1 |
Priroda je ono stanje, ona stvarnost koja se u svojoj pojavnosti sastoji od života i smrti ili, drugim riječima, od spajanja i razlaganja svih stvari. |
Nature is that condition, that reality, which in appearance consists in life and death, or, in other words, in the composition and decomposition of all things. |
2 |
Ta je Priroda podređena apsolutnoj organizaciji, određenim zakonima, potpunom redu i gotovom planu od kojega nikada neće odstupiti – u tolikoj mjeri, doista, da, gledate li pažljivo i pronicljivo, od najmanjeg nevidljivog atoma pa sve do velikih tijela svijeta postojanja poput sunčeve kugle ili drugih velikih zvijezda i sjajnih sfera, bilo da gledate njihov raspored, sastav, oblik ili kretanje, otkrit ćete da su svi oni na najvišem stupnju organizacije i podliježu jednom zakonu od kojeg nikada neće odstupiti. |
This Nature is subjected to an absolute organization, to determined laws, to a complete order and a finished design, from which it will never depart—to such a degree, indeed, that if you look carefully and with keen sight, from the smallest invisible atom up to such large bodies of the world of existence as the globe of the sun or the other great stars and luminous spheres, whether you regard their arrangement, their composition, their form or their movement, you will find that all are in the highest degree of organization and are under one law from which they will never depart. |
3 |
No, pogledate li samu Prirodu, vidjet ćete da ona nema inteligencije, niti volje. Na primjer, priroda je vatre da gori; ona gori bez volje ili inteligencije. Priroda je vode tekuće stanje; ona teče bez volje ili inteligencije. Priroda je sunca njegov sjaj; ono sja bez volje ili inteligencije. Priroda je pare da se diže; ona se diže bez volje ili inteligencije. Time je jasno da se prirodna kretanja svih stvari odvijaju pod prinudom; nema voljnih kretanja osim onih kod životinja i, iznad svega, kod čovjeka. Čovjek je sposoban suprotstaviti se i pružiti otpor Prirodi jer on otkriva građu svih stvari i time upravlja silama Prirode; do svih svojih pronalazaka došao je zahvaljujući otkriću građe stvari. Primjerice, pronašao je telegraf koji je sredstvo komuniciranja između Istoka i Zapada. Očevidno je, dakle, da čovjek vlada Prirodom. |
But when you look at Nature itself, you see that it has no intelligence, no will. For instance, the nature of fire is to burn; it burns without will or intelligence. The nature of water is fluidity; it flows without will or intelligence. The nature of the sun is radiance; it shines without will or intelligence. The nature of vapor is to ascend; it ascends without will or intelligence. Thus it is clear that the natural movements of all things are compelled; there are no voluntary movements except those of animals and, above all, those of man. Man is able to resist and to oppose Nature because he discovers the constitution of things, and through this he commands the forces of Nature; all the inventions he has made are due to his discovery of the constitution of things. For example, he invented the telegraph, which is the means of communication between the East and the West. It is evident, then, that man rules over Nature. |
4 |
Kad opazite postojanje takvih organizacija i zakona, možete li reći da su svi oni djelo Prirode, premda Priroda nema niti inteligencije niti percepcije? Ako ne možete, postaje jasno da je ta Priroda koja nema niti percepcije niti inteligencije u rukama Svemogućeg Boga, koji je Vladar svijeta Prirode; On čini da Priroda očituje što god On poželi. |
Now, when you behold in existence such organizations, arrangements and laws, can you say that all these are the effect of Nature, though Nature has neither intelligence nor perception? If not, it becomes evident that this Nature, which has neither perception nor intelligence, is in the grasp of Almighty God, Who is the Ruler of the world of Nature; whatever He wishes, He causes Nature to manifest. |
5 |
Jedna od stvari koja se pojavila u svijetu postojanja i koja je jedna od potreba Prirode jest ljudski život. Razmatrano s ove točke motrišta, čovjek je grana; priroda je korijen. Mogu li, onda, volja i inteligencija i savršenosti koje postoje u grani izostati u korijenu? |
One of the things which has appeared in the world of existence, and which is one of the requirements of Nature, is human life. Considered from this point of view man is the branch; nature is the root. Then can the will and the intelligence, and the perfections which exist in the branch, be absent in the root? |
6 |
Kaže se da je Priroda u svojoj vlastitoj biti u rukama moći Boga, Koji je Vječni Svemogući: On Prirodu drži pod točnim propisima i zakonima i vlada nad njom.1 |
It is said that Nature in its own essence is in the grasp of the power of God, Who is the Eternal Almighty One: He holds Nature within accurate regulations and laws, and rules over it.1 |