbage; mountains and plains are adorned with verdure; trees bear leaves and blossoms; gardens bring forth flowers and fragrant herbs. The world becomes another world, and it attains to a life-giving spirit. The earth was a lifeless body; it finds a new spirit, and produces endless beauty, grace and freshness. Thus the spring is the cause of new life and infuses a new spirit. |
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Poslije, kad dolazi ljeto, postaje toplije a rast i razvitak dostižu najveću snagu. Životna energija u biljnom kraljevstvu doseže stupanj savršenstva: javljaju se plodovi, i stiže vrijeme žetve; zrno je postalo klas, sprema se hrana za zimu. Potom stiže jesen s nezdravim i jalovim vjetrovima; to je doba bolesti, kad sve vene, a čisti zrak postaje okužen. Lahori proljeća pretvaraju se u jesenje vjetrove; plodno zeleno drveće vene i ogoljuje; cvijeće i mirisne trave venu; prekrasan vrt postaje hrpa prašine. Slijedi doba zime, sa studeni i olujama. Snježi, kiši, pada tuča, pušu olujni vjetri, grmi i sijeva, smrzava se i skrutnjava; sve biljke umiru, životinje slabe i tuguju. |
Afterward comes the summer, when the heat increases, and growth and development attain their greatest power. The energy of life in the vegetable kingdom reaches to the degree of perfection, the fruit appears, and the time of harvest ripens; a seed has become a sheaf, and the food is stored for winter. Afterward comes tumultuous autumn when unwholesome and sterile winds blow; it is the season of sickness, when all things are withered, and the balmy air is vitiated. The breezes of spring are changed to autumn winds; the fertile green trees have become withered and bare; flowers and fragrant herbs fade away; the beautiful garden becomes a dustheap. Following this comes the season of winter, with cold and tempests. It snows, rains, hails, storms, thunders and lightens, freezes and congeals; all plants die, and animals languish and are wretched. |
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Kad se postigne to stanje ponovno se vraća životvorno proljeće i ciklus se obnavlja. Proljetno doba sa svježinom i ljepotom podiže svoj šator na ravnicama i planinama uz veliku pompu i sjaj. Po drugi put obnovljen je oblik stvorenja, i opet započinje stvaranje bića; tijela rastu i razvijaju se, ravnice i divljina postaju zelene i plodne, drveće cvjeta i prošlogodišnje proljeće vraća se u svoj svojoj slavi. Takav je i takav mora biti ciklus i slijed postojanja. Takav je ciklus i revolucija materijalnog svijeta. |
When this state is reached, again a new life-giving spring returns, and the cycle is renewed. The season of spring with its hosts of freshness and beauty spreads its tent on the plains and mountains with great pomp and magnificence. A second time the form of the creatures is renewed, and the creation of beings begins afresh; bodies grow and develop, the plains and wildernesses become green and fertile, trees bring forth blossoms, and the spring of last year returns in the utmost fullness and glory. Such is, and such ought to be, the cycle and succession of existence. Such is the cycle and revolution of the material world. |
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Isto je tako i s duhovnim ciklusima Proroka – naime, dan pojave Svete Objave predstavlja duhovno proljeće; to je božanski sjaj, nebeska milost, lahor života, izlazeće Sunce Stvarnosti. Duhovi su obodreni, srca osvježena i oživljena, duše postaju dobre; pokreće se postojanje; čovjekova zbilja radosna je i raste i razvija dobre osobine i savršenstva. Postiže se opći napredak i dolazi do oživljavanja, jer to je dan uskrsnuća, vrijeme blaženstva, radosti i snažnog ushita. |
It is the same with the spiritual cycles of the Prophets—that is to say, the day of the appearance of the Holy Manifestations is the spiritual springtime; it is the divine splendor; it is the heavenly bounty, the breeze of life, the rising of the Sun of Reality. Spirits are quickened; hearts are refreshed and invigorated; souls become good; existence is set in motion; human realities are gladdened, and grow and develop in good qualities and perfections. General progress is achieved and revival takes place, for it is the day of resurrection, the time of excitement and ferment, and the season of bliss, of joy and of intense rapture. |
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Kasnije, životvorno proljeće završava plodnim ljetom. Riječ Božja se uzvisuje, promiče se Zakon Božji; sve stvari dostižu savršenstvo. Postavljen je nebeski stol, sveti lahor mirisno zapahnjuje Istok i Zapad, Božja učenja osvajaju svijet, ljudi se obrazuju, dolazi do hvalevrijednih rezultata, u svijetu čovječanstva javlja se sveopći napredak, i božanska milost sve obavija. Sunce Stvarnosti izlazi na obzorju Kraljevstva s najvećom snagom i toplinom. Kad dosegne meridijan, počet će slabiti i opadati, a duhovno će ljeto zamijeniti jesen sa zaustavljanjem rasta i razvoja. Lahori se pretvaraju u snažne vjetrove, a nezdravo doba rastače ljepotu i svježinu vrtova, ravnica i sjenica – tj. privlačnost i dobra volja ne ostaju, božanske se osobine mijenjaju, srca slabije zrače, duhovnost duša postaje drukčija, vrline su zamijenjene porocima, a svetost i čistoća nestaju. Ostaje samo ime Religije Božje i vanjski oblici božanskih učenja. Temelji Religije Božje ruše se i poništavaju i ne ostaje ništa doli forme i običaja. Javljaju se podjele, postojanost se pretvara u nestabilnost, a duhovi umiru; srce slabi, duša mlitavi i stiže zima – tj. hladnoća neznanja obavija svijet kojim vlada mrak ljudske zablude. Slijede ravnodušnost, neposluh, nerazumnost, nehaj, primitivnost, životinjski nagoni te studen i bezosjećajnost kamenja. Isto se zbiva i zimi kad zemaljska kugla, lišena djelovanja topline i sunca, postaje pusta i turobna. Kad svijet razbora i misli dospije u takvo stanje, preostaje samo neprekidna smrt i beskonačno nepostojanje. |
Afterward the life-giving spring ends in fruitful summer. The word of God is exalted, the Law of God is promulgated; all things reach perfection. The heavenly table is spread, the holy breezes perfume the East and the West, the teachings of God conquer the world, men become educated, praiseworthy results are produced, universal progress appears in the world of humanity, and the divine bounties surround all things. The Sun of Reality rises from the horizon of the Kingdom with the greatest power and heat. When it reaches the meridian, it will begin to decline and descend, and the spiritual summer will be followed by autumn, when growth and development are arrested. Breezes change into blighting winds, and the unwholesome season dissipates the beauty and freshness of the gardens, plains and bowers—that is to say, attraction and goodwill do not remain, divine qualities are changed, the radiance of hearts is dimmed, the spirituality of souls is altered, virtues are replaced by vices, and holiness and purity disappear. Only the name of the Religion of God remains, and the exoteric forms of the divine teachings. The foundations of the Religion of God are destroyed and annihilated, and nothing but forms and customs exist. Divisions appear, firmness is changed into instability, and spirits become dead; hearts languish, souls become inert, and winter arrives—that is to say, the coldness of ignorance envelops the world, and the darkness of human error prevails. After this come indifference, disobedience, inconsiderateness, indolence, baseness, animal instincts and the coldness and insensibility of stones. It is like the season of winter when the terrestrial globe, deprived of the effect of the heat of the sun, becomes desolate and dreary. When the world of intelligence and thought has reached to this state, there remain only continual death and perpetual nonexistence. |
8 |
Po svršetku zime, ponovno se vraća duhovno proljeće i javlja se novi ciklus. Pušu duhovni lahori, sjajna zora blista, božanski oblaci daju kišu, sjaju zrake Sunca Stvarnosti, prolazni svijet nanovo živi zaogrnut u prekrasno ruho. Opet se pojavljuju svi znaci i darovi prošloga proljeća s možda još većim sjajem novog doba. |
When the season of winter has had its effect, again the spiritual springtime returns, and a new cycle appears. Spiritual breezes blow, the luminous dawn gleams, the divine clouds give rain, the rays of the Sun of Reality shine forth, the contingent world attains unto a new life and is clad in a wonderful garment. All the signs and the gifts of the past springtime reappear, with perhaps even greater splendor in this new season. |
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Duhovni ciklusi Sunca Stvarnosti nalik su ciklusima materijalnog sunca: oni se uvijek izmjenjuju i obnavljaju. Sunce Stvarnosti poput materijalnog sunca ima bezbroj mjesta izlaska i zalaska: jednoga dana ono izlazi u zodijakalnom znaku Raka, a drugoga u znaku Vage ili Vodenjaka; neki drugi put svoje zrake širi znakom Ovna. No, sunce je jedno sunce i jedna stvarnost; učeni ljudi zadivljeni su suncem, ali ne i očarani mjestima njegova izlaska i zalaska. Ljudi koji opažaju tragatelji su za istinom, a ne za mjestima njezina pojavljivanja, i oni će Stvarnost tražiti u svakoj Posvećenoj Duši Koja tu istinu objavljuje. Takvi ljudi uvijek dospiju do istine i nisu velom odvojeni od Sunca Božanskoga svijeta. Tako će se zaljubljenik sunca i tragatelj za svjetlom uvijek prema suncu i okretati, bilo da ono sja u znaku Ovna ili svoju milost šalje prebivajući u znaku Raka, ili zrači iz Blizanaca; međutim, neznalice i neupućeni zaljubljenici su znakova zodijaka i očarani mjestima izlaska sunca, a ne suncem. Kad je ono bilo u znaku Raka, okrenuli su se k njemu, premda je kasnije sunce prešlo u znak Vage; kako su bili zaljubljenici znaka, njemu su se okrenuli i vezali se uza nj, te bili lišeni utjecaja sunca samo zato što je ono moralo promijeniti mjesto. Na primjer, jednom je Sunce Stvarnosti prosulo svoje zrake iz znaka Abrahamova, a potom je osvanulo u znaku Mojsija i ozarilo obzorje. Nakon toga se uzdiglo s najvećom moći i sjajem u znaku Krista. Oni koji su tragali za Stvarnošću štovali su tu Stvarnost ma gdje je vidjeli, no, oni koji su bili vezani uz Abrahama bili su lišeni njezina utjecaja kad je zasjala nad Sinajem i osvijetlila Mojsijevu stvarnost. Oni koji su se čvrsto držali Mojsija, također su ostali prekriveni velom kad je Kristovo Sunce Stvarnosti zasjalo u punom sjaju; itd. |
The spiritual cycles of the Sun of Reality are like the cycles of the material sun: they are always revolving and being renewed. The Sun of Reality, like the material sun, has numerous rising and dawning places: one day it rises from the zodiacal sign of Cancer, another day from the sign of Libra or Aquarius; another time it is from the sign of Aries that it diffuses its rays. But the sun is one sun and one reality; the people of knowledge are lovers of the sun, and are not fascinated by the places of its rising and dawning. The people of perception are the seekers of the truth, and not of the places of its appearance, nor of its dawning points; therefore, they will adore the Sun from whatever point in the zodiac it may appear, and they will seek the Reality in every Sanctified Soul Who manifests it. Such people always attain to the truth and are not veiled from the Sun of the Divine World. So the lover of the sun and the seeker of the light will always turn toward the sun, whether it shines from the sign of Aries or gives its bounty from the sign of Cancer, or radiates from Gemini; but the ignorant and uninstructed are lovers of the signs of the zodiac, and enamored and fascinated by the rising-places, and not by the sun. When it was in the sign of Cancer, they turned toward it, though afterward the sun changed to the sign of Libra; as they were lovers of the sign, they turned toward it and attached themselves to it, and were deprived of the influences of the sun merely because it had changed its place. For example, once the Sun of Reality poured forth its rays from the sign of Abraham, and then it dawned from the sign of Moses and illuminated the horizon. Afterward it rose with the greatest power and brilliancy from the sign of Christ. Those who were the seekers of Reality worshiped that Reality wherever they saw it, but those who were attached to Abraham were deprived of its influences when it shone upon Sinai and illuminated the reality of Moses. Those who held fast to Moses, when the Sun of Reality shone from Christ with the utmost radiance and lordly splendor, were also veiled; and so forth. |
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Stoga čovjek mora biti tragatelj za Stvarnošću, te će i pronaći tu Stvarnost u svakoj od posvećenih duša. On mora biti očaran, zatravljen i privučen božanskoj milosti; mora biti poput leptira koji je zaljubljenik svjetla ma iz kakve svjetiljke sjalo, i poput slavuja koji je zaljubljenik ruže ma u kakvom vrtu ona rasla. |
Therefore, man must be the seeker after the Reality, and he will find that Reality in each of the Sanctified Souls. He must be fascinated and enraptured, and attracted to the divine bounty; he must be like the butterfly who is the lover of the light from whatever lamp it may shine, and like the nightingale who is the lover of the rose in whatever garden it may grow. |
11 |
Kad bi sunce izašlo na Zapadu, ipak bi to bilo isto sunce; ne bi se trebalo povući pred njim na račun mjesta njegova izlaska, niti Zapad uvijek smatrati mjestom zalaska. Na isti način mora se tragati za nebeskim darovima i Božanskom Zorom. Na svakom mjestu na kojem se pojavi potrebno je postati njen smeteni zaljubljenik. Da se Židovi nisu nastavili okretati obzorju Mojsijevom, i da su samo pogledali Sunce Stvarnosti, bez sumnje bi u najvećem božanskom sjaju prepoznali Sunce na mjestu osvita Kristove stvarnosti. Ali, jao! Tisuću puta jao! Vezujući se uz vanjske Mojsijeve riječi bili su lišeni božanskih darova i Gospodnjega sjaja! |
If the sun were to rise in the West, it would still be the sun; one must not withdraw from it on account of its rising-place, nor consider the West to be always the place of sunset. In the same way, one must look for the heavenly bounties and seek for the Divine Aurora. In every place where it appears, one must become its distracted lover. Consider that if the Jews had not kept turning to the horizon of Moses, and had only regarded the Sun of Reality, without any doubt they would have recognized the Sun in the dawning-place of the reality of Christ, in the greatest divine splendor. But, alas! a thousand times alas! attaching themselves to the outward words of Moses, they were deprived of the divine bounties and the lordly splendors! |