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1 U svetom stihu kaže se: “Nema druga Onome Koji je Osvit Otkrivenja136 u Njegovoj Najvećoj Nepogrešivosti. On je, uistinu, zastupnik izreke ‘Bog čini što god Ga je volja’ u kraljevstvu stvaranja. Zaista je Svevišnji sačuvao ovaj položaj za Sebe i nikome nije dat udio u toj uzvišenoj i najvišoj odlici.”137 It is said in the holy verse: “There is no partner for Him Who is the Dayspring of Revelation136 in His Most Great Infallibility. He is, in truth, the exponent of ‘God doeth whatsoever He willeth’ in the kingdom of creation. Indeed the Almighty hath exclusively reserved this station for Himself and to none is given a share in this sublime and highly exalted distinction.”137
2 Znajte da su dvije vrste nepogrešivosti: suštinska nepogrešivost i stečena nepogrešivost. Također postoji suštinsko znanje i stečeno znanje, a tako je i s ostalim imenima i pridjevcima. Suštinska nepogrešivost svojstvena je najvišoj Objavi, jer to je Njezin suštinski uvjet, a suštinski uvjet ne može biti odvojen od same stvari. Zrake su suštinska potreba sunca i neodvojive su od njega. Znanje je suštinska potreba Boga i neodvojivo je od Njega. Moć je suštinska potreba Boga i neodvojiva je od Njega. Kad bi se ona mogla od Njega odvojiti, On ne bi bio Bog. Kad bi se zrake mogle odvojiti od sunca, to ne bi bilo sunce. Stoga, kada bi netko zamišljao da je Najveća Nepogrešivost odvojena od vrhovne Objave, onda to ne bi bila vrhovna Objava i nedostajale bi joj suštinske savršenosti. Know that infallibility is of two kinds: essential infallibility and acquired infallibility. In like manner there is essential knowledge and acquired knowledge; and so it is with other names and attributes. Essential infallibility is peculiar to the supreme Manifestation, for it is His essential requirement, and an essential requirement cannot be separated from the thing itself. The rays are the essential necessity of the sun and are inseparable from it. Knowledge is an essential necessity of God and is inseparable from Him. Power is an essential necessity of God and is inseparable from Him. If it could be separated from Him, He would not be God. If the rays could be separated from the sun, it would not be the sun. Therefore, if one imagines separation of the Most Great Infallibility from the supreme Manifestation, He would not be the supreme Manifestation, and He would lack the essential perfections.
3 No stečena nepogrešivost nije prirodna potreba; naprotiv, to je zraka iz obilja nepogrešivosti koja od Sunca Stvarnosti sja na srca, i daje dio sebe dušama. Premda te duše nemaju suštinsku nepogrešivost, one su ipak pod Božjom zaštitom – drugim riječima, Bog ih čuva od pogreške. Tako su mnoga sveta bića koja nisu bila točke osvita Najveće Nepogrešivosti ipak bila zadržana i sačuvana od pogreške u sjeni zaštite i skrbi Božje, jer su predstavljala prenositelje milosti Božje između Boga i ljudi. Kada ih Bog ne bi štitio od pogreške, njihova bi pogreška učinila da duše koje vjeruju pogriješe, što bi preobrazilo temelj Religije Božje, koja ne bi dolikovala Bogu niti Ga bila dostojna. But acquired infallibility is not a natural necessity; on the contrary, it is a ray of the bounty of infallibility which shines from the Sun of Reality upon hearts, and grants a share and portion of itself to souls. Although these souls have not essential infallibility, still they are under the protection of God—that is to say, God preserves them from error. Thus many of the holy beings who were not dawning-points of the Most Great Infallibility, were yet kept and preserved from error under the shadow of the protection and guardianship of God, for they were the mediators of grace between God and men. If God did not protect them from error, their error would cause believing souls to fall into error, and thus the foundation of the Religion of God would be overturned, which would not be fitting nor worthy of God.
4 Da skratimo: suštinska nepogrešivost pripada poglavito vrhovnim Objavama, a stečena nepogrešivost daje se svakoj svetoj duši. Na primjer, Univerzalna kuća Pravde138, uspostavi li se u potrebnim uvjetima – sa članovima izabranim među svim ljudima – ta će Kuća Pravde biti pod zaštitom i nepogrešivim vodstvom Boga. Ako ta Kuća Pravde jednoglasno ili većinom donese odluku o bilo kojem problemu koji nije spomenut u Knjizi, ta će odluka i zapovijed biti sačuvana od pogreške. Dakle, članovi Kuće Pravde pojedinačno nemaju suštinsku nepogrešivost, već je tijelo Kuće Pravde pod zaštitom i nepogrešivim vodstvom Božjim: to se naziva prenesenom nepogrešivosti. To epitomize: essential infallibility belongs especially to the supreme Manifestations, and acquired infallibility is granted to every holy soul. For instance, the Universal House of Justice,138 if it be established under the necessary conditions—with members elected from all the people—that House of Justice will be under the protection and the unerring guidance of God. If that House of Justice shall decide unanimously, or by a majority, upon any question not mentioned in the Book, that decision and command will be guarded from mistake. Now the members of the House of Justice have not, individually, essential infallibility; but the body of the House of Justice is under the protection and unerring guidance of God: this is called conferred infallibility.
5 Ukratko, kaže se da je Osvit Otkrivenja objava ovih riječi: “On čini što god Ga je volja”; to je stanje svojstveno tom Svetom Biću i ostali nemaju udjela u toj suštinskoj savršenoj odlici. To znači da budući da vrhovne Objave zasigurno posjeduju suštinsku nepogrešivost, onda je sve što od njih emanira istovjetno istini i u skladu sa stvarnošću. One nisu u sjeni ranijih zakona. Što god One kažu – riječ je Božja, a što god učine – pravedno je djelo. Nijedan vjernik nema prava kritizirati; njegov položaj je položaj krajnje podređenosti jer Objava se pojavljuje sa savršenom mudrošću – tako da je sve što vrhovna Objava kaže ili čini apsolutna mudrost i u skladu sa stvarnošću. Briefly, it is said that the “Dayspring of Revelation” is the manifestation of these words, “He doeth whatsoever He willeth”; this condition is peculiar to that Holy Being, and others have no share of this essential perfection. That is to say, that as the supreme Manifestations certainly possess essential infallibility, therefore whatever emanates from Them is identical with the truth, and conformable to reality. They are not under the shadow of the former laws. Whatever They say is the word of God, and whatever They perform is an upright action. No believer has any right to criticize; his condition must be one of absolute submission, for the Manifestation arises with perfect wisdom—so that whatever the supreme Manifestation says and does is absolute wisdom, and is in accordance with reality.
6 Ako neki ljudi ne razumiju skrivenu tajnu jedne od njegovih zapovijedi ili djela, ne bi im se trebali usprotiviti, jer vrhovna Objava čini što želi. Često se događalo da su se, nakon što je mudar, savršen, inteligentan čovjek izvršio neko djelo, drugi lišeni sposobnosti poimanja njegove mudrosti tome usprotivili i bili zapanjeni činjenicom da je mudar čovjek mogao izreći ili učiniti takvu stvar. Ta opozicija dolazi od neznanja, a mudrost mudraca je čista i oslobođena greške. Isto tako, vješt liječnik u liječenju svoga pacijenta čini što hoće, a pacijent se nema prava buniti; što god liječnik rekao ili učinio – pravo je; svi ga moraju smatrati objavom ovih riječi: “On čini što god Ga je volja, i zapovijeda što god poželi”. Zacijelo će liječnik upotrijebiti neki lijek protivno zamislima ljudi; dakle protivljenje nije dopušteno onima koji nemaju prednost poznavanja znanosti i medicinskog umijeća. Ne, za ime Božje, naprotiv, svi moraju biti podređeni i izvršavati ono što vješt liječnik kaže. Stoga, vješt liječnik čini što god želi, a pacijenti nemaju takvo pravo. Liječnikova vještina najprije mora biti potvrđena, ali nakon što je njegova vještina uspostavljena, on čini što god hoće. If some people do not understand the hidden secret of one of His commands and actions, they ought not to oppose it, for the supreme Manifestation does what He wishes. How often it has occurred, when an act has been performed by a wise, perfect, intelligent man, that others incapable of comprehending its wisdom have objected to it and been amazed that this wise man could say or do such a thing. This opposition comes from their ignorance, and the wisdom of the sage is pure and exempt from error. In the same way, the skilled doctor in treating the patient does what he wishes, and the patient has no right to object; whatever the doctor says and does is right; all ought to consider him the manifestation of these words, “He doeth whatsoever He willeth, and commandeth whatever He desireth.” It is certain that the doctor will use some medicine contrary to the ideas of other people; now opposition is not permitted to those who have not the advantage of science and the medical art. No, in the name of God! on the contrary, all ought to be submissive and to perform whatever the skilled doctor says. Therefore, the skilled doctor does what he wishes, and the patients have no share in this right. The skill of the doctor must be first ascertained; but when the skill of the doctor is once established, he does what he wishes.
7 Isto se događa i kad zapovjedniku vojske nema ravna u umijeću ratovanja, te on govori i zapovijeda čineći ono što ga je volja. Kapetan broda, koji vlada vještinom navigacije, u svemu što kaže ili učini provodi svoju volju. A kako je pravi odgajatelj Savršeni Čovjek, u svemu što govori ili zapovijeda On čini što poželi. So also, when the head of the army is unrivaled in the art of war, in what he says and commands he does what he wishes. When the captain of a ship is proficient in the art of navigation, in whatever he says and commands he does what he wishes. And as the real educator is the Perfect Man, in whatever He says and commands He does what He wishes.
8 Ukratko, značenje je izraza “On čini što Ga je volja” u tome da kad Objava nešto kaže, zapovijedi ili izvrši neko djelo, a vjernici ne shvaćaju mudrost toga, oni se ipak ne trebaju tome usprotiviti, pa čak ni u mislima, želeći saznati zašto je On onako govorio ili zašto je učinio nešto onakvo. Ostale duše koje su u sjeni vrhovnih Objava podređene su zapovijedima Zakona Božjeg i ne smiju ni za dlaku od njih odstupiti; svoja djela i riječi moraju uskladiti sa Zakonom Božjim. Odstupe li od njega, te će duše za to odgovarati i biti ukorene u Božjoj nazočnosti. Sigurno je da one nemaju udjela u dopuštenju “On čini što god Ga je volja”, jer taj je položaj svojstven vrhovnim Objavama. In short, the meaning of “He doeth whatsoever He willeth” is that if the Manifestation says something, or gives a command, or performs an action, and believers do not understand its wisdom, they still ought not to oppose it by a single thought, seeking to know why He spoke so, or why He did such a thing. The other souls who are under the shadow of the supreme Manifestations are submissive to the commandments of the Law of God, and are not to deviate as much as a hairsbreadth from it; they must conform their acts and words to the Law of God. If they do deviate from it, they will be held responsible and reproved in the presence of God. It is certain that they have no share in the permission “He doeth whatsoever He willeth,” for this condition is peculiar to the supreme Manifestations.
9 Tako je Krist – neka Mu duh moj bude žrtvovan – bio objava riječi “On čini što god Ga je volja”, dok njegovi učenici nisu dijelili isti položaj; naime, budući da su bili u sjeni Kristovoj, nisu mogli odstupiti od Njegove zapovijedi i volje. So Christ—may my spirit be sacrificed to Him!—was the manifestation of these words, “He doeth whatsoever He willeth,” but the disciples were not partakers of this condition; for as they were under the shadow of Christ, they could not deviate from His command and will.
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Part Four