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Rekli smo da Objave imaju tri razine. Prvu, fizičku razinu, koja ovisi o tijelu; drugu, individualnu razinu, takozvanu – racionalnu dušu; treću, božansku pojavu, koja obuhvaća božanske savršenosti, uzrok je života postojanja, odgoja duša, vodstva ljudi i prosvjetljenja prolaznoga svijeta. |
We said that the Manifestations have three planes. First, the physical reality, which depends upon the body; second, the individual reality, that is to say, the rational soul; third, the divine appearance, which is the divine perfections, the cause of the life of existence, of the education of souls, of the guidance of people, and of the enlightenment of the contingent world. |
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Fizičko stanje je ljudsko stanje koje nestaje jer se sastoji od elemenata; a sve što je sastavljeno od elemenata nužno se raspada i raspršuje. |
The physical state is the human state which perishes because it is composed of elements, and all that is composed of elements will necessarily be decomposed and dispersed. |
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Međutim, individualna razina Objava Božjih je sveta razina i zato je posvećena te se, po onome što se smatra njezinom prirodom i kvalitetom, razlikuje od svih ostalih stvari. Ona je poput sunca, koje prema svojoj prirodnoj biti proizvodi svjetlo, i ne može se usporediti s mjesecom, kao što se ni čestice koje tvore sunčevu kuglu ne mogu usporediti s onima koje čine mjesec. Čestice i organizacija prvoga stvaraju zrake, ali čestice od kojih se sastoji mjesec ne tvore zrake, nego posuđuju svjetlo. Tako da su ostale ljudske razine postojanja one duše koje, poput mjeseca, uzimaju svjetlo od sunca; no Sveta Stvarnost svijetla je sama po Sebi. |
But the individual reality of the Manifestations of God is a holy reality, and for that reason it is sanctified and, in that which concerns its nature and quality, is distinguished from all other things. It is like the sun, which by its essential nature produces light and cannot be compared to the moon, just as the particles that compose the globe of the sun cannot be compared with those which compose the moon. The particles and organization of the former produce rays, but the particles of which the moon is composed do not produce rays but need to borrow light. So other human realities are those souls who, like the moon, take light from the sun; but that Holy Reality is luminous in Himself. |
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Treća razina toga Bića126 je Božanska Darežljivost, sjaj Prapostojeće Ljepote i zračenje svjetla Svemogućega. Pojedinačne stvarnosti Božanskih Objava nisu odvojene od Božje Darežljivosti i Gospodnjega Sjaja. Jednako tako, sunčeva kugla nije odvojena od svjetla. Stoga se može reći da je uzašašće Svete Objave jednostavno napuštanje ovog elementarnog oblika. Na primjer, ako svjetiljka osvjetljava ovu nišu, a njezino je svjetlo prestane osvjetljavati jer je niša uništena, darežljivost svjetiljke nije se prekinula. Ukratko, kod Svetih je Objava Prapostojeća Darežljivost poput svjetla, individualnost je predstavljena staklenom kuglom, a ljudsko je tijelo niša: uništi li se niša, svjetiljka nastavlja gorjeti. Božanske Objave predstavljaju mnoštvo raznih zrcala jer One imaju posebnu individualnost, ali ono što se odslikava u zrcalima jest jedno sunce. Jasno je da je Kristova stvarnost drugačija od Mojsijeve. |
The third plane of that Being126 is the Divine Bounty, the splendor of the Preexistent Beauty, and the radiance of the light of the Almighty. The individual realities of the Divine Manifestations have no separation from the Bounty of God and the Lordly Splendor. In the same way, the orb of the sun has no separation from the light. Therefore, it may be said that the ascension of the Holy Manifestation is simply the leaving of this elemental form. For example, if a lamp illumines this niche, and if its light ceases to illuminate it because the niche is destroyed, the bounty of the lamp is not cut off. Briefly, in the Holy Manifestations the Preexistent Bounty is like the light, the individuality is represented by the glass globe, and the human body is like the niche: if the niche is destroyed, the lamp continues to burn. The Divine Manifestations are so many different mirrors because They have a special individuality, but that which is reflected in the mirrors is one sun. It is clear that the reality of Christ is different from that of Moses. |
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Zaista, od početka je ta Sveta Stvarnost127 svjesna tajnog postojanja, a znakovi veličine pojavljuju se i vidljivi su u Njemu od djetinjstva. Kako je onda moguće da pored sve te darežljivosti i savršenosti On nema nikakve svijesti? |
Verily, from the beginning that Holy Reality127 is conscious of the secret of existence, and from the age of childhood signs of greatness appear and are visible in Him. Therefore, how can it be that with all these bounties and perfections He should have no consciousness? |
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Spomenuli smo da Svete Objave imaju tri razine: fizičko stanje, individualnu stvarnost i središte pojave savršenstva, koje je poput sunca, njegove topline i njegova svjetla. Ostali pojedinci imaju fizičku razinu, razinu racionalne duše – duh i um.128 Tako je izjava: “Spavao sam, a božanski su lahori zapuhali nada Mnom i Ja sam se probudio”, poput Kristove izjave: “Tijelo je tužno, a duh je sretan”, ili pak: “Potišten sam” ili “opušten sam”, ili “zabrinut sam” – one se odnose na fizičko stanje, a ne odnose se na individualnu stvarnost ni na objavu Božanske Stvarnosti. Promislite kolike tisuće nesreća mogu zadesiti tijelo čovjeka, ali ne pogađaju duh; može se čak dogoditi da su neki dijelovi tijela posve osakaćeni, ali bit svijesti ostaje vječna. Tisuće udesa može snaći ruho, ali za onoga koji ga nosi – nema opasnosti. Ove riječi koje je izrekao Bahá’u’lláh: “Spavao sam, a božanski su lahori zapuhali nada Mnom i probudili Me”, odnose se na tijelo. |
We have mentioned that the Holy Manifestations have three planes. The physical condition, the individual reality, and the center of the appearance of perfection: it is like the sun, its heat and its light. Other individuals have the physical plane, the plane of the rational soul—the spirit and mind.128 So the saying, “I was asleep, and the divine breezes passed over Me, and I awoke,” is like Christ’s saying, “The body is sad, and the spirit is happy,” or again, “I am afflicted,” or “I am at ease,” or “I am troubled”—these refer to the physical condition and have no reference to the individual reality nor to the manifestation of the Divine Reality. Thus consider what thousands of vicissitudes can happen to the body of man, but the spirit is not affected by them; it may even be that some members of the body are entirely crippled, but the essence of the mind remains and is everlasting. A thousand accidents may happen to a garment, but for the wearer of it there is no danger. These words which Bahá’u’lláh said, “I was asleep, and the breeze passed over Me, and awakened Me,” refer to the body. |
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U svijetu Boga nema prošlosti, budućnosti ni sadašnjosti; sve je jedno. Tako kad Krist kaže: “U početku bijaše Riječ”129 – to znači da je bila, jest i da će biti; jer u svijetu Božjem ne postoji vrijeme. Vrijeme vlada stvorenjima, ali ne Bogom. Na primjer, u molitvi On kaže: “Sveti se ime Tvoje”; to znači da je ime Tvoje bilo, jest i bit će svećeno.130 Jutro, podne i večer odnose se na zemlju, ali na suncu nema ni jutra ni podneva, ni večeri. |
In the world of God there is no past, no future and no present; all are one. So when Christ said, “In the beginning was the Word”129—that means it was, is and shall be; for in the world of God there is no time. Time has sway over creatures but not over God. For example, in the prayer He says, “Hallowed be Thy name”; the meaning is that Thy name was, is and shall be hallowed.130 Morning, noon and evening are related to this earth, but in the sun there is neither morning, noon nor evening. |