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Pitanje: – Zabilježeno je da je Krist činio čuda. Treba li izvješća o tim čudima stvarno shvatiti doslovno ili ona imaju neko drugo značenje? Egzaktna znanost je dokazala da se bit stvari ne mijenja i da sva bića podliježu jednom univerzalnom zakonu i organizaciji od kojih ne mogu odstupiti, te da je stoga nemoguće ono što je suprotno univerzalnom zakonu. |
Question.—It is recorded that miracles were performed by Christ. Are the reports of these miracles really to be accepted literally, or have they another meaning? It has been proved by exact science that the essence of things does not change, and that all beings are under one universal law and organization from which they cannot deviate; and, therefore, that which is contrary to universal law is impossible. |
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Odgovor: – Svete Objave su izvori čuda i pokretači čudesnog znamenja. Za Njih je moguća i laka svaka teška i neizvediva stvar. Naime, nadnaravnom moći pojavljuju se od Njih čuda; i tom moći, koja je izvan prirode, One utječu na svijet prirode. Od svih Objava došle su zadivljujuće stvari. |
Answer.—The Holy Manifestations are the sources of miracles and the originators of wonderful signs. For Them, any difficult and impracticable thing is possible and easy. For through a supernatural power wonders appear from Them; and by this power, which is beyond nature, They influence the world of nature. From all the Manifestations marvelous things have appeared. |
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Premda se u Svetim knjigama koristi posebna terminologija, za Objave ta čuda i čudesni znaci nemaju nikakve važnosti. Oni ih čak ne žele niti spomenuti. Naime, čuda predstavljaju još uvijek samo dokaze i argumente za one koji su nazočni prilikom njihove izvedbe, a ne za one koji su odsutni. |
But in the Holy Books an especial terminology is employed, and for the Manifestations these miracles and wonderful signs have no importance. They do not even wish to mention them. For if we consider miracles a great proof, they are still only proofs and arguments for those who are present when they are performed, and not for those who are absent. |
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Na primjer, ako tragatelja, koji je stranac Mojsiju i Kristu, izvijestimo o veličanstvenim znakovima, on će ih poreći i kazati: “Postoje čudesni znaci o lažnim bogovima o kojima neprekidno izvješćuju i svjedoče mnogi ljudi, i oni su potvrđeni u Knjigama”. Brahmani su napisali knjigu o zadivljujućim čudima Brahme”. On će također reći: “Kako možemo znati da Židovi i kršćani govore istinu, a da Brahmani izgovaraju laži? Jer i jedne i druge su općenito priznate predaje, koje su prikupljene u knjigama i o kojima se može pretpostavljati da su prave ili lažne”. Isto se može reći i o drugim religijama: ako je jedna istinita, sve su istinite; ako je jedna prihvaćena, sve moraju biti prihvaćene. Dakle, čuda nisu dokaz. Premda jesu dokazi za one koji su nazočni, ona nisu dokazi za odsutne. |
For example, if we relate to a seeker, a stranger to Moses and Christ, marvelous signs, he will deny them and will say: “Wonderful signs are also continually related of false gods by the testimony of many people, and they are affirmed in the Books. The Brahmans have written a book about wonderful prodigies from Brahma.” He will also say: “How can we know that the Jews and the Christians speak the truth, and that the Brahmans tell a lie? For both are generally admitted traditions, which are collected in books, and may be supposed to be true or false.” The same may be said of other religions: if one is true, all are true; if one is accepted, all must be accepted. Therefore, miracles are not a proof. For if they are proofs for those who are present, they fail as proofs to those who are absent. |
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No, u doba Objave ljudi od uvida vide da su sva stanja Objave – čuda, jer Oni nadmašuju sve ostale i samo je to već krajnje čudo. Sjetite se da je Krist, sam i usamljen, bez pomoćnika ili zaštitnika, bez vojski i legija, i pod najvećim pritiskom, podigao stijeg Božji pred svim ljudima svijeta i odupro im se, te napokon osvojio sve, premda je, gledajući izvanjski, On bio raspet. To je zaista istinsko čudo koje nitko ne može poreći. Nema potrebe za bilo kojim drugim dokazom Kristove istine. |
But in the day of the Manifestation the people with insight see that all the conditions of the Manifestation are miracles, for They are superior to all others, and this alone is an absolute miracle. Recollect that Christ, solitary and alone, without a helper or protector, without armies and legions, and under the greatest oppression, uplifted the standard of God before all the people of the world, and withstood them, and finally conquered all, although outwardly He was crucified. Now this is a veritable miracle which can never be denied. There is no need of any other proof of the truth of Christ. |
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Izvanjska čuda nemaju važnosti za ljude od Stvarnosti. Ako, na primjer, slijep čovjek progleda, na kraju će ipak ostati bez vida jer će umrijeti i biti lišen svih svojih osjetila i moći. Stoga, učiniti da slijep čovjek progleda, razmjerno je od male važnosti jer će to svojstvo vida na kraju nestati. Ako tijelo mrtva čovjeka bude nanovo oživljeno, od kakve je to koristi kad će opet umrijeti? Ali važno je dati opažanje i vječni život – to jest, duhovni i božanski život. Jer ovaj fizički život nije besmrtan i njegovo je postojanje jednako nepostojanju. Tako je Krist jednom od Svojih učenika rekao: “Neka mrtvi ukopavaju svoje mrtvace”; jer “Što je rođeno od tijela, tijelo je; što je rođeno od Duha, duh je.”88 |
The outward miracles have no importance for the people of Reality. If a blind man receives sight, for example, he will finally again become sightless, for he will die and be deprived of all his senses and powers. Therefore, causing the blind man to see is comparatively of little importance, for this faculty of sight will at last disappear. If the body of a dead person be resuscitated, of what use is it since the body will die again? But it is important to give perception and eternal life—that is, the spiritual and divine life. For this physical life is not immortal, and its existence is equivalent to nonexistence. So it is that Christ said to one of His disciples: “Let the dead bury their dead;” for “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”88 |
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Pazite: one koji su naizgled bili živi, Krist je smatrao mrtvima; jer život je vječni život, a postojanje je pravo postojanje. Gdje god u Svetim knjigama govore o ustajanju mrtvih, to znači da će mrtvi biti blagoslovljeni vječnim životom; ondje gdje se kaže da su slijepi progledali, misli se na to da su oni dobili istinsko opažanje; tamo gdje se kaže da je gluh čovjek dobio sluh, to znači da je stekao duhovni i nebeski sluh. To potvrđuje tekst iz Evanđelja u kojem Krist kaže: “Oni su poput onih o kojima je Izaija rekao: Imaju oči, a ne vide, imaju uši, a ne čuju; i Ja sam ih ozdravio.”89 |
Observe: those who in appearance were physically alive, Christ considered dead; for life is the eternal life, and existence is the real existence. Wherever in the Holy Books they speak of raising the dead, the meaning is that the dead were blessed by eternal life; where it is said that the blind received sight, the signification is that he obtained the true perception; where it is said a deaf man received hearing, the meaning is that he acquired spiritual and heavenly hearing. This is ascertained from the text of the Gospel where Christ said: “These are like those of whom Isaiah said, They have eyes and see not, they have ears and hear not; and I healed them.”89 |
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To ne znači da Objave ne mogu činiti čuda, jer One imaju svu moć. No, za Njih su unutarnji vid, duhovno ozdravljenje i vječni život vrijedne i važne stvari. Otuda, kad god se u Svetim knjigama kaže da je netko bio slijep i povratio svoj vid, to znači da je on bio slijep iznutra i da je stekao duhovni vid ili da je bio neznalica, a postao mudar ili da je bio nemaran, a postao pažljiv ili da je bio svjetovan, a postao nebeski. |
The meaning is not that the Manifestations are unable to perform miracles, for They have all power. But for Them inner sight, spiritual healing and eternal life are the valuable and important things. Consequently, whenever it is recorded in the Holy Books that such a one was blind and recovered his sight, the meaning is that he was inwardly blind, and that he obtained spiritual vision, or that he was ignorant and became wise, or that he was negligent and became heedful, or that he was worldly and became heavenly. |
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Kako su taj unutarnji vid, sluh, život i ozdravljenje vječni, oni imaju važnost. Kakva je u usporedbi s tim važnost i vrijednost ovog životinjskog života s njegovim moćima? Za nekoliko će dana nestati poput nestalnih misli. Na primjer, zapali li netko ugašenu svjetiljku, ona će se opet ugasiti; ali svjetlo sunca uvijek sja. To je važno. |
As this inner sight, hearing, life and healing are eternal, they are of importance. What, comparatively, is the importance, the value and the worth of this animal life with its powers? In a few days it will cease like fleeting thoughts. For example, if one relights an extinguished lamp, it will again become extinguished; but the light of the sun is always luminous. This is of importance. |