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Pitanje: – Kakvo je značenje Kristova uskrsnuća nakon tri dana? |
Question.—What is the meaning of Christ’s resurrection after three days? |
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Odgovor: – Uskrsnuća Božanskih Objava nisu tjelesna. Sva Njihova stanja, Njihov položaj, Njihova djela, stvari koje su Oni uspostavili, Njihova učenja, Njihovi izrazi, Njihove prispodobe i Njihove upute imaju duhovno i božansko značenje i nemaju veze s materijalnim stvarima. Na primjer, tema Kristova silaska s neba: na mnogim mjestima u Evanđelju jasno se kaže da je Sin Čovječji došao s neba, da je On na nebu i da će otići na nebo. Tako je u poglavlju 6, stih 38, Ivanova Evanđelja napisano: “Jer ja sam došao s neba”; i također u stihu 42: “Zar nije ovo – pitali su – Josipov sin komu poznajemo oca i majku? Kako sad može reći: ‘Ja sam sišao s neba’?” Također u Ivanu, poglavlje 3, stih 13: “Nitko nije uzišao na nebo, osim Sina Čovječjega koji je sišao s neba”. |
Answer.—The resurrections of the Divine Manifestations are not of the body. All Their states, Their conditions, Their acts, the things They have established, Their teachings, Their expressions, Their parables and Their instructions have a spiritual and divine signification, and have no connection with material things. For example, there is the subject of Christ’s coming from heaven: it is clearly stated in many places in the Gospel that the Son of man came from heaven, He is in heaven, and He will go to heaven. So in chapter 6, verse 38, of the Gospel of John it is written: “For I came down from heaven”; and also in verse 42 we find: “And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven?” Also in John, chapter 3, verse 13: “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.” |
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Obratite pozornost da je rečeno: “Sin Čovječji je na nebu”, a u to je doba Krist bio na zemlji. Također pazite na to da je rečeno da je Krist došao s neba, premda je On došao iz Marijine utrobe, i Njegovo je tijelo od Marije rođeno. Jasno je, dakle, da kad se kaže da je Sin Čovječji došao s neba, da to nema vanjsko, već unutarnje značenje; to je duhovna, a ne materijalna činjenica. To znači da iako je naizgled Krist rođen iz Marijine utrobe, u stvarnosti je On došao s neba, iz središta Sunca Stvarnosti, iz Božanskog svijeta i Duhovnog Kraljevstva. A kako je postalo očigledno da je Krist došao s duhovnoga neba Božanskog kraljevstva, onda Njegov nestanak ispod zemlje, koji je trajao tri dana, ima unutarnje značenje i nije vanjska činjenica. Isto tako, Njegovo uskrsnuće iz unutrašnjosti zemlje također je simbolično; to je duhovna i božanska činjenica, a ne materijalna; na isti je način Njegovo uzašašće na nebo duhovno, a ne materijalno uzašašće. |
Observe that it is said, “The Son of man is in heaven,” while at that time Christ was on earth. Notice also that it is said that Christ came from heaven, though He came from the womb of Mary, and His body was born of Mary. It is clear, then, that when it is said that the Son of man is come from heaven, this has not an outward but an inward signification; it is a spiritual, not a material, fact. The meaning is that though, apparently, Christ was born from the womb of Mary, in reality He came from heaven, from the center of the Sun of Reality, from the Divine World, and the Spiritual Kingdom. And as it has become evident that Christ came from the spiritual heaven of the Divine Kingdom, therefore, His disappearance under the earth for three days has an inner signification and is not an outward fact. In the same way, His resurrection from the interior of the earth is also symbolical; it is a spiritual and divine fact, and not material; and likewise His ascension to heaven is a spiritual and not material ascension. |
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Osim ovih objašnjenja, znanost je utvrdila i dokazala da je vidljivo nebo bezgraničan prazan prostor, u kojem se vrte bezbrojne zvijezde i planete. |
Beside these explanations, it has been established and proved by science that the visible heaven is a limitless area, void and empty, where innumerable stars and planets revolve. |
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Stoga kažemo da je značenje Kristova uskrsnuća sljedeće: učenici su bili uznemireni i potreseni nakon Kristova mučeništva. Stvarnost Kristova, koja označava Njegova učenja, Njegove milosti, Njegova savršenstva i Njegovu duhovnu snagu, bila je skrivena i zakrivena dva ili tri dana nakon Njegova mučeništva i nije bila blistava i obznanjena. Ne, prije možemo reći da je bila izgubljena, jer vjernici su bili malobrojni, uznemireni i potreseni. Stvar Kristova bila je poput beživotna tijela, a kad su se nakon tri dana učenici uvjerili i postali postojani, te počeli služiti Stvari Kristovoj i odlučili širiti božanska učenja, u praksi sprovodeći Njegove savjete i ustajali da Mu služe, Stvarnost Kristova zablistala je i Njegova se milost pojavila; Njegova je religija zaživjela; Njegova učenja i Njegove opomene postale su očite i vidljive. Drugim riječima, Stvar Kristova bila je poput beživotna tijela sve dok je nisu okružili život i milost Svetoga Duha. |
Therefore, we say that the meaning of Christ’s resurrection is as follows: the disciples were troubled and agitated after the martyrdom of Christ. The Reality of Christ, which signifies His teachings, His bounties, His perfections and His spiritual power, was hidden and concealed for two or three days after His martyrdom, and was not resplendent and manifest. No, rather it was lost, for the believers were few in number and were troubled and agitated. The Cause of Christ was like a lifeless body; and when after three days the disciples became assured and steadfast, and began to serve the Cause of Christ, and resolved to spread the divine teachings, putting His counsels into practice, and arising to serve Him, the Reality of Christ became resplendent and His bounty appeared; His religion found life; His teachings and His admonitions became evident and visible. In other words, the Cause of Christ was like a lifeless body until the life and the bounty of the Holy Spirit surrounded it. |
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Takvo je značenje Kristova uskrsnuća i to je bilo istinsko uskrsnuće. No, budući da svećenici nisu razumjeli ni značenje Evanđelja niti su pojmili simbole, kaže se da je religija u protuslovlju sa znanosti, a da je znanost protivna religiji, kao što je, na primjer, ovo pitanje uzašašća Krista jednim elementalnim tijelom na vidljivo nebo suprotno matematičkoj znanosti. Ali kad se razjasni istina tog pitanja i kad se objasni simbol, znanost ni u kojem slučaju nije s tim u protuslovlju; naprotiv, znanost i inteligencija to potvrđuju. |
Such is the meaning of the resurrection of Christ, and this was a true resurrection. But as the clergy have neither understood the meaning of the Gospels nor comprehended the symbols, therefore, it has been said that religion is in contradiction to science, and science in opposition to religion, as, for example, this subject of the ascension of Christ with an elemental body to the visible heaven is contrary to the science of mathematics. But when the truth of this subject becomes clear, and the symbol is explained, science in no way contradicts it; but, on the contrary, science and the intelligence affirm it. |