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A glede Bába – neka Mu se duša moja žrtvuje – u mladosti, tj. kad je napunio dvadeset i pet godina Svoga blagoslovljena života, istupio je s objavom Svoje Stvari15. Opće je priznato među Šiitima da On nikada nije pohađao bilo kakvu školu i nije dobio znanje niti od jednog učitelja; svi ljudi Širaza (Shíráz) o tome svjedoče. Ipak, On se iznenada pojavio pred ljudima obdaren najpotpunijom erudicijom. Premda nije bio drugo doli trgovac, zbunio je svu ulemu Perzije16. Posve sam, na način koji nadilazi maštu, On je održao Stvar među Perzijancima, poznatima po njihovu religijskom fanatizmu. Ta uzvišena Duša podigla se s takvom moći da je potresao stupove religije, moral, uvjete, navike i običaje Perzije i uspostavio nova pravila, nove zakone i novu religiju. Premda su istaknute osobe državne vlasti, gotovo svi pripadnici svećenstva i dužnosnici ustali da Ga unište, On im je sam odolio i pokrenuo cijelu Perziju. |
As for the Báb—may my soul be His sacrifice!—at a youthful age, that is to say, when He had reached the twenty-fifth year of His blessed life, He stood forth to proclaim His Cause.15 It was universally admitted by the Shí’is that He had never studied in any school and had not acquired knowledge from any teacher; all the people of Shíráz bear witness to this. Nevertheless, He suddenly appeared before the people, endowed with the most complete erudition. Although He was but a merchant, He confounded all the ‘ulamá of Persia.16 All alone, in a way which is beyond imagination, He upheld the Cause among the Persians, who are renowned for their religious fanaticism. This illustrious Soul arose with such power that He shook the supports of the religion, of the morals, the conditions, the habits and the customs of Persia, and instituted new rules, new laws and a new religion. Though the great personages of the State, nearly all the clergy, and the public men arose to destroy and annihilate Him, He alone withstood them and moved the whole of Persia. |
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Mnogi pripadnici uleme i javni dužnosnici, kao i drugi, radosno su žrtvovali svoje živote za Njegovu Stvar i pohitali na polje mučeništva. |
Many ‘ulamá and public men, as well as other people, joyfully sacrificed their lives in His Cause, and hastened to the plain of martyrdom. |
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Vlada, nacija, teolozi i ugledne ličnosti željeli su utrnuti Njegovo svjetlo, ali to nisu mogli učiniti. Napokon je izašao Njegov mjesec, Njegova je zvijezda zasjala i mjesto Njegova osvita zablistalo je. Božansko obrazovanje pružio je neprosvijećenom mnoštvu i ostvario čudesan učinak na misli, moral, običaje i životne uvjete Perzijanaca. Svojim je sljedbenicima najavio dobre vijesti o objavi Sunca Bahá i priredio ih da povjeruju. |
The government, the nation, the doctors of divinity and the great personages desired to extinguish His light, but they could not do so. At last His moon arose, His star shone forth, His foundations became firmly established, and His dawning-place became brilliant. He imparted divine education to an unenlightened multitude and produced marvelous results on the thoughts, morals, customs and conditions of the Persians. He announced the glad tidings of the manifestation of the Sun of Bahá to His followers and prepared them to believe. |
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Pojava takvih zadivljujućih znakova i golemih rezultata, učinak koji je izvršen na svijest ljudi i na vladajuće ideje, uspostava temelja napretka i organizacija načela uspjeha i blagostanja od strane mladog trgovca, čine najveći dokaz da je On bio savršen Odgajatelj. Pravedna osoba bez oklijevanja u to će povjerovati. |
The appearance of such wonderful signs and great results; the effects produced upon the minds of the people, and upon the prevailing ideas; the establishment of the foundations of progress; and the organization of the principles of success and prosperity by a young merchant, constitute the greatest proof that He was a perfect Educator. A just person will never hesitate to believe this. |