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Pitanje: – Oni koji su blagoslovljeni dobrim djelima i univerzalnom ravnotežom, koji imaju hvalevrijedne karakteristike, koji se s ljubavlju i blagošću odnose prema svim stvorenjima, koji se brinu za siromašne i trude se uspostaviti sveopći mir – kakvu potrebu oni imaju za božanskim učenjima, za koja misle da su o njima neovisni? Kakav je položaj tih ljudi? |
Question.—Those who are blessed with good actions and universal benevolence, who have praiseworthy characteristics, who act with love and kindness toward all creatures, who care for the poor, and who strive to establish universal peace—what need have they of the divine teachings, of which they think indeed that they are independent? What is the condition of these people? |
2 |
Odgovor: – Znajte da su takva djela, takvi napori i takve riječi hvalevrijedni i priznati i slava su čovječanstva. No sama ta djela nisu dostatna, ona su tijelo velike dražesti, ali bez duha. Ne, ono što je uzrok vječnoga života, vječne časti, sveopćega prosvjetljenja, pravog spasenja i blagostanja jest, ponajprije, spoznaja Boga. Poznato je da je spoznaja Boga izvan svakog znanja i to je najveća slava ljudskog svijeta. Jer u postojećem je znanju o suštini stvari materijalna prednost, i uz njezinu pomoć vanjska civilizacija napreduje; no spoznaja Boga uzrok je duhovnog napretka i ljubavi i kroz nju se stječe opažanje istine, uzdizanje čovječanstva, božanska civilizacija, ispravnost morala i prosvjetljenje. |
Answer.—Know that such actions, such efforts and such words are praiseworthy and approved, and are the glory of humanity. But these actions alone are not sufficient; they are a body of the greatest loveliness, but without spirit. No, that which is the cause of everlasting life, eternal honor, universal enlightenment, real salvation and prosperity is, first of all, the knowledge of God. It is known that the knowledge of God is beyond all knowledge, and it is the greatest glory of the human world. For in the existing knowledge of the reality of things there is material advantage, and through it outward civilization progresses; but the knowledge of God is the cause of spiritual progress and attraction, and through it the perception of truth, the exaltation of humanity, divine civilization, rightness of morals and illumination are obtained. |
3 |
Druga po redu je ljubav Božja, svjetlo koje sja u svjetiljci srca onih koji znaju Boga; njegove blistave zrake osvjetljuju obzor i daju čovjeku život Kraljevstva. Uistinu, plod ljudskog postojanja je ljubav Božja, jer ta je ljubav duh života i vječna milost. Kad ne bi postojala ljubav Božja, nestalni svijet bio bi u mraku; kad ne bi bilo ljubavi Božje, srca ljudi bila bi mrtva; kad ne bi bilo ljubavi Božje, svjetlo jedinstva ne bi obasjavalo ljude; kad ne bi bilo ljubavi Božje, Istok i Zapad, poput dvoje ljubavnika, ne bi zagrlili jedan drugoga; kad ne bi bilo ljubavi Božje, podjela i nejedinstvo ne bi se pretvorili u bratstvo; kad ne bi bilo ljubavi Božje ravnodušnost se ne bi pretvorila u ljubav; kad ne bi bilo ljubavi Božje stranac ne bi postao prijateljem. Ljubav ljudskog svijeta zasjala je iz ljubavi Božje i pojavila se dobrotom i milošću Božjom. |
Second, comes the love of God, the light of which shines in the lamp of the hearts of those who know God; its brilliant rays illuminate the horizon and give to man the life of the Kingdom. In truth, the fruit of human existence is the love of God, for this love is the spirit of life, and the eternal bounty. If the love of God did not exist, the contingent world would be in darkness; if the love of God did not exist, the hearts of men would be dead, and deprived of the sensations of existence; if the love of God did not exist, spiritual union would be lost; if the love of God did not exist, the light of unity would not illuminate humanity; if the love of God did not exist, the East and West, like two lovers, would not embrace each other; if the love of God did not exist, division and disunion would not be changed into fraternity; if the love of God did not exist, indifference would not end in affection; if the love of God did not exist, the stranger would not become the friend. The love of the human world has shone forth from the love of God and has appeared by the bounty and grace of God. |
4 |
Jasno je da je stvarnost čovječanstva raznolika, da se mišljenja i osjećaji razlikuju, a ta se razlika mišljenja, misli, inteligencije, osjećaja među ljudskom vrstom rađa iz suš- tinske potrebe; jer razlike u stupnjevima postojanja stvorenja jedna su od potreba postojanja koje se otkriva u beskonačnom broju oblika. Stoga, imamo potrebu za općom moći koja može vladati osjećajima, mišljenjima i mislima svih, zahvaljujući kojoj ove podjele više ne bi imale učinka, te bi svi pojedinci mogli biti dovedeni pod utjecaj jedinstva svijeta čovječanstva. Jasno je i očito da je ta najveća moć u ljudskom svijetu ljubav Božja. Ona različite narode dovodi u sjenu šatora ljubavi; ona antagonističkim i neprijateljskim narodima i obiteljima pruža najveću ljubav i jedinstvo. |
It is clear that the reality of mankind is diverse, that opinions are various and sentiments different; and this difference of opinions, of thoughts, of intelligence, of sentiments among the human species arises from essential necessity; for the differences in the degrees of existence of creatures is one of the necessities of existence, which unfolds itself in infinite forms. Therefore, we have need of a general power which may dominate the sentiments, the opinions and the thoughts of all, thanks to which these divisions may no longer have effect, and all individuals may be brought under the influence of the unity of the world of humanity. It is clear and evident that this greatest power in the human world is the love of God. It brings the different peoples under the shadow of the tent of affection; it gives to the antagonistic and hostile nations and families the greatest love and union. |
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Vidite koliko je, nakon Kristova vremena, kroz moć ljubavi Božje, naroda, rasa, obitelji i plemena došlo u sjenu Riječi Božje. Podjele i razlike stare tisuću godina potpuno su uništene. Misli o rasi i domovini posve su nestale. Jedinstvo duša i postojanja zauzelo je mjesto, a svi postali iskreni duhovni kršćani. |
See, after the time of Christ, through the power of the love of God, how many nations, races, families and tribes came under the shadow of the Word of God. The divisions and differences of a thousand years were entirely destroyed and annihilated. The thoughts of race and of fatherland completely disappeared. The union of souls and of existences took place; all became true spiritual Christians. |
6 |
Treća vrlina čovječanstva jest dobra volja, koja je osnova dobrih djela. Neki filozofi smatrali su namjeru višom od djela, jer dobra volja je apsolutno svjetlo; ona je očišćena i oslobođena od prljavštine sebičnosti, mržnje, prevare. Dakle, može se dogoditi da čovjek počini neko djelo koje se čini ispravnim, no kojim upravlja pohlepa. Na primjer, mesar uzgaja ovcu i štiti je, no to ispravno djelo mesara vođeno je željom za dobiti, a rezultat te brige je klanje jadne ovce. Kolikim ispravnim djelima upravlja pohlepa! No, dobra je volja oslobođena od takvih prljavština. |
The third virtue of humanity is the goodwill which is the basis of good actions. Certain philosophers have considered intention superior to action, for the goodwill is absolute light; it is purified and sanctified from the impurities of selfishness, of enmity, of deception. Now it may be that a man performs an action which in appearance is righteous, but which is dictated by covetousness. For example, a butcher rears a sheep and protects it; but this righteous action of the butcher is dictated by desire to derive profit, and the result of this care is the slaughter of the poor sheep. How many righteous actions are dictated by covetousness! But the goodwill is sanctified from such impurities. |
7 |
Ukratko, ako se spoznaji Boga pridruži ljubav Božja i privlačivost, ekstaza i dobra volja, ispravno je djelo tada savršeno i potpuno. U suprotnom, premda je dobro djelo hvalevrijedno, ipak – nije li potpomognuto spoznajom Boga, ljubavlju Božjom i iskrenom namjerom – nesavršeno je. Na primjer, čovjekovo biće mora ujediniti sve savršenosti i biti savršeno. Vid je izuzetno dragocjen i cijenjen, no mora biti potpomognut sluhom; i sluh je vrlo cijenjen, no mora biti potpomognut darom govora; sposobnost govora je vrlo prihvatljiva, no mora biti potpomognuta darom razuma, itd. Isto vrijedi i za ostale moći, organe i dijelove čovjeka; kad su sve te moći, ta osjetila, ti organi, ti dijelovi zajedno, on je savršen. |
Briefly, if to the knowledge of God is joined the love of God, and attraction, ecstasy and goodwill, a righteous action is then perfect and complete. Otherwise, though a good action is praiseworthy, yet if it is not sustained by the knowledge of God, the love of God, and a sincere intention, it is imperfect. For example, the being of man must unite all perfections to be perfect. Sight is extremely precious and appreciated, but it must be aided by hearing; the hearing is much appreciated, but it must be aided by the power of speech; the faculty of speech is very acceptable, but it must be aided by the power of reason, and so forth. The same is true of the other powers, organs and members of man; when all these powers, these senses, these organs, these members exist together, he is perfect. |
8 |
Dakle, danas srećemo ljude u svijetu koji uistinu žele sveopće dobro i koji se prema svojoj moći bave zaštitom potlačenih i pomaganjem siromašnima: oni su entuzijasti mira i sveopćeg blagostanja. Premda s ove točke gledišta oni mogu biti savršeni, ako su lišeni spoznaje i ljubavi Božje – nesavršeni su. |
Now, today, we meet with people in the world who, in truth, desire the universal good, and who according to their power occupy themselves in protecting the oppressed and in aiding the poor: they are enthusiastic for peace and the universal well-being. Although from this point of view they may be perfect, if they are deprived of the knowledge and love of God, they are imperfect. |
9 |
Galen, liječnik, u svojoj knjizi u kojoj komentira Platonovu raspravu o umijeću upravljanja,176 kaže da temeljni principi religije imaju golem utjecaj na savršenu civilizaciju jer “mnoštvo ne može razumjeti vezu objasnidbenih riječi; zato ima potrebu za simboličkim riječima koje najavaljuju nagrade i kazne drugoga svijeta; i ono što dokazuje istinu te tvrdnje”, kaže on, “jest da danas vidimo ljude koji se zovu kršćanima koji vjeruju u nagrade i kazne; i ova sekta čini divna djela poput onih koja bi činio istinski filozof. Tako da svi jasno vidimo da se oni ne boje smrti, da ne očekuju i ne žele ništa od mnoštva doli pravdu i pravičnost, te ih smatraju pravim filozofima”. |
Galen, the physician, in his book in which he comments on the treatise of Plato on the art of government,176 says that the fundamental principles of religion have a great influence upon a perfect civilization because “the multitude cannot understand the connection of explanatory words; so it has need of symbolical words announcing the rewards and punishments of the other world; and that which proves the truth of this affirmation,” he says, “is that today we see a people called Christians who believe in rewards and punishments; and this sect show forth beautiful actions like those which a true philosopher performs. So we all see clearly that they do not fear death, that they expect and desire nothing from the multitude but justice and equity, and they are considered as true philosophers.” |
10 |
Zamislite sad koliki je bio stupanj iskrenosti, žara, duhovnog osjećaja, obveze prijateljstva i dobrih djela onoga koji je vjerovao u Krista, kada je Galen, liječnik filozof, premda nije pripadao kršćanskoj religiji, ipak posvjedočio o dobrom moralu i savršenim odlikama tih ljudi, te ih je čak i nazvao istinskim filozofima. Te vrline, taj moral, stečeni su ne samo dobrim djelima, jer kad bi vrlina bila samo stvar primanja i činjenja dobra, kao što je ova svjetiljka upaljena i osvjetljava kuću – nema dvojbe da je ovo svjetlo korisno – zašto onda ne bismo hvalili svjetiljku? Sunce čini da sva bića na zemlji rastu i svojom toplinom i svjetlom daje rast i razvoj: ima li veće koristi od ove? Ipak, budući da ovo dobro ne dolazi od dobre volje i iz ljubavi i spoznaje Boga, nesavršeno je. |
Now observe what was the degree of the sincerity, the zeal, the spiritual feeling, the obligation of friendship, and the good actions of a believer in Christ, so that Galen, the philosophical physician, although he was not of the Christian religion, should yet bear witness to the good morals and the perfections of these people, to the point of saying that they were true philosophers. These virtues, these morals, were obtained not only through good actions, for if virtue were only a matter of obtaining and giving forth good, as this lamp is lighted and illuminates the house—without doubt this illumination is a benefit—then why do we not praise the lamp? The sun causes all the beings of the earth to increase, and by its heat and light gives growth and development: is there a greater benefit than that? Nevertheless, as this good does not come from goodwill and from the love and knowledge of God, it is imperfect. |
11 |
Kad, naprotiv, neki čovjek daje drugome čašu vode, ovaj drugi je zahvalan i zahvaljuje mu. Čovjek će, bez razmišljanja, reći: “Ovo sunce koje daje svjetlo svijetu, tu najvišu dobrotu koja se u njemu očituje, moramo obožavati i hvaliti. Zašto ne bismo bili zahvalni suncu na njegovoj dobroti, kad hvalimo čovjeka koji izvršava jednostavan čin ljubaznosti”? No, tražimo li istinu, vidimo da ta beznačajna ljubaznost čovjekova potječe od svjesnih osjećaja koji postoje; stoga je ona vrijedna hvale, dok svjetlo i toplina sunca ne potječu od osjećaja i svijesti; zato oni nisu vrijedni veličanja i hvale i ne zaslužuju zahvalnost. |
When, on the contrary, a man gives to another a cup of water, the latter is grateful and thanks him. A man, without reflecting, will say, “This sun which gives light to the world, this supreme bounty which is apparent in it, must be adored and praised. Why should we not be grateful and thankful to the sun for its bounty, when we praise a man who performs a simple act of kindness?” But if we look for the truth, we see that this insignificant kindness of the man is due to conscious feelings which exist; therefore, it is worthy of praise, whereas the light and heat of the sun are not due to the feelings and consciousness; therefore, they are not worthy of eulogy or of praise and do not deserve gratitude or thanks. |
12 |
Na isti način, kad osoba izvrši dobro djelo, premda je to hvalevrijedno, ako nije uzrokovano ljubavlju i spoznajom o Bogu, nesavršeno je. Štoviše, ako pravedno promislite, vidjet ćete da su ta dobra djela drugih ljudi koji ne znaju Boga također u osnovi izazvana Božjim učenjima – to znači da su raniji Proroci navodili ljude da čine ta dobra djela, objašnjavali im njihovu ljepotu i obznanjivali njihove sjajne učinke; onda su se ta učenja proširila među ljudima i uspješno do njih doprla, jedno za drugim, i okrenula njihova srca ka tim savršenostima. Kad su ljudi vidjeli da se ta djela smatraju dobrima i postaju uzrokom radosti i sreće za čovječanstvo, priklonili su im se. |
In the same way, when a person performs a good action, although it is praiseworthy, if it is not caused by the love and knowledge of God, it is imperfect. Moreover, if you reflect justly, you will see that these good actions of other men who do not know God are also fundamentally caused by the teachings of God—that is to say, that the former Prophets led men to perform these actions, explained their beauty to them, and declared their splendid effects; then these teachings were diffused among men and reached them successively, one after the other, and turned their hearts toward these perfections. When men saw that these actions were considered beautiful, and became the cause of joy and happiness for mankind, they conformed to them. |
13 |
Stoga ta djela također dolaze od učenja Božjih. No potrebna je pravda da bi se to vidjelo, a ne protuslovlje i rasprave. Hvala Bogu, bili ste u Perziji i vidjeli kako su Perzijanci, kroz svete lahore Bahá’u’lláha, postali dobronamjerni prema čovječanstvu. Ranije, kad bi sreli nekoga druge rase, mučili bi ga i bili ispunjeni krajnjim neprijateljstvom, mržnjom i zlonamjernošću; išli su tako daleko da su na njega bacali blato. Spalili su Evanđelje i Stari zavjet, i ako bi se njihove ruke uprljale dotičući ih, oprali bi ih. Danas oni, u većini izgovaraju i poju, kako i dolikuje, sadržaj tih dviju Knjiga na svojim sastancima i skupštinama, te objašnjavaju njihovo ezoteričko učenje. Oni iskazuju gostoljubivost prema svojim neprijateljima. Prema krvožednim vukovima postupaju kao prema gazelama na ravnicama ljubavi Božje. Vidjeli ste njihove navike i običaje i čuli ste o ponašanju ranijih Perzijanaca. Ta preobrazba morala, to poboljšanje ponašanja i izražavanja – zar su mogući bez pomoći ljubavi Božje? Ne, za ime Božje. Kad bismo, uz pomoć znanosti i znanja željeli predstaviti taj moral i običaje, uistinu bi to uzelo tisuću godina, i oni se ne bi širili u masama. |
Wherefore these actions also come from the teachings of God. But justice is needed to see this, and not controversy and discussion. Praise be to God, you have been to Persia, and you have seen how the Persians, through the holy breezes of Bahá’u’lláh, have become benevolent toward humanity. Formerly, if they met anyone of another race, they tormented him and were filled with the utmost enmity, hatred and malevolence; they went so far as to throw dirt at him. They burned the Gospel and the Old Testament, and if their hands were polluted by touching these books, they washed them. Today the greater number of them recite and chant, as is suitable, the contents of these two Books in their reunions and assemblies, and they expound their esoteric teaching. They show hospitality to their enemies. They treat the bloodthirsty wolves with gentleness, like gazelles in the plains of the love of God. You have seen their customs and habits, and you have heard of the manners of former Persians. This transformation of morals, this improvement of conduct and of words, are they possible otherwise than through the love of God? No, in the name of God. If, by the help of science and knowledge, we wished to introduce these morals and customs, truly it would take a thousand years, and then they would not be spread throughout the masses. |
14 |
Danas, zahvaljujući ljubavi Božjoj, oni su stigli s najvećom lakoćom. |
Today, thanks to the love of God, they are arrived at with the greatest facility. |
15 |
Neka si opomenut, o, posjedniče inteligencije! |
Be admonished, O possessors of intelligence! |