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1 Pitanje: – Neki ljudi vjeruju da su došli do duhovnih otkrića – tj. da razgovaraju s duhovima. Kakva je to vrsta komunikacije? Question.—Some people believe that they achieve spiritual discoveries—that is to say, that they converse with spirits. What kind of communion is this?
2 Odgovor: – Postoje dvije vrste duhovnih otkrića: jedna vrsta pripada mašti i tvrdnja je samo nekolicine ljudi; druga vrsta nalik je nadahnuću i ona je stvarna – to su objave Izaije, Jeremije i sv. Ivana, a one su stvarne. Answer.—Spiritual discoveries are of two kinds: one kind is of the imagination and is only the assertion of a few people; the other kind resembles inspiration, and this is real—such are the revelations of Isaiah, of Jeremiah and of St. John, which are real.
3 Imajte na umu da postoje dvije vrste čovjekove moći mišljenja. Jedna je istinita, kad se slaže s određenom istinom. Takve koncepcije ostvaruju se u vanjskom svijetu; to su točna mišljenja, ispravne teorije, znanstvena otkrića i izumi. Reflect that man’s power of thought consists of two kinds. One kind is true, when it agrees with a determined truth. Such conceptions find realization in the exterior world; such are accurate opinions, correct theories, scientific discoveries and inventions.
4 Drugu vrstu koncepcija čine uzaludna razmišljanja i beskorisne zamisli, koje ne daju nikakva ploda ni rezultata, i koje nisu stvarne. Ne, ona se pjene poput valova na moru mašte i prolaze poput jalovih snova. The other kind of conceptions is made up of vain thoughts and useless ideas which yield neither fruit nor result, and which have no reality. No, they surge like the waves of the sea of imaginations, and they pass away like idle dreams.
5 Isto tako, postoje dvije vrste duhovnih otkrića. Jedno su otkrivenja Proroka i duhovna otkrića izabranih. Vizije Proroka nisu snovi; ne, to su duhovna otkrića i stvarna su. Oni, na primjer, kažu: “Vidio sam osobu određena obličja i rekao to i to, a ona mi je dala takav odgovor”. To je vizija u budnom svijetu, a ne u snu. Radije, to je duhovno otkriće koje je izraženo kao pojava vizije. In the same way, there are two sorts of spiritual discoveries. One is the revelations of the Prophets, and the spiritual discoveries of the elect. The visions of the Prophets are not dreams; no, they are spiritual discoveries and have reality. They say, for example, “I saw a person in a certain form, and I said such a thing, and he gave such an answer.” This vision is in the world of wakefulness, and not in that of sleep. Nay, it is a spiritual discovery which is expressed as if it were the appearance of a vision.
6 Druga vrsta duhovnih otkrića sastoji se u čistim maštarijama, no one se utjelovljuju na takav način da mnogi primitivni ljudi vjeruju da su stvarne. Ono što jasno dokazuje da su to ipak samo maštarije jest činjenica da od takve kontrole nad duhovima nikad nije bilo nikakva učinka ni ploda. Ne, to su samo priče i bajke. The other kind of spiritual discoveries is made up of pure imaginations, but these imaginations become embodied in such a way that many simple-hearted people believe that they have a reality. That which proves it clearly is that from this controlling of spirits no result or fruit has ever been produced. No, they are but narratives and stories.
7 Znajte da čovjekova zbilja obuhvaća zbilju stvari i otkrića i istine, svojstva i tajne stvari. Naime, sva je ta umijeća, čuda, znanosti i znanja otkrila ljudska zbilja. Nekoć su te znanosti, znanja, čuda i umijeća bile skrivene i čuvane tajne; potom ih je postupno otkrivala ljudska zbilja i donijela ih iz područja nevidljivoga u područje vidljivoga. Stoga, očito je da čovjekova zbilja obuhvaća stvari. Tako je ona u Europi, a otkriva Ameriku; ona je na zemlji, a dolazi do otkrića na nebu. Ona je otkrivatelj stvari i poznavatelj stvarnosti onoga što postoji. Ta otkrića koja odgovaraju stvarnosti slična su otkrivenju, koje je duhovno razumijevanje, božansko nadahnuće i veza ljudskih duhova. Na primjer, Prorok kaže: “Vidio sam, rekao sam, čuo sam takvu stvar”. Jasno je, stoga, da duh ima veliku moć opažanja bez posredništva bilo kojeg od pet osjetila, kao što su oči ili uši. Među produhovljenim dušama postoji duhovno razumijevanje, otkrića, zajedništvo koje je očišćeno od uobrazilje i zamišljanja, veza oslobođena vremena i mjesta. Tako u Evanđelju piše da su na planini Tabor, Mojsije i Ilija došli Kristu, a očito je da to nije bio materijalni susret. To je bilo duhovno stanje koje je izraženo kao fizički sastanak. Know that the reality of man embraces the realities of things, and discovers the verities, properties and secrets of things. So all these arts, wonders, sciences and knowledge have been discovered by the human reality. At one time these sciences, knowledge, wonders and arts were hidden and concealed secrets; then gradually the human reality discovered them and brought them from the realm of the invisible to the plane of the visible. Therefore, it is evident that the reality of man embraces things. Thus it is in Europe and discovers America; it is on the earth, and it makes discoveries in the heavens. It is the revealer of the secrets of things, and it is the knower of the realities of that which exists. These discoveries corresponding to the reality are similar to revelation, which is spiritual comprehension, divine inspiration and the association of human spirits. For instance, the Prophet says, “I saw, I said, I heard such a thing.” It is, therefore, evident that the spirit has great perception without the intermediary of any of the five senses, such as the eyes or ears. Among spiritual souls there are spiritual understandings, discoveries, a communion which is purified from imagination and fancy, an association which is sanctified from time and place. So it is written in the Gospel that, on Mount Tabor, Moses and Elias came to Christ, and it is evident that this was not a material meeting. It was a spiritual condition which is expressed as a physical meeting.
8 Druga vrsta razgovora, prisustva i komunikacija duhova nije drugo doli mašta i fantaziranje, koji se samo čine stvarnima. The other sort of converse, presence and communications of spirits is but imagination and fancy, which only appears to have reality.
9 Čovjekov um i misao ponekad otkrivaju istine i iz te misli i otkrića nastaju znakovi i rezultati. Ta misao ima temelj. No, mnoge stvari ulaze u čovjekov um koje su poput valova môra uobrazilje; one nemaju ploda i od njih ne dolazi nikakav rezultat. Isto tako, čovjek u svijetu sna ugleda viziju koja se točno ostvari; drugi put, on sanja san koji uopće nema nikakva rezultata. The mind and the thought of man sometimes discover truths, and from this thought and discovery signs and results are produced. This thought has a foundation. But many things come to the mind of man which are like the waves of the sea of imaginations; they have no fruit, and no result comes from them. In the same way, man sees in the world of sleep a vision which becomes exactly realized; at another time, he sees a dream which has absolutely no result.
10 Ono što mislimo jest da postoje dvije vrste ovoga stanja koje zovemo razgovorom i komunikacijom s duhovima: jedno je naprosto izmišljeno, a drugo je poput vizija koje se spominju u Bibliji, kao što su otkrivenja sv. Ivana i Izaije i susret Krista s Mosijem i Ilijom. Ona su stvarna i imaju čudesan učinak na um i misli ljudi, te privlače njihova srca. What we mean is that this state, which we call the converse and communications of spirits, is of two kinds: one is simply imaginary, and the other is like the visions which are mentioned in the Holy Book, such as the revelations of St. John and Isaiah and the meeting of Christ with Moses and Elias. These are real, and produce wonderful effects in the minds and thoughts of men, and cause their hearts to be attracted.